I want to replace rm
by a more informative variant: I would like to see which files will be deleted, along with their size, and I would like this information to use the same coloring as ls. As an example (please imagine the coloring):
# remove -r foo/ bar/*
4K bar/file1
1.2M foo/
6.1M bar/file2
remove -r 3 files, 7.3M [yn]? _
I built on suggestions found in another question, and now have a bash script that I begin to like. I have been using it for a few days without noticing any obvious errors. However, I would appreciate any help with making sure that the script will not misbehave in cases I did not foresee.
Here is my code for the coloring:
du_colored (){
# read ls --color output into ls_colored_array
# use \13 as a trick to handle names with spaces
read -d '\n' -r -a ls_colored_array <<< $(ls -Ad --color "$@" | tr " " "\13")
if [[ ${#ls_colored_array[@]} = 0 ]]; then return 1; fi
# - loop over the array and issue du -sh for every element (without coloring)
# - exchange du's ouput with ls's
# - finally sort the output
for i in "${ls_colored_array[@]}"; do
i=`echo $i | tr "\13" " "`
printf '%s' "${i}" | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g" | \
xargs -n1 -0 du -sh | awk -v i="$i" '{ printf "%-4s ", $1; print i }'
done | sort -h
and the removal script:
# Separate options to rm from 'real' arguments
for i in "$@"; do
case $i in
-*) options+=( "$i" ) ;;
*) toRemove+=( "$i" ) ;;
# Print file list
# Abort if no files match
du_colored "${toRemove[@]}"
if [ "_$?" != "_0" ]; then exit 1; fi
# Print summary
count=$(find "${toRemove[@]}" 2>/dev/null | wc -l 2>/dev/null)
size=$(du -sch "${toRemove[@]}" 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | tr '\t' ' ')
if [ $count -eq 1 ]; then plural=""; fi
printf "remove ${options[@]} ($count file$plural, $size) [ny]? " ; read
if [ "_$REPLY" = "_y" ]; then
/bin/rm ${options[@]} ${toRemove[@]}
echo '(cancelled)'
- Does this look safe in the sense that what
presents is exactly what will be deleted? Both files and directories seem to be treated correctly, even if they include spaces or wildcards. Are there scenarios that I missed? An obvious one are file names that contain a\13
character. - The initial
throws errors for non-existing files, which I like because it mimicks the behavior of regularrm
. However, I currently discard all error messages of the finalfind
commands, such that non-existing files do not produce multiple errors. This seems like a dirty trick. Is there a cleaner way? - Bonus question: Is there an easy way to make the output use multiple columns, just as a regular
would? I tried several ways to pipe the output ofdu_colored
to other tools, but either the colors were lost completely or the control characters for the coloring broke the alignment, as they do inls --color | pr -2 -t