I have a server that is pretty stable (disk capacity) until a certain event occurs and then the drive grows over the course of two days until it is full. I wrote a very simple bash script but I'm not too happy with parts of it. First, I want to be able to see the capacity as a percent down to the tenths place. Also, doing an evaluation I had to strip my value of any decimal places to compare it against my defined threshold. Lastly I feel that I made too much use of cut
where I could've been more efficient. I'd love to get some tips for improvement.
#! /bin/bash
[email protected]
#Check if log file exists
if [ ! -f $prevReading ]
touch $prevReading
prev=$(printf "%0.2f\n" $(bc -l <<< $(df /opt | grep opt | cut -d' ' -f24)/$(df /opt | grep opt | cut -d' ' -f23)*100))
echo $prev > $prevReading
#Get current percentage used of monitored drive
current=$(printf "%0.2f\n" $(bc -l <<< $(df /opt | grep opt | cut -d' ' -f24)/$(df /opt | grep opt | cut -d' ' -f23)*100))
#import previous reading
prev=$(cat $prevReading)
#Calculate the difference
results=$(bc -l <<< $current-$prev )
#Convert to percentage
results100=$(bc <<< $results*100)
#Remove any number after decimal place so that bash can evaluate
rescleanup=$(echo $results100 | cut -d'.' -f1)
#Convert to percentage
percentThreshold100=$(bc -l <<< $percentThreshold*100)
#Check if the difference exceeds the threshold
if [ $rescleanup -gt $percentThreshold100 ]
then printf "\"$monDrive\" has grown $results%% in the past hour.\n\n$(hostname):$(pwd)/$(basename $0)" | mail -s "Disk Alert - $(hostname):$monDrive" $emailAlert
#log current reading for next check
emailecho $current > $prevReading