I am new to Perl and I wrote this Perl script to calculate bytes of code and lines of code in a directory. I want to know if there are any improvements that can be made to it.
# codestats.pl
# A perl script to calculate the number of lines of code in a project
# and what type of lines those code are, such as comments, code, or
# newlines. This script is specific to C/C++, but it should work with any
# language that has the same commenting scheme, so it should probably work
# with java too.
# Henry J Schmale
# April 30, 2015
use strict;
use warnings;
my @srcext = ("*.cpp", "*.c", "*.h", "*.hpp", "*.ino", "*.cxx", "*.cc");
my $commLines = 0; # Lines that start with a comment symbol
my $bothLines = 0; # Lines that have a comment and code
my $newLines = 0; # Lines that are just whitespace
my $codeLines = 0; # Lines of code - lines that don't fit in another space
my $totLines = 0; # Total lines of code
my $srcBytes = 0; # Total Number of bytes in src code
my $fCount = 0; # Number of files read
my $files;
for($a = 0; $a < scalar(@srcext); $a++){
$files .= `find . -name "$srcext[$a]"`;
my @inputs = split("\n", $files);
for($a = 0; $a < scalar(@inputs); $a++){
my $prev = $totLines;
printf("Read %d ln. In %s\n", $totLines - $prev, $inputs[$a]);
# Count the lines in the given file
# The first param is the file to open for counting
sub countLines{
my ($srcfile) = @_;
open(FILE, "<$srcfile") or die "Couldn't open file: $!\n";
my @lines = <FILE>;
for($b = 0; $b < scalar(@lines); $b++){
$srcBytes += length($lines[$b]);
if($lines[$b] =~ /^\s$/){ # is only whitespace ==> newLine
if(($lines[$b] =~ /^\s*\/\//) || # comments only lines
($lines[$b] =~ /^\s*\/\*/) ||
($lines[$b] =~ /^\s*\*/)){
# code + comments
if(($lines[$b] =~ /\/\//) ||
($lines[$b] =~ /\/\*.*\*\//)){
close FILE;
sub calcPercent{
return ($_[0] / $_[1]) * 100.0;
sub printResults{
# print out the results
printf("Read %d Files\n", $fCount);
printf("Average Lines Per File: %d\n", $totLines / $fCount);
printf("Code : %09d ln. %06.3f", $codeLines, calcPercent($codeLines, $totLines));
print "%\n";
printf("Comment : %09d ln. %06.3f", $commLines, calcPercent($commLines, $totLines));
print "%\n";
printf("Blank : %09d ln. %06.3f", $newLines, calcPercent($newLines, $totLines));
print "%\n";
printf("Both : %09d ln. %06.3f", $bothLines, calcPercent($bothLines, $totLines));
print "%\n";
printf("Total : %09d ln.\n", $totLines);
printf("CodeSize: %09d bytes\n", $srcBytes);