I have written this Perl code, and there is still more to add, however I was hoping that I could get some opinions on whether it could be written better.
Specifically, there is a central if
structure. Should I make this a subroutine or not? What's best practice?
Also, look at the 2nd block of code, and let me know if it's worth it to change this to a subroutine (either put entire if
into sub, or just the inner portion).
Generally, I'm just wondering if there are some better tricks to get the same job done. Perhaps using a array of hashes instead of array of arrays? For easier read. Would this prevent eq matches from appearing?
First, the declarations:
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => "all";
require 'verbTenseChanger.pl';
my $chapter_section = "chpt"."31_4";
my $search_key = "move";
my $category_id = "all";
# --- Files --- #
open(my $parse_corpus, '<', "parsed${chapter_section}.txt") or die $!;
# --- Different forms of the Searchword --- #
my @temp_changeverbforms = map changeVerbForm( $search_key, 0, $_ ), 1..4;
my @verbforms;
push (@verbforms, $search_key);# Watch extra for loop
foreach my $temp_changeverbforms (@temp_changeverbforms) {
push (@verbforms, $temp_changeverbforms) unless ($temp_changeverbforms eq "");
# --- Variables for required info from parser --- #
my @entirechapter = <$parse_corpus>;
my $chapternumber;
my $sentencenumber;
my $sentence;
my $grammar_relation;
my $argument1;
my $argument2;
my @all_matches;
my $entirechapter = join ('',@entirechapter); ##Flatten file (make one big string)
#To get each sent. and info in one string:
my @sentblocks = split (/Parsing\s/,$entirechapter);##Remove "Parsing" which is on the line of the chptnumber
$chapternumber = $sentblocks[1]; ## file: chpt... will always be at [1]
# --- Retrieve necessary info from text --- #
#Loop through all the sentences, and for each check every form of searchverb
foreach my $sentblock (@sentblocks) {
foreach my $verbform (@verbforms) {
##"next" skips to next iteration of loop, substitute for an over-arching if statement
next unless ($sentblock =~ /\b$verbform\b/i); ##Ensure the sentence contains the searchkey
next unless ($sentblock =~ /\(VB\w*\s+\b$verbform\b\)\s+/i); ##Ensure searchkey is a verb
#Sent.number and Sentence:
next unless ($sentblock =~ /\[(sent. \d+) len. \d+\]: \[(.+)\]/); ##Remember, talking about the whole block here
$sentencenumber = $1;
$sentence = $2;
$sentence =~ s/, / /g;
Here is the if
that may or may not be converted to a subroutine:
#Dependencies (relations and arguments):
if ($category_id eq "all") {
my @lines = split ("\n",$sentblock); ##Split by a newline
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my @matches;
next unless ($line =~ /\b$verbform\b/i); ##Ensure dependency contains searchword
next unless ($line =~ /subj\w*\(|obj\w*\(|prep\w*\(|xcomp\w*\(|agent\w*\(|purpcl\w*\(|conj_and\w*\(/); ##Ensure dependency only contains desired grammar relations
next unless ($line =~ /(\w+)\((\w+)\-\d+\,\s(\w+)\-\d+\)/); ##Ensure dependency is a dependency AND get info from it
$grammar_relation = $1;
$argument1 = $2;
$argument2 = $3;
next if ($argument1 eq $argument2); ##Ensure 1st and 2nd argument aren't the same
next if ($grammar_relation =~ /xcomp/i and $argument2 !~ /\b$verbform\b/i); ##Ensure for xcomp the searchword is the 2nd argument
next if ($argument1 =~ /^\S$/ or $argument2 =~ /^\S$/); ##Exclude if argument is only 1 character
push(@matches, $chapternumber, $sentencenumber, $sentence, $grammar_relation, $argument1, $argument2); ##All here, so either all get pushed or none (no holes in array)
push @all_matches, \@matches;
elsif ($category_id eq "subj") {
my @lines = split ("\n",$sentblock); ##Split by a newline
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my @matches;
next unless ($line =~ /\b$verbform\b/i); ##Ensure dependency contains searchword
next unless ($line =~ /subj\w*\(|agent\w*\(/); ##Ensure dependency only contains desired grammar relations
next unless ($line =~ /(\w+)\((\w+)\-\d+\,\s(\w+)\-\d+\)/); ##Ensure dependency is a dependency AND get info from it
$grammar_relation = $1;
$argument1 = $2;
$argument2 = $3;
next if ($argument1 eq $argument2); ##Ensure 1st and 2nd argument aren't the same
next if ($argument1 =~ /^\S$/ or $argument2 =~ /^\S$/); ##Exclude if argument is only 1 character
push(@matches, $chapternumber, $sentencenumber, $sentence, $grammar_relation, $argument1, $argument2);
push @all_matches, \@matches;
elsif ($category_id eq "xcomp") {
my @lines = split ("\n",$sentblock); ##Split by a newline
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my @matches;
next unless ($line =~ /\b$verbform\b/i); ##Ensure dependency contains searchword
next unless ($line =~ /xcomp\w*\(|conj_and\w*\(|prep_by\w*\(|purpcl\w*\(/); ##Ensure dependency only contains desired grammar relations
next unless ($line =~ /(\w+)\((\w+)\-\d+\,\s(\w+)\-\d+\)/); ##Ensure dependency is a dependency AND get info from it
$grammar_relation = $1;
$argument1 = $2;
$argument2 = $3;
next if ($argument1 eq $argument2); ##Ensure 1st and 2nd argument aren't the same
next if ($grammar_relation =~ /xcomp/i and $argument2 !~ /\b$verbform\b/i); ##Ensure for xcomp the searchword is the 2nd argument
next if ($argument1 =~ /^\S$/ or $argument2 =~ /^\S$/); ##Exclude if argument is only 1 character
push(@matches, $chapternumber, $sentencenumber, $sentence, $grammar_relation, $argument1, $argument2);
push @all_matches, \@matches;
elsif ($category_id eq "obj" or $category_id eq "prep") {
my @lines = split ("\n",$sentblock); ##Split by a newline
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my @matches;
next unless ($line =~ /\b$verbform\b/i); ##Ensure dependency contains searchword
next unless ($line =~ /$category_id\w*\(/); ##Ensure dependency only contains desired grammar relations
next unless ($line =~ /(\w+)\((\w+)\-\d+\,\s(\w+)\-\d+\)/); ##Ensure dependency is a dependency AND get info from it
$grammar_relation = $1;
$argument1 = $2;
$argument2 = $3;
next if ($argument1 eq $argument2); ##Ensure 1st and 2nd argument aren't the same
next if ($argument1 =~ /^\S$/ or $argument2 =~ /^\S$/); ##Exclude if argument is only 1 character
push(@matches, $chapternumber, $sentencenumber, $sentence, $grammar_relation, $argument1, $argument2);
push @all_matches, \@matches;
#To make the if elsif into subroutine: Name:get_all_matches Pass In: ($sentblock, $verbform, $chapternumber, $sentencenumber, $sentence) Return: @allmatches (if needed, return reference)
And then to print:
# --- Loop through all Matches --- #
for my $arrayref (@all_matches) {
#for my $item (@$arrayref) {
print @$arrayref, "\n\n\n";
#Sort by what?? 1.grammar_relation 2.arguments 3.alphabetical
#But how to print heading only once? use hash?
# How to sort by frequency (ie. sort by the number sentences with the same grammar_relation AND arg1 AND arg2)
You can ignore the comments of the last one, or give me some bonus pointers from experience. Later, I have to sort the results. Would the sorting be done before that last step?
Here's the format of the input if you're really inclined on understanding the code:
Parsing file: chpt31_4.txt
Parsing [sent. 15 len. 9]: [These, animals, move, slowly, or, not, at, all, .]
(NP (DT These) (NNS animals))
(VP (VBP move)
(ADVP (RB slowly)
(CC or)
(RB not))
(ADVP (IN at) (DT all)))
(. .)))det(animals-2, These-1)
nsubj(move-3, animals-2)
advmod(move-3, slowly-4)
advmod(move-3, not-6)
conj_or(slowly-4, not-6)
advmod(move-3, at-7)
pobj(at-7, all-8)