Is there a function or some easier way to draw this, each of this little circles should have 8 other smaller circles around them like the big circle... So far i made big circle in center with 8 smaller circles using canvas
from Tkinter import *
canvas = Canvas(width=700, height=700, bg='black')
canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
canvas.create_oval(240, 240, 410, 410, width=2, fill='yellow') #big circle
canvas.create_oval(140, 140, 210, 210, width=2, fill='yellow') #10h
canvas.create_oval(440, 440, 510, 510, width=2, fill='yellow') #16h
canvas.create_oval(285, 100, 355, 170, width=2, fill='yellow') #12h
canvas.create_oval(285, 480, 355, 550, width=2, fill='yellow') #18h
canvas.create_oval(440, 140, 510, 210, width=2, fill='yellow') #13h
canvas.create_oval(140, 440, 210, 510, width=2, fill='yellow') #19h
canvas.create_oval(100, 285, 170, 355, width=2, fill='yellow') #21h
canvas.create_oval(480, 285, 550, 355, width=2, fill='yellow') #15h
canvas.create_line(320, 170, 320, 250, fill="yellow")
canvas.create_line(320, 400, 320, 480, fill="yellow")
canvas.create_line(170, 320, 250, 320, fill="yellow")
canvas.create_line(400, 320, 480, 320, fill="yellow")
canvas.create_line(200, 200, 275, 275, fill="yellow")
canvas.create_line(450, 200, 375, 275, fill="yellow")
canvas.create_line(185, 465, 270, 380, fill="yellow")
canvas.create_line(480, 480, 380, 380, fill="yellow")