I am processing around 3 billion records using this piece of code. It's pretty slow; it would be really helpful if you could suggest better ways to do this.
Created on 27-Mar-2015
@author: siddarth
import rake
import multiprocessing as mp
import time
import os
import csv
filename = 'Large_Input_File.csv'
outName = 'Large_Output_File.csv'
BYTES_PER_MB = 1048576
start = time.time()
def elapsed():
return time.time() - start
''' Worker function used to call rake
This method basically calls the rake class which returns a
list of keywords, also each process
writes to a different output file'''
def fileparser_worker(filename, start, end, c):
outFileName = outName + str(c)
outFile = open(outFileName,'w')
with open(filename) as inFile:
lines = inFile.readlines(end-start)
for line in lines:
title = line.split('\t')
keywords = rake.execute_rake(title[2])
print('Index out of bound error due to NULL Values')
for keyword in range(0,len(keywords)):
outFile.write(keywords[keyword][0] + '\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
start = time.time()
chunk_start = 0
chunk_size = 512 * BYTES_PER_MB
chunk_end = 512 * BYTES_PER_MB
filesize = os.path.getsize(filename)
print '\n%.3fs: file has %s rows' % (elapsed(), filesize)
c = 0
pause = 0
iterations = (filesize / chunk_size) + 1
''' Chunk the file '''
with open(filename) as inFile:
while c < iterations:
if chunk_start + chunk_size > filesize:
chunk_end = filesize
chunk_end = chunk_start + chunk_size
line = inFile.readline()
if line == '':
chunk_end = inFile.tell()
print("Start chunk",chunk_start)
''' Initializing Processes '''
proc = mp.Process(target=fileparser_worker, args = (filename,chunk_start,chunk_end, c) )
pause += 1
print("End chunk",chunk_end)
chunk_start = chunk_end
c += 1
''' Making sure that there are atmost 4 processes
running at a single point of time,
cause I have a 4 core machine'''
if pause == 4:
proc.join() # Waits for processes to close
pause = 0
proc.join() # Close off any running processes
print("TOTAL TIME TAKEN",elapsed())
Below are some metrics which may help you to understand what's going on under the hood.
File Size = 18GB
Usage Metrics:
CPU Usage = 99% ( Using 4 Processes )
RAM Usage = 30% ( May be I can use more RAM to improve performance ? )
I am not familiar with multiprocessing. I've learned about it today and wrote some sample code based on what I understood.