The obvious issue with this is that you first build the list of all keywords and then count them. It would make more sense to count them while you process each line. collections.Counter
supports this with an overridden update
>>> c = Counter([1, 2, 3])
>>> c
Counter({1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1})
>>> c.update([1, 4])
>>> c
Counter({1: 2, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1})
Which you can use in your case like this:
from collections import Counter
import csv
import bz2
c = Counter()
with bz2.BZ2File("keywords.csv.bz2") as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for idx, row in enumerate(reader):
c.update(term.strip().lower() for term in row)
if idx % 100000 == 0:
print idx
with open("counts.txt", 'w+') as fl:
for k, v in c.most_common():
fl.write("{} | {}\n".format(k, v))
I don't see the reason for for term in row
, the CSV reader already splits the row into a list, so I left it out/moved it into the generator.
You should test the performance of
c.update(term.strip().lower() for term in row)
c.update(map(lower, map(strip, row)))
c.update(map(lambda term: term.strip().lower(), row))
with your file, because I'm not sure how well the double map is implemented in Python 2.x in comparison to using a lambda or a generator expression.
As an additional aside, it might makes sense to not do the update
on every iteration, but buffer it for some number of counts. You could use the print as an already existing check to write it out. With this code:
from collections import Counter
import csv
import bz2
c = Counter()
buf = []
with bz2.BZ2File("keywords.csv.bz2") as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for idx, row in enumerate(reader):
buf.extend(term.strip().lower() for term in row)
if idx % 100000 == 0:
print idx
buf = []
with open("counts.txt", 'w+') as fl:
for k, v in c.most_common():
fl.write("{} | {}\n".format(k, v))
I get some 25% speed increase on my local test file (which has a lot of repeated lines). At this point it becomes a trade-off between the cost of update
and extend
. in my normal code, this determines the runtime:
29877245 function calls (29877242 primitive calls) in 8.559 seconds
999181 2.756 0.000 7.515 0.000
For the second code it is somewhat shared between update
and extend
and lower in the sum
23882242 function calls (23882239 primitive calls) in 5.870 seconds
12 1.421 0.118 1.791 0.149
999180 0.779 0.000 3.065 0.000 {method 'extend' of 'list' objects}
I also tried basically your approach, updating the counter only at the end. This is about another 0.2 seconds faster at the cost of potentially unlimited memory usage.