I'm trying to generate prediction bands for an exponential fit to some 2-dimensional data (available here).
The data (blue points), best fit found by scipy.optimize.curve_fit
(red curve), and lower & upper 95% prediction bands (green curves) can be seen in the image below.
I'd love some confirmation that the code is actually doing things correctly and I haven't missed some step or simply used the wrong statistical tools.
The references I used are basically this post, and this video, both adapted to work with a general function, rather than being hardcoded to work with a linear function of the form \$y = a*x+b\$.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy import stats
def make_plot(x, xd, yd, popt, upb, lpb):
# Plot data.
plt.scatter(xd, yd)
# Plot best fit curve.
plt.plot(x, func(x, *popt), c='r')
# Prediction band (upper)
plt.plot(x, upb, c='g')
# Prediction band (lower)
plt.plot(x, lpb, c='g')
def func(x, a, b, c):
'''Exponential 3-param function.'''
return a * np.exp(b * x) + c
def predband(x, xd, yd, f_vars, conf=0.95):
Code adapted from Rodrigo Nemmen's post:
Calculates the prediction band of the regression model at the
desired confidence level.
Clarification of the difference between confidence and prediction bands:
"The prediction bands are further from the best-fit line than the
confidence bands, a lot further if you have many data points. The 95%
prediction band is the area in which you expect 95% of all data points
to fall. In contrast, the 95% confidence band is the area that has a
95% chance of containing the true regression line."
(from http://www.graphpad.com/guides/prism/6/curve-fitting/index.htm?
- x: array with x values to calculate the confidence band.
- xd, yd: data arrays.
- a, b, c: linear fit parameters.
- conf: desired confidence level, by default 0.95 (2 sigma)
1. http://www.JerryDallal.com/LHSP/slr.htm, Introduction to Simple Linear
Regression, Gerard E. Dallal, Ph.D.
alpha = 1. - conf # Significance
N = xd.size # data sample size
var_n = len(f_vars) # Number of variables used by the fitted function.
# Quantile of Student's t distribution for p=(1 - alpha/2)
q = stats.t.ppf(1. - alpha / 2., N - var_n)
# Std. deviation of an individual measurement (Bevington, eq. 6.15)
se = np.sqrt(1. / (N - var_n) * np.sum((yd - func(xd, *f_vars)) ** 2))
# Auxiliary definitions
sx = (x - xd.mean()) ** 2
sxd = np.sum((xd - xd.mean()) ** 2)
# Predicted values (best-fit model)
yp = func(x, *f_vars)
# Prediction band
dy = q * se * np.sqrt(1. + (1. / N) + (sx / sxd))
# Upper & lower prediction bands.
lpb, upb = yp - dy, yp + dy
return lpb, upb
# Read data from file.
xd, yd = np.loadtxt('exponential_data.dat', unpack=True)
# Find best fit of data with 3-parameters exponential function.
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, xd, yd)
# Generate equi-spaced x values.
x = np.linspace(xd.min(), xd.max(), 100)
# Call function to generate lower an upper prediction bands.
lpb, upb = predband(x, xd, yd, popt, conf=0.95)
# Plot.
make_plot(x, xd, yd, popt, upb, lpb)