
How can I re-factor the code to remove duplication and create a common method ?


    $("#a", "#main").bind("mouseover", function(){
              var id1 = $("#one").text(),
                  args = ["DCSext.common1","common1","DCSext.common2","DCSext.title","one", "DCSext.ti", id1];

              dcsMultitrack.apply(this, args);

    $("#b", "#cool").bind("click", function(){
           var id2 = $("#two").text(),
               args = ["DCSext.common1","common1","DCSext.common2","DCSext.title", "two", "DCSext.some", id2];
               dcsMultitrack.apply(this, args);

    $("body").delegate("a", "click", function(){
         var id3 = $("#three").text(),
               args = ["DCSext.common1","common1","DCSext.common2","DCSext.new", "what", "DCSext.where", "us"];
               dcsMultitrack.apply(this, args);


I have some common logs which are almost repeated in all callbacks. I can use a variable like

var commonlogs = ["DCSext.common1","common1","DCSext.common2","common2", "DCSext.common3", "common3" ];

i can use commonlogs.push("DCSext.title","one","DCSext.ti", "two"). But not finding a proper way to re-factoring repeating the DCSext stuff again and again since its very granular level .

Thanks for any advice or suggestions.

  • \$\begingroup\$ @paul Can you clarify your problem? I don't understand what you mean by "common logs". Are you referring to the args array you're passing into dcsMultitrack()? The commonlogs array you posted includes some strings that aren't in any of the above args arrays. \$\endgroup\$
    – seand
    Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 2:05
  • \$\begingroup\$ @seand purpose of including commonlogs variable is to move out repeated strings from the existing arrays in callback function .If you see my top code mostly ["DCSext.common1","common1","DCSext.common2"] been repeated almost in all callback function .So I can extract into an variable and can just do commonlogs.push(extra strings) but i do not think it i san elegent solution .So looking for some other advice. Thanks \$\endgroup\$
    – paul
    Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 6:43

1 Answer 1


There is not much you can do, the only thing I would suggest is to use concat instead of push, this way you can keep re-using commonLogs, and maybe have 1 commonLogs per group.


  var commonLogs = [ [] ];
  commonLogs[1]  = ["DCSext.common1","common1"];
  commonLogs[2]  = commonLogs[1].concat( ["DCSext.common2","common2"] );
  commonLogs[3]  = commonLogs[2].concat( ["DCSext.common3","common3"] );

Then you can


  $("#a", "#main").bind("mouseover", function(){
          var id1 = $("#one").text(),
              args = commonLogs[2].concat( ["DCSext.title","one", "DCSext.ti", id1] );
          dcsMultitrack.apply(this, args);

  $("#b", "#cool").bind("click", function(){
       var id2 = $("#two").text(),
           args = commonLogs[2].concat( ["DCSext.title", "two", "DCSext.some", id2] );
       dcsMultitrack.apply(this, args);

  $("body").delegate("a", "click", function(){
     var args = commonLogs[2].concat( ["DCSext.new", "what", "DCSext.where", "us"] );
     dcsMultitrack.apply(this, args);


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