I'm reluctant to ask this question. My code below works, it's intelligible, and it seems reasonably efficient. It's just that there's a trivial, nitpicky issue that's driving me crazy. The function maxes
below collects all elements of a sequence that are "maximum" according to some criterion.
;; Example of use of maxes
;; Collect all maps with the maximum value for `:a`:
(maxes :a [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 4 :b 5} {:a 5 :b 5} {:b 3 :a 5}])
;;=> [{:b 5, :a 5} {:b 3, :a 5}]
(defn- maxes-helper
"Helper function for maxes."
[f s best-val collected]
(if (empty? s)
(let [new-elt (first s)
new-val (f new-elt)]
(cond (== new-val best-val) (recur f (rest s) best-val (conj collected new-elt))
(> new-val best-val) (recur f (rest s) new-val [new-elt])
:else (recur f (rest s) best-val collected)))))
(defn maxes
"Returns a sequence of elements from s, each with the maximum value of (f element)."
[f s]
(if (empty? s)
(let [new-elt (first s)
new-val (f new-elt)]
(maxes-helper f (rest s) new-val [new-elt]))))
What's really bugging me that I have to test for emptiness of the input collection s
both in the top-level function and in the tail-recursive helper function. I also want to add a custom exception when (f new-elt)
is non-numeric, and so I need to test that twice, both for new-val
and for first call to (f new-elt)
that becomes the first best
. So I've got a trivial amount of duplication of code, and I keep thinking that there must be a way to get rid of the duplication. But I can't see how to do this (without testing that best
is numeric on every iteration). Am I missing something obvious (or non-obvious)?
(BTW I wrote another version using reduce
, but it's about twice as slow, according to Criterium.)