String.prototype.replaceAll = function(find, replace) {
if (typeof find == 'string') return this.split(find).join(replace);
var t = this, i, j;
while (typeof(i = find.shift()) == 'string' && typeof(j = replace.shift()) == 'string') t = t.replaceAll(i || '', j || '');
return t;
function html(input) {
return input.toString().replaceAll(['&', '<', '"'], ['&', '<', '"']);
function markdown(src) {
var h = '',
i = 0;
function inlineEscape(s) {
return html(s)
.replace(/!\[([^\]]*)]\(([^(]+)\)/g, '<img alt="$1" src="$2">')
.replace(/\[([^\]]+)]\(([^(]+)\)/g, '$1'.link('$2'))
.replace(/([^"])(https?:\/\/([^\s"]+))/g, '$1$3'.link('$1$2'))
.replace(/^(https?:\/\/([^\s"]+))/g, '$2'.link('$1'))
.replace(/`([^`]+)`/g, '<code>$1</code>')
.replace(/\*\*([^*]+)\*\*/g, '<strong>$1</strong>')
.replace(/\*([^*]+)\*/g, '<em>$1</em>');
src.replace(/\r|\s+$/g, '').replace(/\t/g, ' ').split(/\n\n+/).forEach(function(b, f, R) {
f = b.substr(0, 2);
R = {
'* ': [(/\n\* /), '<ul><li>', '</li></ul>'],
'- ': [(/\n- /), '<ul><li>', '</li></ul>'],
' ': [(/\n /),'<pre><code>', '</code></pre>', '\n'],
'> ': [(/\n> /),'<blockquote>', '</blockquote>', '\n']
if (b.match(/\n[1-9]\d*\. /)) R = [(/\n[1-9]\d*\. /), '<ol><li>', '</li></ol>'];
if (b.match(/\n[1-9]\d*\) /)) R = [(/\n[1-9]\d*\) /), '<ol><li>', '</li></ol>'];
f = b[0];
if (R) h += R[1] + ('\n' + b).split(R[0]).slice(1).map(R[3] ? html : inlineEscape).join(R[3] || '</li>\n<li>') + R[2];
else if (f == '#') h += '<h' + Math.min(6, f = b.indexOf(' ')) + '>' + inlineEscape(b.slice(f + 1)) + '</h' + Math.min(6, f) + '>';
else {
h += '<p>' + inlineEscape(b) + '</p>';
if (i == 1) return inlineEscape(src);
return h;
The string prototype lets me do things like:
fileContents.replaceAll(['$mythingtoreplace1', '$mythingtoreplace2'], ['data1', 'data2'])
I know modifying native object prototypes is controversial…
is a html escape.markdown()
is a markdown -> html converter.
Since this will be injected into the page, it must be secure. Not sure about my regexes…
.replace(/([^"])(https?:\/\/([^\s"]+))/g, '$1$3'.link('$1$2'))
.replace(/^(https?:\/\/([^\s"]+))/g, '$2'.link('$1'))
^ This also seems kind of wrong.
What can I improve here?
Do not modify objects you don't own \$\endgroup\$