I made another markdown parser. (original, this one on github). Look, I'm not crazy (sorta), I just like making markdown parsers…
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(find, replace) {
if (typeof find == 'string') return this.split(find).join(replace);
var t = this, i, j;
while (typeof(i = find.shift()) == 'string' && typeof(j = replace.shift()) == 'string') t = t.replaceAll(i || '', j || '');
return t;
function html(input, replaceQuoteOff) {
if (replaceQuoteOff) return input.toString().replaceAll(['&', '<'], ['&', '<']);
return input.toString().replaceAll(['&', '<', '"'], ['&', '<', '"']);
function inlineMarkdown(input) {
var backslash = Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(backslash) != -1) backslash = Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\\\', backslash);
var graveaccent = Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(graveaccent) != -1 || [backslash].indexOf(graveaccent) != -1) graveaccent = Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\`', graveaccent);
var asterisk = Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(asterisk) != -1 || [backslash, graveaccent].indexOf(asterisk) != -1) asterisk = Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\*', asterisk);
var underscore = Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(underscore) != -1 || [backslash, graveaccent, asterisk].indexOf(underscore) != -1) underscore = Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\_', underscore);
var dash = Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(dash) != -1 || [backslash, graveaccent, asterisk, underscore].indexOf(dash) != -1) dash = Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\-', dash);
var plus = Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(plus) != -1 || [backslash, graveaccent, asterisk, underscore, dash].indexOf(plus) != -1) plus = Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\+', plus);
var dot = Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(dot) != -1 || [backslash, graveaccent, asterisk, underscore, dash, plus].indexOf(dot) != -1) dot = Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\.', dot);
var hash = Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(hash) != -1 || [backslash, graveaccent, asterisk, underscore, dash, plus, dot].indexOf(hash) != -1) hash = Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\#', hash);
var gt = Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(gt) != -1 || [backslash, graveaccent, asterisk, underscore, dash, plus, dot, hash].indexOf(gt) != -1) gt = Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\>', gt);
var paren = '#' + Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(paren) != -1) paren = '#' + Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\(', paren);
var cparen = '#' + Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(cparen) != -1 || [paren].indexOf(cparen) != -1) cparen = '#' + Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\)', cparen);
var carrot = '#' + Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(carrot) != -1 || [paren, cparen].indexOf(carrot) != -1) carrot = '#' + Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\^', carrot);
var dollar = '#' + Math.random().toString();
while (input.indexOf(dollar) != -1 || [paren, cparen, carrot].indexOf(dollar) != -1) dollar = '#' + Math.random().toString();
input = input.replaceAll('\\$', dollar);
var open = [];
return input.split('`').map(function(val, i, arr) {
if (i % 2) return '<code>' + html(val.replaceAll([backslash, graveaccent, asterisk, underscore, dash, plus, dot, hash, gt, paren, cparen, carrot, dollar], ['\\\\', '\\`', '\\*', '\\_', '\\-', '\\+', '\\.', '\\#', '\\>', '\\(', '\\)', '\\^'])) + '</code>';
var parsed = val.split('*').map(function(val, i, arr) {
var parsed = val.split('_').map(function(val, i, arr) {
var parsed = val.split('---').map(function(val, i, arr) {
var parsed = val.split('+++').map(function(val, i, arr) {
var parsed = html(val.replaceAll([backslash, graveaccent, asterisk, underscore, dash, plus, dot, hash, gt], ['\\', '`', '*', '_', '-', '+', '.', '#', '>']), true)
.replace(/!\[([^\]]+)]\(([^\s("\\]+\.[^\s()"\\]+)\)/g, '<img alt="$1" src="$2" />')
.replace(/\[([^\]]+)]\((https?:\/\/[^\s("\\]+\.[^\s()"\\]+)\)/g, '$1'.link('$2'))
.replace(/([^;["\\])(https?:\/\/([^\s("\\]+\.[^\s()"\\]+))/g, '$1' + '$3'.link('$2'))
.replace(/^(https?:\/\/([^\s("\\]+\.[^\s()"\\]+))/g, '$2'.link('$1'))
.replace(/\^(\w+)/g, '<sup>$1</sup>');
if (i % 2) {
var p = open.indexOf('</ins>')
if (p != -1) {
open.splice(p, 1);
return '</ins>' + parsed;
} else if (arr[i + 1] === undefined) {
return '<ins>' + parsed;
return i % 2 ? '<ins>' + parsed + '</ins>' : parsed;
if (i % 2) {
var p = open.indexOf('</del>');
if (p != -1) {
open.splice(p, 1);
return '</del>' + parsed;
} else if (arr[i + 1] === undefined) {
return '<del>' + parsed;
return i % 2 ? '<del>' + parsed + '</del>' : parsed;
if (i % 2) {
var p = open.indexOf('</strong>');
if (p != -1) {
open.splice(p, 1);
return '</strong>' + parsed;
} else if (arr[i + 1] === undefined) {
return '<strong>' + parsed;
return i % 2 ? '<strong>' + parsed + '</strong>' : parsed;
if (i % 2) {
var p = open.indexOf('</em>');
if (p != -1) {
open.splice(p, 1);
return '</em>' + parsed;
} else if (arr[i + 1] === undefined) {
return '<em>' + parsed;
return i % 2 ? '<em>' + parsed + '</em>' : parsed;
return parsed.replace(/\^\(([^)]+)\)/g, '<sup>$1</sup>').replace(/\$\(([^)]+)\)/g, '<sub>$1</sub>').replaceAll([paren, cparen, carrot, dollar], ['(', ')', '^', '$']);
}).join('') + open.join('');
function markdown(input) {
if (input.indexOf('\n') == -1 && input.substr(0, 2) != '> ' && input.substr(0, 2) != '- ' && input.substr(0, 2) != '* ' && input.substr(0, 4) != ' ' && input[0] != '\t' && !input.match(/^(\w+[.)]|#{1,6}) /)) return inlineMarkdown(input);
var blockquote = '',
ul = '',
ol = '',
li = '',
code = '';
return input.split('\n').map(function(val, i, arr) {
if (!val) return '';
var f;
if (val.substr(0, 2) == '> ') {
val = val.substr(2);
if (arr[i + 1] && arr[i + 1].substr(0, 2) == '> ') {
blockquote += val + '\n';
return '';
} else {
var arg = blockquote + val;
blockquote = '';
return '<blockquote>' + markdown(arg) + '</blockquote>';
} else if (val.substr(0, 2) == '- ' || val.substr(0, 2) == '* ') {
if (!ul) ul = '<ul>';
val = val.substr(2);
if (li) {
ul += '<li>' + markdown(li) + '</li>';
li = '';
if (arr[i + 1] && (arr[i + 1].substr(0, 2) == '- ' || arr[i + 1] && arr[i + 1].substr(0, 2) == '* ')) {
ul += '<li>' + inlineMarkdown(val) + '</li>';
return '';
} else if (arr[i + 1] && (arr[i + 1][0] == '\t' || arr[i + 1] && arr[i + 1].substr(0, 4) == ' ')) {
li += val + '\n';
return '';
} else {
var arg = ul + '<li>' + markdown(val) + '</li>';
ul = '';
return arg + '</ul>';
} else if (f = val.match(/^\w+[.)] /)) {
if (!ol) ol = '<ol>';
val = val.substr(f[0].length);
if (li) {
ol += '<li>' + markdown(li) + '</li>';
li = '';
if (arr[i + 1] && arr[i + 1].match(/^\w+[.)] /)) {
ol += '<li>' + inlineMarkdown(val) + '</li>';
return '';
} else if (arr[i + 1] && (arr[i + 1][0] == '\t' || arr[i + 1] && arr[i + 1].substr(0, 4) == ' ')) {
li += val + '\n';
return '';
} else {
var arg = ol + '<li>' + inlineMarkdown(val) + '</li>';
ol = '';
return arg + '</ol>';
} else if (li && val[0] == '\t') {
li += val.substr(1) + '\n';
if (ul && (!arr[i + 1] || (arr[i + 1][0] != '\t' && arr[i + 1].substr(0, 4) != ' ' && arr[i + 1].substr(2) != '- ' && arr[i + 1].substr(2) != '* '))) {
var arg = ul + '<li>' + markdown(li) + '</li>';
li = '';
return arg + '</ul>';
} else if (ol && (!arr[i + 1] || (arr[i + 1][0] != '\t' && arr[i + 1].substr(0, 4) != ' ' && !arr[i + 1].match(/^\w+[.)] /)))) {
var arg = ol + '<li>' + markdown(li) + '</li>';
li = '';
return arg + '</ol>';
return '';
} else if (li && val.substr(0, 4) == ' ') {
li += val.substr(4) + '\n';
if (ul && (!arr[i + 1] || (arr[i + 1][0] != '\t' && arr[i + 1].substr(0, 4) != ' ' && arr[i + 1].substr(2) != '- ' && arr[i + 1].substr(2) != '* '))) {
var arg = ul + '<li>' + markdown(li) + '</li>';
li = '';
return arg + '</ul>';
} else if (ol && (!arr[i + 1] || (arr[i + 1][0] != '\t' && arr[i + 1].substr(0, 4) != ' ' && !arr[i + 1].match(/^\w+[.)] /)))) {
var arg = ol + '<li>' + markdown(li) + '</li>';
li = '';
return arg + '</ol>';
return '';
} else if (val[0] == '\t') {
code += val.substr(1);
if (!arr[i + 1] || (arr[i + 1].substr(0, 4) != ' ' && arr[i + 1][0] != '\t')) {
var arg = html(code);
code = '';
return '<code class="blk">' + arg + '</code>';
} else code += '\n';
return '';
} else if (val.substr(0, 4) == ' ') {
code += val.substr(4);
if (!arr[i + 1] || (arr[i + 1].substr(0, 4) != ' ' && arr[i + 1][0] != '\t')) {
var arg = html(code);
code = '';
return '<code class="blk">' + arg + '</code>';
} else code += '\n';
return '';
} else if ((f = val.match(/^#{1,6} /)) && (f = f[0].length - 1)) {
return '<h' + f + '>' + inlineMarkdown(val.substr(f + 1)) + '</h' + f + '>';
} else return '<p>' + inlineMarkdown(val) + '</p>';
> markdown('*hi*')
There's the String.prototype.replaceAll
thing that people might object to. But it's subjective, there's pros and cons, and I like it. And that part is human-optimized because it's used everywhere.
This is supposed to work on a node server too, so I can't use the DOM for html escapement. And since I don't use single quotes in my HTML, I don't bother replacing that. >
doesn't seem to matter either.
replaces literal characters with random strings so the nested array splitting/mappings don't think they're for formatting, before they are converted back to either the literal character or the original string in the case of inline code. I'm kind of concerned about the nesting and repetition… Should I make the random string generation be a separate function? Should I keep an array of literal character replacements? Is there a better way to write the nested split/maps? Is this method efficient?
operates line-by-line and figures out what to do based on the first characters of the line. For multi-line things (like lists) it appends the line to a variable and deals with its contents in the end of that chunk. It calls itself recursively for blockquotes and nestey-things. Would it be possible to split not by line, but by chunk? Maybe a nasty regex. Could the repetition with ol
and ul
be avoided? Do I have HTML (XHTML-level strictness) or XSS errors?
I know I'm reinventing the wheel here (again). And I'm not following commonmark (in fact *
is only for italic and _
is for bold). But apart from that, is there anything I can improve in this code?
factors in a markdown parser/converter \$\endgroup\$