My application has a fairly important query that is used in a lot of places. Unfortunately it takes about 14 seconds to run, so I'd like to find a way of possibly improving it.
The application receives incidents (right now there's about 70,000 total incidents, and about 16,000 incidents in this query), with each incident having a range of different flags. The purpose of the query is to get a monthly trend of the incidents and their flags.
For example:
Month | Flagged | Falls | FallsWithInjury | .... ------------------------------------------------------- Jan 10 3 1 Feb 15 6 0 Mar 14 2 2 ....
which I can then graph client side.
In the following query, FacilityIds
are a list of facilities I want to load incidents for (about 80 IDs in the array). The start and end filters are 6 months apart.
var query = from i in Db.Incidents.Where(x => FacilityIds.Contains(x.FacilityId))
where i.IncidentDate >= start && i.IncidentDate <= end
group i by new { i.IncidentDate.Year, i.IncidentDate.Month } into incidentsByMonth
let date = incidentsByMonth.Key
select new MonthlyStat
Year = date.Year,
Month = date.Month,
AllIncidents = incidentsByMonth.Count(),
Flagged = incidentsByMonth.Count(ibm => ibm.IsSerious),
SentToHospital = incidentsByMonth.Count(x => x.Treatments.Any(it => it.TreatmentTypeId == (int)TreatmentTypes.Senttohospital)),
FallsWithInjuries = incidentsByMonth.Count(ibm => ibm.IncidentTypes.Any(it => it.IncidentTypeId == (int)IncidentTypes.Fall) && ibm.InjuryTypes.Any(inj => inj.InjuryTypeId != (int)InjuryTypes.None)),
FallsWithFracture = incidentsByMonth.Count(ibm => ibm.IncidentTypes.Any(it => it.IncidentTypeId == (int)IncidentTypes.Fall) && ibm.InjuryTypes.Any(inj => inj.InjuryTypeId == (int)InjuryTypes.Fracture)),
IncidentTypes = incidentsByMonth.SelectMany(ibm => ibm.IncidentTypes).GroupBy(it => new { it.IncidentTypeId, it.Description }).Select(it => new IncidentProperty<IncidentTypes>
Key = (IncidentTypes)it.Key.IncidentTypeId,
Count = it.Count()
InjuryTypes = incidentsByMonth.SelectMany(ibm => ibm.InjuryTypes).GroupBy(it => new { it.InjuryTypeId, it.Description }).Select(it => new IncidentProperty<InjuryTypes>
Key = (InjuryTypes)it.Key.InjuryTypeId,
Count = it.Count()
DayOfWeek = incidentsByMonth.GroupBy(ibm => SqlFunctions.DatePart("weekday", ibm.IncidentDate)).Select(ibm => new Aggregate<DayOfWeek> { Key = (DayOfWeek)ibm.Key.Value, Count = ibm.Count() }),
IncidentsByHour = incidentsByMonth.GroupBy(ibm => ibm.IncidentDate.Hour).Select(h => new Aggregate<int> { Key = h.Key, Count = h.Count() }),
PotentialIncurredMedian = incidentsByMonth.Select(x => x.PotentialIncurredMedian * .4).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(),
Profiling different components, it looks like the IncidentTypes
and InjuryTypes
properties account for about 6 seconds of the 14 seconds totals. I've tried rewriting it a few different ways, but all seem to be worse in terms of performance.
I've started writing the query in native T-SQL, but I think it's a bit complex for my abilities right now.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.