first let me explain what I am trying to achieve here :
I am supposed to compute some results, using data from several tables, filtered by a run_id. One of these tables has about 500.000 rows per run_id, and 60 columns. All other tables have only a few thousand rows per run_id. I also have to write about 500.000 rows of data in a table with only 4 columns.
So, I first tried to load all these tables at once, which failed with an OutOfMemoryError because of the big table (called EPE
from now on).
So, I decided to do some batch select to load the data from EPE. However, depending on the 'business' of the database, the whole process (load, compute, write) can take between 15 and 30 minutes.
Can I improve my code to make it faster ?
Here is my code, slightly reworked, so it might have some typos. Please let me know.
Main class :
public class Computation {
public static final int MAX_RESULTS = 50000;
public static final String SPECIAL = "207";
Map<String, Curve> dfs;
Map<String, Curve> pds;
Map<String, LegalEntity> les;
CurveAccess curveDAO;
DealAccess dealDAO;
EntityAccess entityDAO;
ResultAccess resultDAO;
TraceAccess traceDAO;
Runs runs;
public Computation() {
public Run initialize(Long runId) {
Run run = runs.getRun(runId);
dfs = curveDAO.getDfs(run);
pds = curveDAO.getPds(run);
ent = entityDAO.getByRun(run);
return run;
public Map<Map.Entry<String, String>, Curve> prepareEpe(Run run, int start, int max) {
Map<Map.Entry<String, String>, Curve> epe = new HashMap<Map.Entry<String, String>, Curve>();
epe = dealDAO.getEpe(run, start, max);
return epe;
public void calculateResult(Run run, Map<Map.Entry<String, String>, Curve> epes) {
List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>();
Curve pdSPECIAL = pds.get(SPECIAL);
for (Entry<Entry<String, String>, Curve> entry : epes.entrySet()) {
Entity ntt = ent.get(entry.getKey().getValue());
if (ntt == null) {
double lgd;
if (ntt.getLgd() == null) {
traceDAO.setTrace(new Trace(0, entry.getKey().getKey(), ntt.getId(), run.getRunId(),
"Missing data", "Missing lgd, no computation", new Date()));
results.add(new Result(entry.getKey().getKey(), ntt.getId(), null, run.getRunId()));
} else {
lgd = ntt.getLgd();
Curve pd = pds.get(ntt.getId());
String currency = ntt.getCurrency();
Curve df;
if (currency == null || currency.isEmpty()) {
traceDAO.setTrace(new Trace(0, entry.getKey().getKey(), ntt.getId(), run.getRunId(), "Forcing",
"No currency found, USD used", new Date()));
df = dfs.get("USD");
} else {
df = dfs.get(currency);
if (pd == null) {
traceDAO.setTrace(new Trace(0, entry.getKey().getKey(), ntt.getId(), run.getRunId(),
"Missing data", "Missing pd, no computation", new Date()));
if (df == null) {
traceDAO.setTrace(new Trace(0, entry.getKey().getKey(), ntt.getId(), run.getRunId(),
"Missing data", "Missing df, no computation", new Date()));
if (pd == null || df == null) {
results.add(new Result(entry.getKey().getKey(), ntt.getId(), null, run.getRunId()));
double result = 0.0;
double probaDownSPECIAL = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < Constants.STEPS; i++) {
try {
double epe = entry.getValue().get(i);
double discountFactor = df.get(i);
double probaDown = pd.get(i);
if (i > 0) {
probaDownSPECIAL += pdSPECIAL.get(i - 1);
result += epe * discountFactor * probaDown * (1 - probaDownSPECIAL);
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
result *= lgd;
results.add(new Result(entry.getKey().getKey(), ntt.getId(), result, run.getRunId()));
* getters and setters...
public static void main(String[] args) {
Long runId = Long.parseLong(args[0]);
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath*:applicationContext.xml");
Computation computer = context.getBean(Computation.class);
Run run = computer.initialize(runId);
Map<Map.Entry<String, String>, Curve> epe = new HashMap<Map.Entry<String, String>, Curve>();
int start = 0;
do {
epe = computer.prepareEpe(run, start, MAX_RESULTS);
computer.calculateResult(run, epe);
start += MAX_RESULTS;
} while (!(epe.size() < MAX_RESULTS));
The ResultDAO (where I write the results) :
public class ResultDAO extends EntityAccess implements ResultAccess {
public final static String DELETE_RESULTS = "delete from RESULTS where RUN_ID = ?";
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
private Session session;
public void setResult(List<Result> results) throws HibernateException {
if (session == null) {
session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
int count = 0;
for (Result row : results) {;
if (count++ % 1000 == 0) {
public void purge(Run run) throws HibernateException {
if (session == null) {
session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction t = session.beginTransaction();
try {
SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(DELETE_RESULTS);
query.setLong(0, run.getRunId());
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw he;
Does the session flush frequency have any impact on performance ?
The DealDAO (where I load the EPE table) :
public class DealDAO extends EntityAccess implements DealAccess {
public static final String ALL_EPE_QUERY = "select DEAL_ID, NTT_ID, EPE_TS1, EPE_TS2,"
+ " EPE_TS10, EPE_TS11, EPE_TS12, EPE_TS13, EPE_TS14, EPE_TS15, EPE_TS16,"
+ " EPE_TS17, EPE_TS18, EPE_TS19, EPE_TS20, EPE_TS21, EPE_TS22,"
+ " EPE_TS23, EPE_TS24, EPE_TS25, EPE_TS26, EPE_TS27, EPE_TS28, EPE_TS29,"
+ " EPE_TS30, EPE_TS31, EPE_TS32, EPE_TS33, EPE_TS34, EPE_TS35, EPE_TS36,"
+ " EPE_TS37, EPE_TS38, EPE_TS39, EPE_TS40, EPE_TS41, EPE_TS42, EPE_TS43,"
+ " EPE_TS44, EPE_TS45, EPE_TS46, EPE_TS47, EPE_TS48, EPE_TS49, EPE_TS50,"
+ " EPE_TS51, EPE_TS52, EPE_TS53, EPE_TS54, EPE_TS55, EPE_TS56, EPE_TS57"
+ " where RUN_ID = ? order by DEAL_ID";
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
private Session session;
public Map<Map.Entry<String, String>, Curve> getEpe(Run run, int start, int max)
throws HibernateException {
if (session == null) {
session = sessionFactory.openSession();
SQLQuery select = session.createSQLQuery(ALL_EPE_QUERY);
select.setLong(0, run.getRunId());
List result = select.list();
Map<Map.Entry<String, String>, Curve> epes = new HashMap<Map.Entry<String, String>, Curve>();
for (Object o : result) {
Object[] objArray = (Object[]) o;
Map.Entry<String, String> entry = new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>((String) objArray[0],
(String) objArray[1]);
List valles = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(objArray));
Object[] values = valles.toArray();
Curve curve = new Curve(values);
epes.put(entry, curve);
return epes;
OK, the getEpe method is a bit weird, because I am re-using a Curve class instead of creating a new one more suited to my needs. I'll rewrite that part.
Still, how do I choose the size of my batch select (here it is set at 50.000, roughly a tenth of the total number of rows) ?
I didn't include the other DAOs, because I think my question is long enough, and nothing fancy happens in these. I can include them upon request.