I just wrote this gem order_query to find next or previous records relative to the record assuming a (possibly complex) ORDER BY
over the records. For example, this is needed to show a link to the next result from the current search result page.
The gem is used like so:
class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base include OrderQuery order_query :order_display, [ [:priority, %w(high medium low)], [:valid_votes_count, :desc, sql: '(votes - suspicious_votes)'], [:updated_at, :desc], [:id, :desc] ] def valid_votes_count votes - suspicious_votes end end Issue.order_display #=> ActiveRecord::Relation<...> Issue.reverse_order_display #=> ActiveRecord::Relation<...> p = Issue.find(31).order_display(scope) # scope default: Issue.all p.items_before #=> ActiveRecord::Relation<...> p.prev_item #=> Issue<...> p.position #=> 5 p.next_item #=> Issue<...> p.items_after #=> ActiveRecord::Relation<...>
The code gets a complex method warning from CodeClimate, and I agree: it does not look easy to comprehend.
Can this be done better?
This is the code that constructs the query:
# @param [:before or :after] mode
def build_query(mode)
# The next element will be the first one among elements with lesser order
order.map { |o| where_relative(o, mode) },
order.map { |o| where_eq(o) }
# @param [Array] x query conditions
# @param [Array] y query conditions
# @return [query, query_args] The resulting query is as follows:
# x0 | y0 &
# (x1 | y1 &
# (x2 | y2 &
# (x3 | y3 & ... )))
# Explanation:
# To narrow the result to only the records that come before / after the current one, build_query passes
# the values of x and y so that:
# x matches order criteria with values that come after the current record.
# y matches order criteria with values equal to the current record's value, for resolving ties.
def build_query_factor(x, y, i = 0, n = x.length)
q = []
x_cond = [x[i][0].presence, x[i][1]]
q << x_cond if x_cond[0]
if i >= 1
q << ['AND'] << y[i - 1]
if i < n - 1
q << ['OR'] if x_cond[0]
nested = build_query_factor(x, y, i + 1)
q << ["(#{nested[0]})", nested[1]]
[q.map { |e| e[0] }.join(' '),
q.map { |e| e[1] }.compact.reduce(:+) || []]
EMPTY_FILTER = ['', []]
def where_eq(spec)
["#{spec.col_name_sql} = ?", [values[spec.name]]]
# @param [:before or :after] mode
def where_relative(spec, mode)
ord = spec.order
value = values[spec.name]
if ord.is_a?(Array)
# ord is an array of values, ordered first to last, e.g.
# all up to current
pos = ord.index(value)
values = mode == :after ? ord.from(pos + 1) : ord.first(pos) if pos
# if current not in result set, do not apply filter
return EMPTY_FILTER unless values.present?
["#{spec.col_name_sql} IN (?)", [values]]
# ord is :asc or :desc
op = {before: {asc: '<', desc: '>'}, after: {asc: '>', desc: '<'}}[mode][ord || :asc]
["#{spec.col_name_sql} #{op} ?", [value]]