The architecture is showing a call to an external Web Service which is called by me. Then I will expose the data using WCF to be callable from another WCF client. But I really don't like how it's done. Interfaces, contracts, implementation in the BLO and implementations on the DAL.
7 time copy & paste of method which just call another identical method.
P.S: I've changed the name of the methods between the image and the code.. In the code I've called the main duplicate method GetExampleData
/ GetExampleDataInfo
namespace .Risk.WCF.Services
public static class LeagueServerSingletonContainer
private static volatile IWindsorContainer serverInstance;
private static readonly object serverSyncRoot = new Object();
public static IWindsorContainer ServerContainer
if (serverInstance == null)
lock (serverSyncRoot)
if (serverInstance == null) // double-check
IWindsorContainer serverContainer = SingletonContainerFactory.ConfigureContainer(
.Install(new LeagueWcfClientsWindsorInstaller());
serverInstance = serverContainer;
return serverInstance;
namespace .Example.WCF.Services
public class ExampleService : IWCFService, IExampleService
public ExampleApiResponse<ExampleDataResponse> GetExampleData(int targetId, DateTime? dateFrom,
DateTime? dateTo)
var apiSessionKey = InitSessionKeyInformation();
return ExampleSingleton.Example()
.GetExampleDataInfo(apiSessionKey, targetId, dateFrom, dateTo);
namespace .Example.WCF.Services.Contracts
public static class ExampleServerContainer
private static volatile IWindsorContainer serverInstance;
private static readonly object serverSyncRoot = new Object();
public static IWindsorContainer ServerContainer
if (serverInstance == null)
lock (serverSyncRoot)
if (serverInstance == null) // double-check
IWindsorContainer serverContainer =
new WindsorContainer().Install(new ExampleWcfClientsWindsorInstaller());
serverInstance = serverContainer;
return serverInstance;
namespace .Example.WCF.Services.Contracts
public class ExampleWcfClientsWindsorInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
new WcfClientInstaller<IExampleService>(
(int) Config.ExampleService.ExampleServiceAcquireChannelTimeout.TotalMilliseconds,
namespace .Example.WCF.Services.Contracts
public interface IExampleService
[FaultContract(typeof (TrackedFault))]
ExampleApiResponse<ExampleDataResponse> GetExampleData(int targetId, DateTime? dateFrom,
DateTime? dateTo);
namespace .Example.BLL
public class ExampleBLO : IExampleBLO
private static readonly Object _apiTokenLockObj = new object();
private readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof (ExampleBLO));
private string ExampleApiSessionToken;
private Timer ExampleKeepAliveTimer;
public ExampleApiResponse<ExampleDataResponse> GetExampleDataInfo(int targetId, DateTime? dateFrom,
DateTime? dateTo)
return ExampleDAOSingleton.Example()
.GetExampleDataInfo(ExampleApiSessionToken, targetId, dateFrom, dateTo, _apiSessionKey.ApiUrlv2);
private void ClearApiToken()
log.Info("Clearing APIToken.");
lock (_apiTokenLockObj)
ExampleApiSessionToken = null;
namespace .Example.BLL
public class ExampleSingleton
private static volatile IExampleBLO _ExampleBLO;
private static readonly object _ExampleBLOSyncRoot = new Object();
/// <summary>
/// Restituisce l'istanza statica dell'oggetto per l'accesso ai dati alle terze parti
/// </summary>
public static IExampleBLO Example()
if (_ExampleBLO == null)
lock (_ExampleBLOSyncRoot)
if (_ExampleBLO == null) // double-check
_ExampleBLO = new ExampleBLO();
return _ExampleBLO;
namespace .Example.BLL.Interfaces
public interface IExampleBLO
ExampleApiResponse<ExampleDataResponse> GetExampleDataInfo(int targetId, DateTime? dateFrom,
DateTime? dateTo);
namespace .Example.DAL
internal class ExampleDAO : AbstractDAO, IExampleDAO
private readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof (ExampleDAO));
public ExampleApiResponse<ExampleDataResponse> GetExampleDataInfo(string authenticationToken,
int targetId, DateTime? dateFrom, DateTime? dateTo, string apiUrlv2)
string url;
if (dateFrom == null && dateTo == null)
url =
apiUrlv2, authenticationToken, targetId));
url =
apiUrlv2, authenticationToken, targetId, dateFrom.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
dateTo.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")));
ExampleApiResponse<ExampleDataResponse> response = CallApiMethod<ExampleDataResponse>(url);
return response;
private ExampleApiResponse<T> CallApiMethod<T>(string url) where T : ExampleBaseResponse
log.DebugFormat("Contacting API with request url : {0}", url);
ExampleApiResponse<T> response = null;
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof (ExampleApiResponse<T>));
using (var client = new WebClient())
using (Stream stream = client.OpenRead(url))
client.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
if (stream != null)
response = (ExampleApiResponse<T>) serializer.Deserialize(stream);
if (response != null && response.Response.ParseResult() != Results.Success)
log.WarnFormat("Error in API response. Request url: {0}", url);
catch (Exception)
log.WarnFormat("Error in API call with request url: {0}", url);
return response;
namespace .Example.DAL
public class ExampleDAOSingleton
private static volatile IExampleDAO _ExampleDAO;
private static readonly object _ExampleDAOSyncRoot = new Object();
/// <summary>
/// Restituisce l'istanza statica dell'oggetto per l'accesso ai dati alle terze parti
/// </summary>
public static IExampleDAO Example()
if (_ExampleDAO == null)
lock (_ExampleDAOSyncRoot)
if (_ExampleDAO == null) // double-check
_ExampleDAO = new ExampleDAO();
return _ExampleDAO;
namespace .Example.DAL.Interfaces
public interface IExampleDAO
ExampleApiResponse<ExampleDataResponse> GetExampleDataInfo(string authenticationToken, int targetId,
DateTime? dateFrom, DateTime? dateTo, string apiUrlv2);