I am writing a script which checkout
a git repo to certain commit hash, do something and switch back to master
. The purpose of this script is to take homework solutions of students from bitbucket. Note that all the repos are under same bitbucket account. There is a master bitbucket account which is admin of all these repos and students have the write access to their respective repo. The students must adhere to following directory structure in their repos:
|- assignment-1
|- assignment-2
|- assignment-X
The directories inside these contain the homework. Once the teacher has given the deadline, the students must commit their code before the deadline. The script will see the git log, find the commit which is made before deadline, switch to that revision and rsync
the solutions to the local directory.
So, this script will:
- First get the list of bitbucket repo names from a file
) - For each repo, see if the repo already exists locally. If it does, then do a git pull to get the latest commit
- If not do a git clone
- Now, find a commit which is made before deadline
- switch to that revision
- do a
of the required assignment homework directory tosolutions-directory/assignment-x-deadline/student-id
- switch back to master branch
I am looking for any tips, suggestions, general code improvements, bugs, anything.
Here is my code:
This script will take assignment solutions from each student repository. Based
on the timestamp given, it finds out the last commit made before timestamp
(i.e. deadline) and it checks out that revision, rsyncs the solution folder
of the required assignment with the solutions-repo and resets to HEAD.
The timestamp should be of the format 'Month Date H:M:S Year'
eg. Dec 19 22:31:01 2013
Input : List of students ids, assignment-id, timestamp
Example usage: To take out solutions of assignment 11 whose deadline was
Dec 19 22:31:01 2013, run the following
$python take_solutions.py -d 'Dec 19 22:31:01 2013' -a 'assignment-11'
To do:
- git_log_cmd with format string in get_commit_hash()
- dest_path is ugly
- dest_path should be global?
import string
import os
import time
import datetime
import subprocess
import json
import argparse
import shlex
import logging
import datetime
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
from dir_settings import *
from bb_settings import *
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script will take assignment solutions from each student repository. Based on the timestamp given, it finds out the last commit made before timestamp (i.e. deadline) and it checks out that revision, rsyncs the solution folder of the required assignment with the solutions-repo and resets to HEAD.')
parser.add_argument('-d','--deadline', help='The timestamp should be of the \
format "Month Date H:M:S Year" e.g. "Dec 19 22:31:01 2013"',
parser.add_argument('-a','--assignment_id', help='Please provide assignment \
id of the solutions you want to copy. e.g. assignment-7',
NITRO_LOGGER = logging.getLogger('NITRO')
LOG_FILENAME = 'nitro.log'
SOLUTIONS_DIRECTORY = 'solutions-directory/'
STUDENTS_REPO_DIRECTORY = 'students-repo-directory/'
students_info = json.loads(open(STUDENTS_INFO, 'r').read())
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
assignment_id = args['assignment_id']
deadline = args['deadline']
DEST_PATH = SOLUTIONS_DIRECTORY + assignment_id + '-' + '-'.join(deadline.split()) + '/'
def get_commit_hash(repo_name, timestamp):
git_log_cmd = shlex.split('git --git-dir=' + STUDENTS_REPO_DIRECTORY + repo_name + '/.git log --pretty=format:"%H %ad" --date=local')
(output, error) = subprocess.Popen(git_log_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
for git_log in string.split(output, os.linesep):
deadline = datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
# split the commit message by first white space, the returning list will
# have hash as its first element and timestamp as second element
commit_hash = git_log.split(' ', 1)[0]
commit_timestamp = git_log.split(' ', 1)[1]
if deadline > datetime.datetime.strptime(commit_timestamp, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"):
return commit_hash
except Exception, e:
NITRO_LOGGER.error("Couldn't get commit hash before deadline for repo %s: %s" % (repo_name, str(e)))
#raise e
def sync_solutions(repo_name):
def repo_exists(repo_name):
return os.path.isdir(STUDENTS_REPO_DIRECTORY + repo_name)
def clone_repo(repo_name):
clone_cmd = shlex.split("git clone %s%s %s%s" % (BB_REPO_BASE_URL,
repo_name, STUDENTS_REPO_DIRECTORY, repo_name))
subprocess.check_call(clone_cmd, stdout=LOG_FD, stderr=LOG_FD)
def pull_repo(repo_name):
pull_cmd = shlex.split("git --git-dir=%s/.git pull" % \
subprocess.check_call(pull_cmd, stdout=LOG_FD, stderr=LOG_FD)
def checkout_version(repo_name, commit_hash='-'):
checkout_cmd = shlex.split("git --git-dir=%s/.git checkout %s" \
% ((STUDENTS_REPO_DIRECTORY + repo_name), commit_hash))
subprocess.check_call(checkout_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
def rsync(repo_name):
src_path = STUDENTS_REPO_DIRECTORY + repo_name + '/assignments/' + assignment_id
if not os.path.isdir(src_path):
# either student messed up the dir structure or hasn't submitted his assignments
if not os.path.isdir(DEST_PATH + repo_name):
os.makedirs(DEST_PATH + repo_name)
rsync_cmd = shlex.split('rsync -rt %s %s' % (src_path, DEST_PATH + repo_name))
subprocess.check_call(rsync_cmd, stdout=LOG_FD, stderr=LOG_FD)
if repo_exists(repo_name):
except Exception, e:
NITRO_LOGGER.error('pull/clone repo failed for repo %s: %s', repo_name, str(e))
commit_hash = get_commit_hash(repo_name, deadline)
if commit_hash:
checkout_version(repo_name, commit_hash)
except Exception, e:
NITRO_LOGGER.error('git checkout failed for repo %s: %s' % (repo_name, str(e)))
NITRO_LOGGER.debug('No assignment found before deadline for ' + repo_name)
def setup_logging():
NITRO_LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # make log level a setting
# Add the log message handler to the logger
myhandler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(LOG_FILENAME, when='midnight',
formatter = logging.Formatter(
'%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p')
def init():
if not os.path.isdir(STUDENTS_REPO_DIRECTORY):
if not os.path.isdir(SOLUTIONS_DIRECTORY):
if not os.path.isdir(DEST_PATH):
def main():
NITRO_LOGGER.debug('****Firing up NITRO***')
for student_id, student_email in students_info.iteritems():
NITRO_LOGGER.debug('****Done with NITRO***')
if __name__ == '__main__':
LOG_FD = open(LOG_FILENAME, 'a')