I use this code to populate a DB with a batch of pokemon entries from the POKEAPI.
Since I'm using TypeScript, I added some custom parsing to use the data's type in the code. I've used a mix of A instanceof Object
and 'field' in A
, but what would be a better way?
On top of this, I'm converting data to the Result<T>
type. This is just to avoid using null or undefined for data that couldn't be parsed.
Other question: at the bottom I put await prisma.pokemon.createMany({ data: allPokemon })
(with await
) because the createMany didn't go through without await
. Did this happen because the DB would disconnect too early or something?
// ===================
// ===================
type Result<T> = Ok<T> | Error
type Ok<T> = { type: 'ok', data: T }
type Error = { type: 'error', error: string }
const ok = <T>(data: T): Ok<T> => ({ type: 'ok', data })
const error = (error: string): Error => ({ type: 'error', error })
const isOk = <T>(res: Result<T>): res is Ok<T> => res.type === 'ok'
* Returns data if `res` is Ok, or `def` otherwise
* @returns T
const orDefault = <T>(res: Result<T>, def: T) => res.type === 'ok' ? res.data : def
* Collects data from any Ok value in an array of Results.
* Also acts as a filter for Error values.
* @returns {T[]}
const collectData = <T>(resAr: Result<T>[]) => resAr.filter(isOk).map(cur => cur.data)
// ===================
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type Pokemon = { id: number, name: string }
type PokemonBatch = {
count: number
results: { name: string }[]
const isPokemonName = (input: unknown): input is Pokemon => input instanceof Object && 'name' in input && typeof input.name === 'string'
const parsePokemonName = (input: unknown): Result<{ name: string }> =>
isPokemonName(input) ? ok(input) : error('Failed to parse pokemon name')
const isPokemonBatchLike = (input: unknown): input is PokemonBatch =>
input instanceof Object && 'count' in input && typeof input.count === 'number' && 'results' in input && Array.isArray(input.results)
const parsePokemonBatch = (input: unknown): Result<PokemonBatch> => {
if (isPokemonBatchLike(input)) {
// filter out fields we couldn't parse
const results = collectData(input.results.map(parsePokemonName))
return ok({ count: input.count, results: results })
return error('Failed to parse pokemon batch.')
const getPokemonCount = () =>
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => orDefault(parsePokemonBatch(data), { count: 0, results: [] }).count)
const getAllPokemon = async (): Promise<Pokemon[]> => {
const count = await getPokemonCount()
const pokemon = await fetch(`https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon?limit=${count}`)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => parsePokemonBatch(data))
if (pokemon.type === 'ok')
// using index for id field, for now doesn't matter if the order is correct
return pokemon.data.results.map(({ name }, i) => ({ id: i, name }))
return []
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const prisma = new PrismaClient()
async function main() {
const count = await prisma.pokemon.count()
// populate DB if first time / empty
if (count === 0) {
const allPokemon = await getAllPokemon()
await prisma.pokemon.createMany({ data: allPokemon })
.then(async () => {
await prisma.$disconnect()
.catch(async (e) => {
await prisma.$disconnect()