Iterative dfs Maze generation program in C.
Details about the algorithm:
Example run of the program:
In my implementation:
- Each cell has:
4 neighbors [left, right, top, bottom]
2 walls [right, top]
and avisited
field obviously
Here is the code:
#ifndef CELL
#define CELL
#define LEFT 0
#define RIGHT 1
#define TOP 2
#define BOT 3
typedef struct cellstruct *cellptr;
typedef struct cellstruct {
cellptr neighbors[4];
int walls[2]; // [0] = top wall, [1] = right wall
int visited;
} cell;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "stack.c"
#include "cell.h"
#define NEWLINE 10
#define SPACE 32
#define true 1
#define false 0
#define TOP_ROW 0
#define BOT_ROW (rowMAX - 1)
#define FAR_LEFT 0
#define FAR_RIGHT (colMAX - 1)
#define BOT_WALL 0
#define RIGHT_WALL 1
static int rowMAX;
static int colMAX;
void initcells(cellptr maze);
void printmaze(cellptr maze);
void generatemaze(cellptr maze);
int getrand();
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc == 1) {
colMAX = rowMAX = 7; // default
} else colMAX = rowMAX = (atoi(argv[1]));
cell maze[rowMAX][colMAX];
return 0;
void generatemaze(cellptr maze) {
cellptr start = maze;
int allVisited(cellptr cell);
int getrand(int min, int max);
// while stack is not empty
while (sp > 0) {
cellptr current = pop();
// check that there are unvisited neighbors
if (!allVisited(current)) {
cellptr neighbor;
int dir = 0;
// get random neighbor that isnt NULL and isnt visited already
while ((neighbor = current->neighbors[dir = getrand(0, 3)]) == NULL || neighbor->visited == true)
// each cell only has a right wall and a bottom wall
// so to modify for example the left wall of the current cell
// you would modify the right wall of the cell left to the current cell
if (dir == LEFT) {
neighbor->walls[RIGHT_WALL] = false; // false = remove wall
if (dir == RIGHT) {
current->walls[RIGHT_WALL] = false;
if (dir == BOT) {
current->walls[BOT_WALL] = false;
if (dir == TOP) {
neighbor->walls[BOT_WALL] = false;
neighbor->visited = true;
void printmaze(cellptr maze) {
cellptr cptr = maze;
// print the top part for whole maze:
for (int i = 0; i < (colMAX * 2); ++i) putchar('_');
for (int i = 0; i < (colMAX * rowMAX); ++i) {
// print left wall for whole maze
if (cptr->neighbors[LEFT] == NULL) putchar('|');
// bottom wall
if (cptr->walls[BOT_WALL] != false) {
} else putchar(SPACE);
// right wall
if (cptr->walls[RIGHT_WALL] != false) {
} else putchar(SPACE);
// new row
if (cptr->neighbors[RIGHT] == NULL) {
void initcells(cellptr maze) {
cellptr rowptr, colptr;
int row, col;
for (row = 0; row < rowMAX; ++row) {
rowptr = &maze[rowMAX * row];
colptr = rowptr;
for (col = 0; col < rowMAX; ++col) {
if (row == TOP_ROW) {
// top row has no cells above them
colptr->neighbors[TOP] = NULL;
} else colptr->neighbors[TOP] = &(rowptr - rowMAX)[col];
if (row == BOT_ROW) {
// bottom row has no cells below them
colptr->neighbors[BOT] = NULL;
} else colptr->neighbors[BOT] = &(rowptr + rowMAX)[col];
if (col == FAR_LEFT) {
// left column has no cells left to them
colptr->neighbors[LEFT] = NULL;
} else colptr->neighbors[LEFT] = (colptr - 1);
if (col == FAR_RIGHT) {
// right column has no cells right to the,
colptr->neighbors[RIGHT] = NULL;
} else colptr->neighbors[RIGHT] = (colptr + 1);
// set all walls to true at the start
colptr->walls[BOT_WALL] = true;
colptr->walls[RIGHT_WALL] = true;
colptr++->visited = false;
int isNull(cellptr cell) {
return cell == NULL;
int allVisited(cellptr cell) {
int l, r, t, b;
l = r = t = b = 1;
if (!isNull(cell->neighbors[LEFT])) {
l = cell->neighbors[LEFT]->visited;
if (!isNull(cell->neighbors[RIGHT])) {
r = cell->neighbors[RIGHT]->visited;
if (!isNull(cell->neighbors[TOP])) {
t = cell->neighbors[TOP]->visited;
if (!isNull(cell->neighbors[BOT])) {
b = cell->neighbors[BOT]->visited;
//printf("%d %d %d %d\n", l, r, t, b);
return (l && r && t && b);
int getrand(int min, int max) {
return (rand() % (max - min + 1) + min);
#include "cell.h"
static cellptr cellstack[10000];
static int sp;
void push(cellptr cell) {
cellstack[sp++] = cell;
cellptr pop() {
return (sp > 0) ? cellstack[--sp] : NULL;