I'm wondering if there is more I can do to incorporate more idiomatic scala and functional programming principles. I know the maze itself is mutable but i didn't see an easy solution to making it immutable. Also, if there is anything I can do to improve my algorithm, that would be great too. The reason I have the trait is so that I can implement more mazes: Prim's, Kruskal's, ... and get the functionality of the trait.
trait Maze {
val height: Int
val length: Int
var maz: Array[Array[Int]]
def maze: Maze
override def toString() = {
val strBuilder = new StringBuilder()
for (i <- 0 until height) {
for (j <- 0 until length) {
class DepthFirstSearch(val height: Int, val length: Int, var maz: Array[Array[Int]]) extends Maze {
def this(height: Int, length: Int) {
this(height, length, Array.ofDim[Int](height, length))
override def maze = {
maz(0)(0) = 1
val stack = List[(Int, Int)]()
mazify((0, 0) :: stack, (0, 0))
private def mazify(stack: List[(Int, Int)], currentCell: (Int, Int)): DepthFirstSearch = {
if (stack.nonEmpty) {
val unvisitedNeighbor = getRandomUnvisitedNeighbor(maz, currentCell)
if (unvisitedNeighbor._1) {
val newCurrentCell = unvisitedNeighbor._2
maz(newCurrentCell._1)(newCurrentCell._2) = 1
mazify(currentCell :: stack, newCurrentCell)
} else if (stack.nonEmpty) {
val newCurrentCell = stack.head
mazify(stack.tail, newCurrentCell)
new DepthFirstSearch(height, length, maz)
private def neighbors(cell: (Int, Int)) = {
List((cell._1 - 1, cell._2), (cell._1 + 1, cell._2), (cell._1, cell._2 + 1), (cell._1, cell._2 - 1))
private def insideMaze(cell: (Int, Int)) = {
cell._1 >= 0 && cell._1 < height && cell._2 >= 0 && cell._2 < length
private def notOriginalCell(cell: (Int, Int), originalCell: (Int, Int)) = {
cell._1 != originalCell._1 && cell._2 != originalCell._2
private def cellVisited(cell: (Int, Int)) = {
maz(cell._1)(cell._2) == DepthFirstSearch.Visited
private def hasValidNeighbors(cell: (Int, Int), originalCell: (Int, Int)) = {
val neighboringCells = neighbors(cell)
val filteredNeighbors = neighboringCells.filter(c => insideMaze(c) && cellVisited(c) && notOriginalCell(c, originalCell))
val isValidCell = filteredNeighbors.isEmpty
private def getUnvisitedNeighbors(maze: Array[Array[Int]], cell: (Int, Int)) = {
val neighboringCells = neighbors(cell)
val filteredNeighbors = neighboringCells.filter(c => c._1 >= 0 && c._1 < height && c._2 >= 0 && c._2 < length && maze(c._1)(c._2) != 1 && hasValidNeighbors(c, cell))
private def getRandomUnvisitedNeighbor(maze: Array[Array[Int]], cell: (Int, Int)): (Boolean, (Int, Int)) = {
val neighbors = getUnvisitedNeighbors(maze, cell)
if (neighbors.length > 0)
(true, neighbors(Random.nextInt(neighbors.size)))
(false, (-1, -1))
object DepthFirstSearch {
private val Visited = 1
def apply(height: Int, length: Int) = new DepthFirstSearch(height, length)