I am currently trying to teach myself scala by rewriting projects from my intro CS class, which was taught in C++. In addition to just learning the syntax I am trying to gain understanding of how functional programming works and what is considered good functional programming style.
Below I've included both the original code, which is a simple while loop that continues looping until the user selects the 'quit' option, and my attempt at a functional equivalent. Have I done this correctly? What could be improved?
Original imperative version in C++:
int main() { int option = -1; while (option != 3) { cout << fixed; cout << "Please select one of the following:" << "\n1 - one" << "\n2 - two" << "\n3 - quit" << endl; cin >> option; if (option == 1) { cout << "selected 1" << endl; } else if (option == 2) { cout << "selected 2" << endl; } else if (option == 3) { cout << "selected quit.\n"; } else { cout << "Sorry, that command is not recognized. "; } } return 0; }
My attempt at a functional version in scala:
def menu(option: Int) {
println("""|Please select one of the following:
| 1 - one
| 2 - two
| 3 - quit""".stripMargin)
if (option == 1) {
println("selected 1")
val opt = StdIn.readInt
else if (option == 2) {
println("selected 2")
val opt = StdIn.readInt
else if (option == 3) {
println("selected quit")
else {
println("Sorry, that command is not recognized")
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("""|Please select one of the following:
| 1 - one
| 2 - two
| 3 - quit""".stripMargin)
val opt = StdIn.readInt