answer = input("what's the word")
answer_list = list(answer) #list version of the original word
presentation = []
for i in range(len(answer_list)):
presentation.append("_") #makes a list that shows the progress of the player during the game
incorrect = 0 #number of allowed guesses
completion = False # condition for end game
while completion == False:
attempt = input('guess')
ind = 0 #index of the guess that appears in answer_list
count = 0 #number of occurences of the guess in answer_list
for x in answer_list: #searches for all occurences of the guess in answer_list and change presentation accordingly
if x == attempt:
num = answer_list.index(attempt)
presentation[num] = attempt
answer_list[num] = 0 #if there is an occurence, replace that occurence with 0 in answer_list
count += 1
if count>0:
print ("Your guess is correct, there was/were {} matches in the word".format(count))
elif count == 0:
incorrect += 1
if incorrect == 5:
print("You lost")
if any(answer_list) == False: #since all 0 have a negative truthy value, we can use any() to check if any element has a truthy value
print("Congrats, you got everything correct")
completion = True
I want to make clean up this hangman game and format it as 1 or 2 functions. How do I make it work? For example, initializing lists could be initialize() and from the declaration of incorrect to the end of the code can be play_hangman(). I am still very new to python.