Now that my new compiler is capable of compiling programs such as the Analog Clock in AEC, I've decided to share the code of that compiler with you, to see what you think about it.
File compiler.cpp
#include "TreeNode.cpp"
#include "bitManipulations.cpp"
AssemblyCode convertToInteger32(const TreeNode node,
const CompilationContext context) {
auto originalCode = node.compile(context);
const AssemblyCode::AssemblyType i32 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::i32,
i64 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::i64,
f32 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::f32,
f64 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::f64,
null = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::null;
if (originalCode.assemblyType == null) {
<< "Line " << node.lineNumber << ", Column " << node.columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Some part of the compiler attempted to convert \""
<< node.text
<< "\" to \"Integer32\", which makes no sense. This could be an "
"internal compiler error, or there could be something semantically "
"(though not grammatically) very wrong with your program."
<< std::endl;
if (originalCode.assemblyType == i32)
return originalCode;
if (originalCode.assemblyType == i64)
return AssemblyCode(
"(i32.wrap_i64\n" + std::string(originalCode.indentBy(1)) + "\n)", i32);
if (originalCode.assemblyType == f32)
return AssemblyCode(
"(i32.trunc_f32_s\n" + std::string(originalCode.indentBy(1)) + "\n)",
i32); // Makes little sense to me (that, when converting to an integer,
// the decimal part of the number is simply truncated), but that's
// how it is done in the vast majority of programming languages.
if (originalCode.assemblyType == f64)
return AssemblyCode("(i32.trunc_f64_s\n" +
std::string(originalCode.indentBy(1)) + "\n)",
std::cerr << "Line " << node.lineNumber << ", Column " << node.columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Internal compiler error, control reached the "
"end of the \"convertToInteger32\" function!"
<< std::endl;
return AssemblyCode("()");
AssemblyCode convertToInteger64(const TreeNode node,
const CompilationContext context) {
auto originalCode = node.compile(context);
const AssemblyCode::AssemblyType i32 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::i32,
i64 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::i64,
f32 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::f32,
f64 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::f64,
null = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::null;
if (originalCode.assemblyType == null) {
<< "Line " << node.lineNumber << ", Column " << node.columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Some part of the compiler attempted to convert \""
<< node.text
<< "\" to \"Integer64\", which makes no sense. This could be an "
"internal compiler error, or there could be something semantically "
"(though not grammatically) very wrong with your program."
<< std::endl;
if (originalCode.assemblyType == i32)
return AssemblyCode(
"(i64.extend_i32_s\n" + // If you don't put "_s", JavaScript Virtual
// Machine is going to interpret the argument as
// unsigned, leading to huge positive numbers
// instead of negative ones.
std::string(originalCode.indentBy(1)) + "\n)",
if (originalCode.assemblyType == i64)
return originalCode;
if (originalCode.assemblyType == f32)
return AssemblyCode("(i64.trunc_f32_s\n" +
std::string(originalCode.indentBy(1)) + "\n)",
if (originalCode.assemblyType == f64)
return AssemblyCode("(i64.trunc_f64_s\n" +
std::string(originalCode.indentBy(1)) + "\n)",
std::cerr << "Line " << node.lineNumber << ", Column " << node.columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Internal compiler error, control reached the "
"end of the \"convertToInteger64\" function!"
<< std::endl;
return AssemblyCode("()");
AssemblyCode convertToDecimal32(const TreeNode node,
const CompilationContext context) {
auto originalCode = node.compile(context);
const AssemblyCode::AssemblyType i32 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::i32,
i64 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::i64,
f32 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::f32,
f64 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::f64,
null = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::null;
if (originalCode.assemblyType == null) {
<< "Line " << node.lineNumber << ", Column " << node.columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Some part of the compiler attempted to convert \""
<< node.text
<< "\" to \"Decimal32\", which makes no sense. This could be an "
"internal compiler error, or there could be something semantically "
"(though not grammatically) very wrong with your program."
<< std::endl;
if (originalCode.assemblyType == i32)
return AssemblyCode(
"(f32.convert_i32_s\n" + // Again, those who designed JavaScript Virtual
// Machine had a weird idea that integers
// should be unsigned unless somebody makes
// them explicitly signed via "_s".
std::string(originalCode.indentBy(1)) + "\n)",
if (originalCode.assemblyType == i64)
return AssemblyCode("(f32.convert_i64_s\n" +
std::string(originalCode.indentBy(1)) + "\n)",
if (originalCode.assemblyType == f32)
return originalCode;
if (originalCode.assemblyType == f64)
return AssemblyCode("(f32.demote_f64\n" +
std::string(originalCode.indentBy(1)) + "\n)",
std::cerr << "Line " << node.lineNumber << ", Column " << node.columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Internal compiler error, control reached the "
"end of the \"convertToDecimal32\" function!"
<< std::endl;
return AssemblyCode("()");
AssemblyCode convertToDecimal64(const TreeNode node,
const CompilationContext context) {
auto originalCode = node.compile(context);
const AssemblyCode::AssemblyType i32 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::i32,
i64 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::i64,
f32 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::f32,
f64 = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::f64,
null = AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::null;
if (originalCode.assemblyType == null) {
<< "Line " << node.lineNumber << ", Column " << node.columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Some part of the compiler attempted to convert \""
<< node.text
<< "\" to \"Decimal64\", which makes no sense. This could be an "
"internal compiler error, or there could be something semantically "
"(though not grammatically) very wrong with your program."
<< std::endl;
if (originalCode.assemblyType == i32)
return AssemblyCode("(f64.convert_i32_s\n" +
std::string(originalCode.indentBy(1)) + "\n)",
if (originalCode.assemblyType == i64)
return AssemblyCode("(f64.convert_i64_s\n" +
std::string(originalCode.indentBy(1)) + "\n)",
if (originalCode.assemblyType == f32)
return AssemblyCode("(f64.promote_f32\n" +
std::string(originalCode.indentBy(1)) + "\n)",
if (originalCode.assemblyType == f64)
return originalCode;
std::cerr << "Line " << node.lineNumber << ", Column " << node.columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Internal compiler error, control reached the "
"end of the \"convertToDecimal64\" function!"
<< std::endl;
return AssemblyCode("()");
AssemblyCode convertTo(const TreeNode node, const std::string type,
const CompilationContext context) {
if (type == "Character" or type == "Integer16" or type == "Integer32" or
"Pointer$"))) // When, in JavaScript Virtual Machine, you can't
// push types of less than 4 bytes (32 bits) onto
// the system stack, you need to convert those to
// Integer32 (i32). Well, makes slightly more sense
// than the way it is in 64-bit x86 assembly, where
// you can put 16-bit values and 64-bit values onto
// the system stack, but you can't put 32-bit
// values.
return convertToInteger32(node, context);
if (type == "Integer64")
return convertToInteger64(node, context);
if (type == "Decimal32")
return convertToDecimal32(node, context);
if (type == "Decimal64")
return convertToDecimal64(node, context);
std::cerr << "Line " << node.lineNumber << ", Column " << node.columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Some part of the compiler attempted to get "
"the assembly code for converting \""
<< node.text << "\" into the type \"" << type
<< "\", which doesn't make sense. This could be an internal "
"compiler error, or there could be something semantically "
"(though not grammatically) very wrong with your program."
<< std::endl;
return AssemblyCode("()");
std::string getStrongerType(int, int, std::string,
std::string); // When C++ doesn't support function
// hoisting, like JavaScript does.
AssemblyCode TreeNode::compile(CompilationContext context) const {
std::string typeOfTheCurrentNode = getType(context);
if (!mappingOfAECTypesToWebAssemblyTypes.count(typeOfTheCurrentNode)) {
<< "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Internal compiler error: The function \"getType\" returned \""
<< typeOfTheCurrentNode
<< "\", which is an invalid name of type. Aborting the compilation!"
<< std::endl;
AssemblyCode::AssemblyType returnType =;
auto iteratorOfTheCurrentFunction =
std::find_if(context.functions.begin(), context.functions.end(),
[=](function someFunction) {
return == context.currentFunctionName;
if (iteratorOfTheCurrentFunction == context.functions.end()) {
<< "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Internal compiler error: The \"compile(CompilationContext)\" "
"function was called without setting the current function name, "
"aborting compilation (or else the compiler will segfault)!"
<< std::endl;
function currentFunction = *iteratorOfTheCurrentFunction;
std::string assembly;
if (text == "Does" or text == "Then" or text == "Loop" or
text == "Else") // Blocks of code are stored by the parser as child nodes
// of "Does", "Then", "Else" and "Loop".
if (text != "Does")
context.stackSizeOfThisScope =
0; //"TreeRootNode" is supposed to set up the arguments in the scope
// before passing the recursion onto the "Does" node.
for (auto childNode : children) {
if (childNode.text == "Nothing")
else if (basicDataTypeSizes.count(childNode.text)) {
// Local variables declaration.
for (TreeNode variableName : childNode.children) {
if (variableName.text.back() != '[') { // If it's not an array.
context.localVariables[variableName.text] = 0;
for (auto &pair : context.localVariables)
pair.second +=;
context.variableTypes[variableName.text] = childNode.text;
context.stackSizeOfThisFunction +=;
context.stackSizeOfThisScope +=;
assembly += "(global.set $stack_pointer\n\t(i32.add (global.get "
"$stack_pointer) (i32.const " +
std::to_string( +
")) ;;Allocating the space for the local variable \"" +
variableName.text + "\".\n)\n";
if (variableName.children.size() and
variableName.children[0].text ==
":=") // Initial assignment to local variables.
TreeNode assignmentNode = variableName.children[0];
assembly += assignmentNode.compile(context) + "\n";
} else { // If that's a local array declaration.
int arraySizeInBytes = *
context.localVariables[variableName.text] = 0;
for (auto &pair : context.localVariables)
pair.second += arraySizeInBytes;
context.variableTypes[variableName.text] = childNode.text;
context.stackSizeOfThisFunction += arraySizeInBytes;
context.stackSizeOfThisScope += arraySizeInBytes;
assembly += "(global.set $stack_pointer\n\t(i32.add (global.get "
"$stack_pointer) (i32.const " +
std::to_string(arraySizeInBytes) +
")) ;;Allocating the space for the local array \"" +
variableName.text + "\".\n)\n";
if (variableName.children.size() == 2 and
variableName.children[1].text == ":=" and
variableName.children[1].children[0].text ==
"{}") // Initial assignments of local arrays.
TreeNode initialisationList =
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < initialisationList.children.size();
i++) {
TreeNode element = initialisationList.children[i];
TreeNode assignmentNode(
":=", variableName.children[1].lineNumber,
TreeNode whereToAssignTheElement(
variableName.text, variableName.lineNumber,
.columnNumber); // Damn, can you think up a language in
// which writing stuff like this isn't
// as tedious and error-prone as it is
// in C++ or JavaScript? Maybe some
// language in which you can switch
// between a C-like syntax and a
// Lisp-like syntax at will?
std::to_string(i), variableName.children[0].lineNumber,
assembly += assignmentNode.compile(context) + "\n";
} else
assembly += std::string(childNode.compile(context)) + "\n";
assembly += "(global.set $stack_pointer (i32.sub (global.get "
"$stack_pointer) (i32.const " +
std::to_string(context.stackSizeOfThisScope) + ")))";
} else if (text.front() == '"')
assembly += "(i32.const " + std::to_string(context.globalVariables[text]) +
") ;;Pointer to " + text;
else if (context.variableTypes.count(text)) {
if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Character")
assembly +=
"(i32.load8_s\n" + compileAPointer(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Integer16")
assembly +=
"(i32.load16_s\n" + compileAPointer(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Integer32" or
std::regex_search(typeOfTheCurrentNode, std::regex("Pointer$")))
assembly += "(i32.load\n" + compileAPointer(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Integer64")
assembly += "(i64.load\n" + compileAPointer(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Decimal32")
assembly += "(f32.load\n" + compileAPointer(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Decimal64")
assembly += "(f64.load\n" + compileAPointer(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Internal compiler error: Compiler got into a forbidden "
"state while compiling the token \""
<< text << "\", aborting the compilation!" << std::endl;
} else if (text == ":=") {
TreeNode rightSide;
if (children[1].text == ":=") { // Expressions such as "a:=b:=0" or similar.
TreeNode tmp = children[1]; // In case the "compile" changes the TreeNode
// (which the GNU C++ compiler should forbid,
// but apparently doesn't).
assembly += children[1].compile(context) + "\n";
rightSide = tmp.children[0];
} else
rightSide = children[1];
assembly += ";;Assigning " + rightSide.getLispExpression() + " to " +
children[0].getLispExpression() + ".\n";
if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Character")
assembly += "(i32.store8\n" +
children[0].compileAPointer(context).indentBy(1) + "\n" +
convertToInteger32(rightSide, context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Integer16")
assembly += "(i32.store16\n" +
children[0].compileAPointer(context).indentBy(1) + "\n" +
convertToInteger32(rightSide, context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Integer32" or
std::regex_search(typeOfTheCurrentNode, std::regex("Pointer$")))
assembly += "(\n" +
children[0].compileAPointer(context).indentBy(1) + "\n" +
convertToInteger32(rightSide, context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Integer64")
assembly += "(\n" +
children[0].compileAPointer(context).indentBy(1) + "\n" +
convertToInteger64(rightSide, context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Decimal32")
assembly += "(\n" +
children[0].compileAPointer(context).indentBy(1) + "\n" +
convertToDecimal32(rightSide, context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Decimal64")
assembly += "(\n" +
children[0].compileAPointer(context).indentBy(1) + "\n" +
convertToDecimal64(rightSide, context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Internal compiler error: The compiler got into a "
"forbidden state while compiling the token \""
<< text << "\", aborting the compilation!" << std::endl;
} else if (text == "If") {
if (children.size() < 2) {
<< "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Corrupt AST, the \"If\" node has less than 2 "
"child nodes. Aborting the compilation (or else we will segfault)!"
<< std::endl;
if (children[1].text != "Then") {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Corrupt AST, the second child of the "
"\"If\" node isn't named \"Then\". Aborting the compilation "
"(or else we will probably segfault)!"
<< std::endl;
if (children.size() >= 3 and children[2].text != "Else") {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Corrupt AST, the third child of the "
"\"If\" node is not named \"Else\", aborting the "
"compilation (or else we will probably segfault)!"
<< std::endl;
assembly += "(if\n" + convertToInteger32(children[0], context).indentBy(1) +
"\n\t(then\n" + children[1].compile(context).indentBy(2) +
"\n\t)" +
((children.size() == 3)
? "\n\t(else\n" +
children[2].compile(context).indentBy(2) + "\n\t)\n)"
: AssemblyCode("\n)"));
} else if (text == "While") {
if (children.size() < 2 or children[1].text != "Loop") {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Corrupt AST, aborting (or else we will "
<< std::endl;
assembly += "(block\n\t(loop\n\t\t(br_if 1\n\t\t\t(i32.eqz\n" +
convertToInteger32(children[0], context).indentBy(4) +
"\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t)" + children[1].compile(context).indentBy(2) +
"\n\t\t(br 0)\n\t)\n)";
} else if (std::regex_match(text,
assembly += "(i64.const " + text + ")";
else if (std::regex_match(text, std::regex("^\\d+\\.\\d*$")))
assembly += "(f64.const " + text + ")";
else if (text == "Return") {
if (currentFunction.returnType != "Nothing") {
if (children.empty()) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: It's not specified what to return from "
"a function that's supposed to return \""
<< currentFunction.returnType
<< "\", aborting the compilation (or else the compiler will "
<< std::endl;
TreeNode valueToBeReturned = children[0];
if (valueToBeReturned.text == ":=") {
TreeNode tmp =
valueToBeReturned; // The C++ compiler is supposed to forbid
// side-effects in the "compile" method, since
// it's declared as "const", but apparently it
// doesn't. It seems to me there is some bug both
// in my code and in GNU C++ compiler (which is
// supposed to warn me about it).
assembly += valueToBeReturned.compile(context) + "\n";
valueToBeReturned = tmp.children[0];
assembly +=
";;Setting for returning: " + valueToBeReturned.getLispExpression() +
assembly += "(local.set $return_value\n";
assembly +=
convertTo(valueToBeReturned, currentFunction.returnType, context)
.indentBy(1) +
assembly += "(global.set $stack_pointer (i32.sub (global.get "
"$stack_pointer) (i32.const " +
std::to_string(context.stackSizeOfThisFunction) +
"))) ;;Cleaning up the system stack before returning.\n";
assembly += "(return";
if (currentFunction.returnType == "Nothing")
assembly += ")";
assembly += " (local.get $return_value))";
} else if (text == "+") {
std::vector<TreeNode> children =
this->children; // So that compiler doesn't complain about iter_swap
// being called in a constant function.
if (std::regex_search(children[1].getType(context), std::regex("Pointer$")))
std::iter_swap(children.begin(), children.begin() + 1);
std::string firstType = children[0].getType(context);
std::string secondType = children[1].getType(context);
if (std::regex_search(
"Pointer$"))) // Multiply the second operand by the numbers of
// bytes the data type that the pointer points to
// takes. That is, be compatible with pointers in
// C and C++, rather than with pointers in
// Assembly (which allows unaligned access).
assembly += "(i32.add\n" +
std::string(children[0].compile(context).indentBy(1)) +
"\n\t(i32.mul (i32.const " +
0, firstType.size() - std::string("Pointer").size()))) +
")\n" + convertToInteger32(children[1], context).indentBy(2) +
assembly +=
"(" + +
".add\n" +
convertTo(children[0], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(1) +
"\n" +
convertTo(children[1], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(1) +
} else if (text == "-") {
std::string firstType = children[0].getType(context);
std::string secondType = children[1].getType(context);
if (!std::regex_search(firstType, std::regex("Pointer$")) and
std::regex_search(secondType, std::regex("Pointer$"))) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: What exactly does it mean to subtract a "
"pointer from a number? Aborting the compilation!"
<< std::endl;
} else if (std::regex_search(firstType, std::regex("Pointer$")) and
std::regex("Pointer$"))) // Subtract two pointers as if they
// were two Integer32s.
assembly += "(i32.sub\n" + children[0].compile(context).indentBy(1) +
"\n" + children[1].compile(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (std::regex_search(firstType, std::regex("Pointer$")) and
!std::regex_search(secondType, std::regex("Pointer$")))
assembly += "(i32.sub\n" + children[0].compile(context).indentBy(1) +
"\n\t(i32.mul (i32.const " +
0, firstType.size() - std::string("Pointer").size()))) +
")\n" + children[1].compile(context).indentBy(2) +
assembly +=
"(" + +
".sub\n" +
convertTo(children[0], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(1) +
"\n" +
convertTo(children[1], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(1) +
} else if (text == "*")
assembly +=
"(" + + ".mul\n" +
convertTo(children[0], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(1) +
"\n" +
convertTo(children[1], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(1) +
else if (text == "/") {
if (returnType == AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::i32 or
returnType == AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::i64)
assembly +=
"(" + +
".div_s\n" +
convertTo(children[0], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(1) +
"\n" +
convertTo(children[1], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(1) +
assembly +=
"(" + +
".div\n" +
convertTo(children[0], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(1) +
"\n" +
convertTo(children[1], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(1) +
} else if (text == "<" or text == ">") {
std::string firstType = children[0].getType(context);
std::string secondType = children[1].getType(context);
std::string strongerType;
if (std::regex_search(firstType, std::regex("Pointer$")) and
std::regex_search(secondType, std::regex("Pointer$")))
strongerType =
"Integer32"; // Let's allow people to shoot themselves in the foot by
// comparing pointers of different types.
strongerType =
getStrongerType(lineNumber, columnNumber, firstType, secondType);
AssemblyCode::AssemblyType assemblyType =;
if (assemblyType == AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::i32 or
assemblyType == AssemblyCode::AssemblyType::i64)
assembly +=
"(" + +
(text == "<" ? ".lt_s\n" : ".gt_s\n") +
convertTo(children[0], strongerType, context).indentBy(1) + "\n" +
convertTo(children[1], strongerType, context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
assembly +=
"(" + +
(text == "<" ? ".lt\n" : ".gt\n") +
convertTo(children[0], strongerType, context).indentBy(1) + "\n" +
convertTo(children[1], strongerType, context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
} else if (text == "=") {
std::string firstType = children[0].getType(context);
std::string secondType = children[1].getType(context);
std::string strongerType;
if (std::regex_search(firstType, std::regex("Pointer$")) and
std::regex_search(secondType, std::regex("Pointer$")))
strongerType = "Integer32";
strongerType =
getStrongerType(lineNumber, columnNumber, firstType, secondType);
AssemblyCode::AssemblyType assemblyType =;
assembly +=
"(" + + ".eq\n" +
convertTo(children[0], strongerType, context).indentBy(1) + "\n" +
convertTo(children[1], strongerType, context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
} else if (text == "?:")
assembly +=
"(if (result " + +
")\n" + convertToInteger32(children[0], context).indentBy(1) +
"\n\t(then\n" +
convertTo(children[1], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(2) +
"\n\t)\n\t(else\n" +
convertTo(children[2], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(2) +
else if (text == "not(")
assembly += "(i32.eqz\n" +
convertToInteger32(children[0], context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (text == "mod(")
assembly +=
"(" + +
".rem_s\n" +
convertTo(children[0], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(1) +
"\n" +
convertTo(children[1], typeOfTheCurrentNode, context).indentBy(1) +
else if (text == "invertBits(")
assembly += "(i32.xor (i32.const -1)\n" +
convertToInteger32(children[0], context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (text == "and")
assembly += "(i32.and\n" +
convertToInteger32(children[0], context).indentBy(1) + "\n" +
convertToInteger32(children[1], context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (text == "or")
assembly += "(i32.or\n" +
convertToInteger32(children[0], context).indentBy(1) + "\n" +
convertToInteger32(children[1], context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (text.back() == '(' and
text.substr(0, text.size() - 1))) // The casting operator.
assembly +=
convertTo(children[0], text.substr(0, text.size() - 1), context);
else if (std::count_if(context.functions.begin(), context.functions.end(),
[=](function someFunction) {
return == text;
})) {
function functionToBeCalled = *find_if(
context.functions.begin(), context.functions.end(),
[=](function someFunction) { return == text; });
assembly += "(call $" + text.substr(0, text.size() - 1) + "\n";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
if (i >= functionToBeCalled.argumentTypes.size()) {
<< "Line " << children[i].lineNumber << ", Column "
<< children[i].columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Too many arguments passed to the function \""
<< text << "\" (it expects "
<< functionToBeCalled.argumentTypes.size()
<< " arguments). Aborting the compilation (or else the compiler "
"will segfault)!"
<< std::endl;
assembly +=
convertTo(children[i], functionToBeCalled.argumentTypes[i], context)
.indentBy(1) +
for (unsigned int i = children.size();
i < functionToBeCalled.defaultArgumentValues.size(); i++) {
if (!functionToBeCalled.defaultArgumentValues[i])
<< "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler warning: The argument #" << i + 1 << " (called \""
<< functionToBeCalled.argumentNames[i]
<< "\") of the function named \"" << text
<< "\" isn't being passed to that function, nor does it have some "
"default value. Your program will very likely crash because of "
<< std::endl; // JavaScript doesn't even warn about such errors,
// while C++ refuses to compile a program then. I
// suppose I should take a middle ground here.
assembly +=
lineNumber, columnNumber),
functionToBeCalled.argumentTypes[i], context)
assembly += ")";
} else if (text == "ValueAt(") {
if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Character")
assembly +=
"(i32.load8_s\n" + children[0].compile(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Integer16")
assembly +=
"(i32.load16_s\n" + children[0].compile(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Integer32" or
std::regex_search(typeOfTheCurrentNode, std::regex("Pointer$")))
assembly +=
"(i32.load\n" + children[0].compile(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Integer64")
assembly +=
"(i64.load\n" + children[0].compile(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Decimal32")
assembly +=
"(f32.load\n" + children[0].compile(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else if (typeOfTheCurrentNode == "Decimal64")
assembly +=
"(f64.load\n" + children[0].compile(context).indentBy(1) + "\n)";
else {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Internal compiler error: The compiler got into a "
"forbidden state while compiling \"ValueAt\", aborting!"
<< std::endl;
} else if (text == "AddressOf(")
return children[0].compileAPointer(context);
else {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: No rule to compile the token \"" << text
<< "\", quitting now!" << std::endl;
return AssemblyCode(assembly, returnType);
AssemblyCode TreeNode::compileAPointer(CompilationContext context) const {
if (text == "ValueAt(")
return children[0].compile(context);
if (context.localVariables.count(text) and text.back() != '[')
return AssemblyCode(
"(i32.sub\n\t(global.get $stack_pointer)\n\t(i32.const " +
std::to_string(context.localVariables[text]) + ") ;;" + text +
if (context.localVariables.count(text) and text.back() == '[') {
if (children.empty()) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: The array \""
<< text.substr(0, text.size() - 1)
<< "\" has no index in the AST. Aborting the compilation, or "
"else the compiler will segfault!"
<< std::endl;
return AssemblyCode(
"(i32.add\n\t(i32.sub\n\t\t(global.get "
"$stack_pointer)\n\t\t(i32.const " +
std::to_string(context.localVariables[text]) + ") ;;" + text +
"\n\t)\n\t(i32.mul\n\t\t(i32.const " +
std::to_string( + ")\n" +
std::string(convertToInteger32(children[0], context).indentBy(2)) +
if (context.globalVariables.count(text) and text.back() != '[')
return AssemblyCode("(i32.const " +
std::to_string(context.globalVariables[text]) +
") ;;" + text,
if (context.globalVariables.count(text) and text.back() == '[') {
if (children.empty()) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: The array \""
<< text.substr(0, text.size() - 1)
<< "\" has no index in the AST. Aborting the compilation, or "
"else the compiler will segfault!"
<< std::endl;
return AssemblyCode(
"(i32.add\n\t(i32.const " +
std::to_string(context.globalVariables[text]) + ") ;;" + text +
"\n\t(i32.mul\n\t\t(i32.const " +
std::to_string( + ")\n" +
std::string(convertToInteger32(children[0], context).indentBy(3)) +
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Some part of the compiler attempted to get "
"the assembly of the pointer to \""
<< text
<< "\", which makes no sense. This could be an internal compiler "
"error, or there could be something semantically (though not "
"grammatically) very wrong with your program."
<< std::endl;
return AssemblyCode("()");
std::string getStrongerType(int lineNumber, int columnNumber,
std::string firstType, std::string secondType) {
if (firstType == "Nothing" or secondType == "Nothing") {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Can't add, subtract, multiply or divide "
"with something of the type \"Nothing\"!";
if (std::regex_search(firstType, std::regex("Pointer$")) and
!std::regex_search(secondType, std::regex("Pointer$")))
return firstType;
if (std::regex_search(secondType, std::regex("Pointer$")) and
!std::regex_search(firstType, std::regex("Pointer$")))
return secondType;
if (std::regex_search(firstType, std::regex("Pointer$")) and
std::regex_search(secondType, std::regex("Pointer$"))) {
<< "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Can't add, multiply or divide two pointers!";
if (firstType == "Decimal64" or secondType == "Decimal64")
return "Decimal64";
if (firstType == "Decimal32" or secondType == "Decimal32")
return "Decimal32";
if (firstType == "Integer64" or secondType == "Integer64")
return "Integer64";
if (firstType == "Integer32" or secondType == "Integer32")
return "Integer32";
if (firstType == "Integer16" or secondType == "Integer16")
return "Integer16";
return firstType;
std::string TreeNode::getType(CompilationContext context) const {
if (std::regex_match(text, std::regex("(^\\d+$)|(^0x(\\d|[a-f]|[A-F])+$)")))
return "Integer64";
if (std::regex_match(text, std::regex("^\\d+\\.\\d*$")))
return "Decimal64";
if (text == "AddressOf(") {
if (children.empty()) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: \"AddressOf\" is without the argument!"
<< std::endl;
if (children.size() > 1) {
<< "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Can't take the address of multiple variables!"
<< std::endl;
if (children[0].getType(context) == "Nothing") {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: \"AddressOf\" has an argument of type "
<< std::endl;
return children[0].getType(context) + "Pointer";
if (text == "ValueAt(") {
if (children.empty()) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: \"ValueAt\" is without the argument!"
<< std::endl;
if (children.size() > 1) {
<< "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Can't dereference multiple variables at once!"
<< std::endl;
if (std::regex_search(children[0].getType(context),
std::regex("Pointer$")) == false) {
<< "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: The argument to \"ValueAt\" is not a pointer!"
<< std::endl;
return children[0].getType(context).substr(
0, children[0].getType(context).size() - std::string("Pointer").size());
if (context.variableTypes.count(text))
return context.variableTypes[text];
if (text[0] == '"') {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Internal compiler error: A pointer to the string " << text
<< " is being attempted to compile before the string itself has "
"been compiled, aborting the compilation!"
<< std::endl;
if (text == "and" or text == "or" or text == "<" or text == ">" or
text == "=" or text == "not(" or text == "invertBits(") {
if (children.empty()) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: The operator \"" << text
<< "\" has no operands. Aborting the compilation (or else we "
"will segfault)!"
<< std::endl;
if (children.size() < 2 and text != "not(" and text != "invertBits(") {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: The binary operator \"" << text
<< "\" has less than two operands. Aborting the compilation "
"(or else we will segfault)!"
<< std::endl;
return "Integer32"; // Because "if" and "br_if" in WebAssembly expect a
// "i32", so let's adapt to that.
if (text == "mod(") {
if (children.size() != 2) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: \"mod(\" operator requires two integer "
<< std::endl;
if (std::regex_search(children[0].getType(context),
std::regex("^Decimal")) or
std::regex("^Decimal"))) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Unfortunately, WebAssembly (unlike x86 "
"assembly) doesn't support computing remaining of division "
"of decimal numbers, so we can't support that either "
"outside of compile-time constants."
<< std::endl;
return getStrongerType(lineNumber, columnNumber,
if (text == "If" or text == "Then" or text == "Else" or text == "While" or
text == "Loop" or text == "Does" or
text == "Return") // Or else the compiler will claim those
// tokens are undeclared variables.
return "Nothing";
if (std::regex_match(text, std::regex("^(_|[a-z]|[A-Z])\\w*\\[?"))) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: The variable name \"" << text
<< "\" is not declared!" << std::endl;
if (text == "+" or text == "*" or text == "/") {
if (children.size() != 2) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: The binary operator \"" << text
<< "\" doesn't have exactly two operands. Aborting the "
"compilation (or else we will segfault)!"
<< std::endl;
return getStrongerType(lineNumber, columnNumber,
if (text == "-") {
if (children.size() != 2) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: The binary operator \"" << text
<< "\" doesn't have exactly two operands. Aborting the "
"compilation (or else we will segfault)!"
<< std::endl;
if (std::regex_search(children[0].getType(context),
std::regex("Pointer$")) and
std::regex_search(children[1].getType(context), std::regex("Pointer$")))
return "Integer32"; // Difference between pointers is an integer of the
// same size as the pointers (32-bit).
return getStrongerType(lineNumber, columnNumber,
if (text == ":=") {
if (children.size() < 2) {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: The assignment operator \":=\" has less "
"than two operands. Aborting the compilation, or else the "
"compiler will segfault."
<< std::endl;
if (children[1].getType(context) == "Nothing") {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Attempting to assign something of the "
"type \"Nothing\" to a variable. Aborting the compilation!"
<< std::endl;
return children[0].getType(context);
auto potentialFunction =
std::find_if(context.functions.begin(), context.functions.end(),
[=](function fn) { return == text; });
if (potentialFunction != context.functions.end())
return potentialFunction->returnType;
if (text.back() == '(' and
basicDataTypeSizes.count(text.substr(0, text.size() - 1))) // Casting
return text.substr(0, text.size() - 1);
if (text.back() == '(') {
std::cerr << "Line " << lineNumber << ", Column " << columnNumber
<< ", Compiler error: Function \"" << text
<< "\" is not declared!" << std::endl;
if (text == "?:")
return getStrongerType(lineNumber, columnNumber,
return "Nothing";
The rest of the code is available on my GitHub profile, it's about 4'000 lines long, and I don't think most of it is relevant here.