
I'm wondering if there are better practices, and optimizations I could make on my code, to do things easier/faster.
I have added comments, in many places in the code, to make understanding easier.

import sys

class Node():
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data  # holds the key
        self.parent = None #pointer to the parent
        self.left = None # pointer to left child
        self.right = None #pointer to right child
        self.color = 1 # 1 . Red, 0 . Black

# class RedBlackTree implements the operations in Red Black Tree
class RedBlackTree():
    def __init__(self, List=None):
        self.TNULL = Node(0)
        self.TNULL.color = 0
        self.TNULL.left = None
        self.TNULL.right = None
        self.root = self.TNULL
        if List:
            for val in List:

    def __pre_order_helper(self, node):
        if node != TNULL:
            sys.stdout.write(node.data + " ")

    def __in_order_helper(self, node):
        if node != TNULL:
            sys.stdout.write(node.data + " ")

    def __post_order_helper(self, node):
        if node != TNULL:
            sys.stdout.write(node.data + " ")

    def __search_tree_helper(self, node, key):
        if node == TNULL or key == node.data:
            return node

        if key < node.data:
            return self.__search_tree_helper(node.left, key)
        return self.__search_tree_helper(node.right, key)

    # fix the rb tree modified by the delete operation
    def __fix_delete(self, x):
        while x != self.root and x.color == 0:
            if x == x.parent.left:
                s = x.parent.right
                if s.color == 1:
                    # case 3.1
                    s.color = 0
                    x.parent.color = 1
                    s = x.parent.right

                if s.left.color == 0 and s.right.color == 0:
                    # case 3.2
                    s.color = 1
                    x = x.parent
                    if s.right.color == 0:
                        # case 3.3
                        s.left.color = 0
                        s.color = 1
                        s = x.parent.right

                    # case 3.4
                    s.color = x.parent.color
                    x.parent.color = 0
                    s.right.color = 0
                    x = self.root
                s = x.parent.left
                if s.color == 1:
                    # case 3.1
                    s.color = 0
                    x.parent.color = 1
                    s = x.parent.left

                if s.left.color == 0 and s.right.color == 0:
                    # case 3.2
                    s.color = 1
                    x = x.parent
                    if s.left.color == 0:
                        # case 3.3
                        s.right.color = 0
                        s.color = 1
                        s = x.parent.left 

                    # case 3.4
                    s.color = x.parent.color
                    x.parent.color = 0
                    s.left.color = 0
                    x = self.root
        x.color = 0

    def __rb_transplant(self, u, v):
        if u.parent == None:
            self.root = v
        elif u == u.parent.left:
            u.parent.left = v
            u.parent.right = v
        v.parent = u.parent

    def __delete_node_helper(self, node, key):
        # find the node containing key
        z = self.TNULL
        while node != self.TNULL:
            if node.data == key:
                z = node

            if node.data <= key:
                node = node.right
                node = node.left

        if z == self.TNULL:
            print("Couldn't find key in the tree")

        y = z
        y_original_color = y.color
        if z.left == self.TNULL:
            x = z.right
            self.__rb_transplant(z, z.right)
        elif (z.right == self.TNULL):
            x = z.left
            self.__rb_transplant(z, z.left)
            y = self.minimum(z.right)
            y_original_color = y.color
            x = y.right
            if y.parent == z:
                x.parent = y
                self.__rb_transplant(y, y.right)
                y.right = z.right
                y.right.parent = y

            self.__rb_transplant(z, y)
            y.left = z.left
            y.left.parent = y
            y.color = z.color
        if y_original_color == 0:
    # fix the red-black tree
    def  __fix_insert(self, k):
        while k.parent.color == 1: # while k's parent is red
            if k.parent == k.parent.parent.right: # if k's parent is the right child of k's grandparent, then the uncle is the left child of k's grandparent
                u = k.parent.parent.left # uncle
                if u.color == 1: # if k's parent and uncle are both red ---> recolor both uncle and the parent to black, and the grandparent to red.
                    # case 3.1
                    u.color = 0
                    k.parent.color = 0
                    k.parent.parent.color = 1
                    k = k.parent.parent
                else: # if k's parent is red, and uncle is black
                    if k == k.parent.left:
                        # case 3.2.2, if parent is the right child of grandparent and k is the left child of parent (Right-Left) ---> Perform Right Rotation on Parent, and it becomes case 3.2.1
                        k = k.parent
                    # case 3.2.1, if parent is the right child of grandparent and k is the right child of parent {Right-Right} ---> Perform Left Rotation on grandparent, and recolor k's new parent to black, and it's sibling to red
                    k.parent.color = 0
                    k.parent.parent.color = 1
            else: # if k's parent is the left child of k's grandparent, then the uncle is the right child of k's grandparent
                u = k.parent.parent.right # uncle

                if u.color == 1:
                    # mirror case 3.1
                    u.color = 0
                    k.parent.color = 0
                    k.parent.parent.color = 1
                    k = k.parent.parent 
                    if k == k.parent.right:
                        # mirror case 3.2.2
                        k = k.parent
                    # mirror case 3.2.1
                    k.parent.color = 0
                    k.parent.parent.color = 1
            if k == self.root:
        self.root.color = 0

    def __print_helper(self, node, indent, last):
        # print the tree structure on the screen
        if node != self.TNULL:
            if last:
                indent += "     "
                indent += "|    "

            s_color = "RED" if node.color == 1 else "BLACK"
            print(str(node.data) + "(" + s_color + ")")
            self.__print_helper(node.left, indent, False)
            self.__print_helper(node.right, indent, True)
    # Pre-Order traversal
    # Node.Left Subtree.Right Subtree
    def preorder(self):

    # In-Order traversal
    # left Subtree . Node . Right Subtree
    def inorder(self):

    # Post-Order traversal
    # Left Subtree . Right Subtree . Node
    def postorder(self):

    # search the tree for the key k
    # and return the corresponding node
    def searchTree(self, k):
        return self.__search_tree_helper(self.root, k)

    # find the node with the minimum key
    def minimum(self, node):
        while node.left != self.TNULL:
            node = node.left
        return node

    # find the node with the maximum key
    def maximum(self, node):
        while node.right != self.TNULL:
            node = node.right
        return node

    # find the successor of a given node
    def successor(self, x):
        # if the right subtree is not None,
        # the successor is the leftmost node in the
        # right subtree
        if x.right != self.TNULL:
            return self.minimum(x.right)

        # else it is the lowest ancestor of x whose
        # left child is also an ancestor of x.
        y = x.parent
        while y != self.TNULL and x == y.right:
            x = y
            y = y.parent
        return y

    # find the predecessor of a given node
    def predecessor(self,  x):
        # if the left subtree is not None,
        # the predecessor is the rightmost node in the 
        # left subtree
        if (x.left != self.TNULL):
            return self.maximum(x.left)

        y = x.parent
        while y != self.TNULL and x == y.left:
            x = y
            y = y.parent

        return y

    # rotate left at node x
    def left_rotate(self, x):
        y = x.right
        x.right = y.left
        if y.left != self.TNULL:
            y.left.parent = x

        y.parent = x.parent
        if x.parent == None:
            self.root = y
        elif x == x.parent.left:
            x.parent.left = y
            x.parent.right = y
        y.left = x
        x.parent = y

    # rotate right at node x
    def right_rotate(self, x):
        y = x.left
        x.left = y.right
        if y.right != self.TNULL:
            y.right.parent = x

        y.parent = x.parent
        if x.parent == None:
            self.root = y
        elif x == x.parent.right:
            x.parent.right = y
            x.parent.left = y
        y.right = x
        x.parent = y

    # insert the key to the tree in its appropriate position
    # and fix the tree
    def insert(self, key):
        # Ordinary Binary Search Insertion
        node = Node(key)
        node.parent = None
        node.data = key
        node.left = self.TNULL
        node.right = self.TNULL
        node.color = 1 # new node must be red

        y = None
        x = self.root

        while x != self.TNULL:
            y = x
            if node.data < x.data:
                x = x.left
                x = x.right

        # y is parent of x
        node.parent = y
        if y == None:
            self.root = node
        elif node.data < y.data:
            y.left = node
            y.right = node

        # if new node is a root node, simply return
        if node.parent == None:
            node.color = 0

        # if the grandparent is None, simply return
        if node.parent.parent == None:

        # Fix the tree

    def get_root(self):
        return self.root

    # delete the node from the tree
    def delete_node(self, data):
        self.__delete_node_helper(self.root, data)

    # print the tree structure on the screen
    def pretty_print(self):
        self.__print_helper(self.root, "", True)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    bst = RedBlackTree([1,2,3,4,5,6])

1 Answer 1



You are using comments instead of docstrings, which is not a good tone, as I think. You can read more about docstring in PEP 257. Also it's not necessary to write class name in docstring. For example, you can write Implements the operations in Red Black Tree instead of class RedBlackTree implements the operations in Red Black Tree.

Type hinting

Your code doesn't have type hinting at all. It's not really a bad thing, but it's always better to do type hinting. You can read more about why you may want to do it in PEP 484 and how to do it here.

Double underscores in method names

It's not really necessary to write __ before the method name, because _ is already enough. But it's a matter of preference.

Node colors

I'd use enum instead of 0/1 for colors. Your code will be more understandable if you write self.color = Color.Red instead of self.color = 1.


Data is very wide and uninformative name. If data holds key, why don't you name it key?


I suppose that there's no need to overcomplicate your code by using sys.stdout.write instead of print, which also prints to stdout.


You should definitely read about dunders. They will allow you to integrate your class with default python methods. In this particular case dunders will allow you to use print(some_tree) instead of some_tree.pretty_print().

Long methods

Some of your methods are really long and difficult to read. For example, __fix_delete. Also comments like # case 3.1 are uninformative. I guess you should extract each case in separate function and write a little bit more about each case in docstrings.

Style comments

I think that every Python programmer should use pylint. It's a good tool to find small issues like too long lines, absence of spaces after commas, etc. It's really helpful, but try not to become pylint maniac - it's not always necessary to achieve 10/10.

  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ Re. _ is a matter of preference - it's more than that. Single- and double-underscored methods follow well-defined conventions - single underscores are for "weakly-enforced private variables", and double underscores are for name mangling. Read stackoverflow.com/questions/1301346 \$\endgroup\$
    – Reinderien
    Commented Jul 5, 2020 at 14:14

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