I'm wondering if there are better practices, and optimizations I could make on my code, to do things easier/faster.
I have added comments, in many places in the code, to make understanding easier.
import sys
class Node():
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data # holds the key
self.parent = None #pointer to the parent
self.left = None # pointer to left child
self.right = None #pointer to right child
self.color = 1 # 1 . Red, 0 . Black
# class RedBlackTree implements the operations in Red Black Tree
class RedBlackTree():
def __init__(self, List=None):
self.TNULL = Node(0)
self.TNULL.color = 0
self.TNULL.left = None
self.TNULL.right = None
self.root = self.TNULL
if List:
for val in List:
def __pre_order_helper(self, node):
if node != TNULL:
sys.stdout.write(node.data + " ")
def __in_order_helper(self, node):
if node != TNULL:
sys.stdout.write(node.data + " ")
def __post_order_helper(self, node):
if node != TNULL:
sys.stdout.write(node.data + " ")
def __search_tree_helper(self, node, key):
if node == TNULL or key == node.data:
return node
if key < node.data:
return self.__search_tree_helper(node.left, key)
return self.__search_tree_helper(node.right, key)
# fix the rb tree modified by the delete operation
def __fix_delete(self, x):
while x != self.root and x.color == 0:
if x == x.parent.left:
s = x.parent.right
if s.color == 1:
# case 3.1
s.color = 0
x.parent.color = 1
s = x.parent.right
if s.left.color == 0 and s.right.color == 0:
# case 3.2
s.color = 1
x = x.parent
if s.right.color == 0:
# case 3.3
s.left.color = 0
s.color = 1
s = x.parent.right
# case 3.4
s.color = x.parent.color
x.parent.color = 0
s.right.color = 0
x = self.root
s = x.parent.left
if s.color == 1:
# case 3.1
s.color = 0
x.parent.color = 1
s = x.parent.left
if s.left.color == 0 and s.right.color == 0:
# case 3.2
s.color = 1
x = x.parent
if s.left.color == 0:
# case 3.3
s.right.color = 0
s.color = 1
s = x.parent.left
# case 3.4
s.color = x.parent.color
x.parent.color = 0
s.left.color = 0
x = self.root
x.color = 0
def __rb_transplant(self, u, v):
if u.parent == None:
self.root = v
elif u == u.parent.left:
u.parent.left = v
u.parent.right = v
v.parent = u.parent
def __delete_node_helper(self, node, key):
# find the node containing key
z = self.TNULL
while node != self.TNULL:
if node.data == key:
z = node
if node.data <= key:
node = node.right
node = node.left
if z == self.TNULL:
print("Couldn't find key in the tree")
y = z
y_original_color = y.color
if z.left == self.TNULL:
x = z.right
self.__rb_transplant(z, z.right)
elif (z.right == self.TNULL):
x = z.left
self.__rb_transplant(z, z.left)
y = self.minimum(z.right)
y_original_color = y.color
x = y.right
if y.parent == z:
x.parent = y
self.__rb_transplant(y, y.right)
y.right = z.right
y.right.parent = y
self.__rb_transplant(z, y)
y.left = z.left
y.left.parent = y
y.color = z.color
if y_original_color == 0:
# fix the red-black tree
def __fix_insert(self, k):
while k.parent.color == 1: # while k's parent is red
if k.parent == k.parent.parent.right: # if k's parent is the right child of k's grandparent, then the uncle is the left child of k's grandparent
u = k.parent.parent.left # uncle
if u.color == 1: # if k's parent and uncle are both red ---> recolor both uncle and the parent to black, and the grandparent to red.
# case 3.1
u.color = 0
k.parent.color = 0
k.parent.parent.color = 1
k = k.parent.parent
else: # if k's parent is red, and uncle is black
if k == k.parent.left:
# case 3.2.2, if parent is the right child of grandparent and k is the left child of parent (Right-Left) ---> Perform Right Rotation on Parent, and it becomes case 3.2.1
k = k.parent
# case 3.2.1, if parent is the right child of grandparent and k is the right child of parent {Right-Right} ---> Perform Left Rotation on grandparent, and recolor k's new parent to black, and it's sibling to red
k.parent.color = 0
k.parent.parent.color = 1
else: # if k's parent is the left child of k's grandparent, then the uncle is the right child of k's grandparent
u = k.parent.parent.right # uncle
if u.color == 1:
# mirror case 3.1
u.color = 0
k.parent.color = 0
k.parent.parent.color = 1
k = k.parent.parent
if k == k.parent.right:
# mirror case 3.2.2
k = k.parent
# mirror case 3.2.1
k.parent.color = 0
k.parent.parent.color = 1
if k == self.root:
self.root.color = 0
def __print_helper(self, node, indent, last):
# print the tree structure on the screen
if node != self.TNULL:
if last:
indent += " "
indent += "| "
s_color = "RED" if node.color == 1 else "BLACK"
print(str(node.data) + "(" + s_color + ")")
self.__print_helper(node.left, indent, False)
self.__print_helper(node.right, indent, True)
# Pre-Order traversal
# Node.Left Subtree.Right Subtree
def preorder(self):
# In-Order traversal
# left Subtree . Node . Right Subtree
def inorder(self):
# Post-Order traversal
# Left Subtree . Right Subtree . Node
def postorder(self):
# search the tree for the key k
# and return the corresponding node
def searchTree(self, k):
return self.__search_tree_helper(self.root, k)
# find the node with the minimum key
def minimum(self, node):
while node.left != self.TNULL:
node = node.left
return node
# find the node with the maximum key
def maximum(self, node):
while node.right != self.TNULL:
node = node.right
return node
# find the successor of a given node
def successor(self, x):
# if the right subtree is not None,
# the successor is the leftmost node in the
# right subtree
if x.right != self.TNULL:
return self.minimum(x.right)
# else it is the lowest ancestor of x whose
# left child is also an ancestor of x.
y = x.parent
while y != self.TNULL and x == y.right:
x = y
y = y.parent
return y
# find the predecessor of a given node
def predecessor(self, x):
# if the left subtree is not None,
# the predecessor is the rightmost node in the
# left subtree
if (x.left != self.TNULL):
return self.maximum(x.left)
y = x.parent
while y != self.TNULL and x == y.left:
x = y
y = y.parent
return y
# rotate left at node x
def left_rotate(self, x):
y = x.right
x.right = y.left
if y.left != self.TNULL:
y.left.parent = x
y.parent = x.parent
if x.parent == None:
self.root = y
elif x == x.parent.left:
x.parent.left = y
x.parent.right = y
y.left = x
x.parent = y
# rotate right at node x
def right_rotate(self, x):
y = x.left
x.left = y.right
if y.right != self.TNULL:
y.right.parent = x
y.parent = x.parent
if x.parent == None:
self.root = y
elif x == x.parent.right:
x.parent.right = y
x.parent.left = y
y.right = x
x.parent = y
# insert the key to the tree in its appropriate position
# and fix the tree
def insert(self, key):
# Ordinary Binary Search Insertion
node = Node(key)
node.parent = None
node.data = key
node.left = self.TNULL
node.right = self.TNULL
node.color = 1 # new node must be red
y = None
x = self.root
while x != self.TNULL:
y = x
if node.data < x.data:
x = x.left
x = x.right
# y is parent of x
node.parent = y
if y == None:
self.root = node
elif node.data < y.data:
y.left = node
y.right = node
# if new node is a root node, simply return
if node.parent == None:
node.color = 0
# if the grandparent is None, simply return
if node.parent.parent == None:
# Fix the tree
def get_root(self):
return self.root
# delete the node from the tree
def delete_node(self, data):
self.__delete_node_helper(self.root, data)
# print the tree structure on the screen
def pretty_print(self):
self.__print_helper(self.root, "", True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
bst = RedBlackTree([1,2,3,4,5,6])