I am looking to see if my implementation of the removal/deletion method in a binary search tree is sufficient, readable, and runs in \$O(\log n)\$ time. It's been awhile since I've written a data structure and wanted to see if I still had it.
The basic structure of my BST is a Node with 3 pointers. A pointer to its parent, a pointer to its left child, and a pointer to its right child.
There are 3 basic cases in removing a node from a BST
Case 1: Leaf node, just detach the node from the BST and return it
Case 2: One Child, if the child is a left child replace the node with its predecessor. If it is a right child, replace it with its successor.
Case 3: 2 children. We can either replace the node with its successor or predecessor. In my implementation I just chose to replace it with its predecessor.
* the public method that is accessible for deletion
* @param val the value to be removed from the BST
* @return the node with the specified value
public Node delete(int val) {
return delete(val, root);
* private helper method for the public delete method.
* @param val the value to be searched and removed
* @param node the current node we are checking to see if it has the same value as the val param
* @return the node that we are removing
private Node delete(int val, Node node) {
if(search(val) == null) { //search to see if the value exists in the BST
return null;
if(val < node.val){
return delete(val, node.left);
else if(val > node.val){
return delete(val, node.right);
//node is a leaf
if(node.left == null && node.right == null) {
//node has one child
else if((node.left != null && node.right == null) || (node.left == null && node.right != null)){
//node has 2 children
else {
return node;
* detaches a node from its parent
* @param node the node to be detached from its parent
private void deleteLeafNode(Node node){
* removes a node from the BST that has a single child. The node might have a right child or left child
* if it has a left child it is replaced by its predecessor. If the predecessor has a child it will be relinked
* if it has a right child it is replaced bu its successor. If the successor has a child it will be relinked
* @param node the node to be deleted
private void deleteSingleChildNode(Node node){
if(node.left != null){
Node predecessor = getPredecessor(node);
if(predecessor.left != null){
//relink the predecessor's child to its parent
predecessor.parent.right = predecessor.left;
predecessor.left.parent = predecessor.parent;
//replace the current node with the predecessor
node.left.parent = predecessor;
if(predecessor != node.left) { //will cause the predecessor to point to itself. Infinite loop
predecessor.left = node.left;
predecessor.parent = node.parent;
else {
node.left.parent = predecessor;
predecessor.parent.right = null;
if(node.left != predecessor){ //will cause the predecessor to point to itself. Infinite loop
predecessor.left = node.left;
predecessor.parent = node.parent;
detach(node, predecessor);
//node has a right branch
Node successor = getSuccessor(node);
if(successor.right != null){
//relink the predecessor's child to its parent
successor.parent.left = successor.right;
successor.right.parent = successor.parent;
//replace the current node with the successor
node.right.parent = successor;
if(node.right != successor) { //will cause the successor to point to itself. Infinite loop
successor.right = node.right;
successor.parent = node.parent;
else {
node.right.parent = successor;
successor.parent.left = null;
if(node.right != successor) { //will cause the successor to point to itself. Infinite loop
successor.right = node.right;
successor.parent = node.parent;
detach(node, successor);
* removes a node from the BST that has two children.
* we replace the node with its predecessor. If the predecessor has a child it will be relinked
* @param node the node to be deleted
private void deleteTwoChildNode(Node node){
//we can choose to either replace with the successor or predecessor. Just go with predecessor
Node predecessor = getPredecessor(node);
if(predecessor.left != null){
//relink the predecessor's child to its parent
predecessor.parent.right = predecessor.left;
predecessor.left.parent = predecessor.parent;
//replace the current node with the predecessor
node.left.parent = predecessor;
if(node.left != predecessor) {
predecessor.left = node.left;
predecessor.parent = node.parent;
else {
node.left.parent = predecessor;
predecessor.parent.right = null;
if(predecessor != node.left) { //will cause the predecessor to point to itself. Infinite loop
predecessor.left = node.left;
predecessor.parent = node.parent;
if(predecessor != node.left) { //will cause the predecessor to point to itself. Infinite loop
predecessor.left = node.left;
predecessor.right = node.right;
node.left.parent = predecessor;
node.right.parent = predecessor;
detach(node, predecessor);
* detached a node from its parent
* @param node the node to be detached
private void detach(Node node){
if(node != root) {
if (node.parent.left == node) {
node.parent.left = null;
} else {
node.parent.right = null;
else {
root = null;
* detaches a node from its parent. Replaces the parents child with the replacement node
* @param current the current node to be removed
* @param replacement the replacement node to replace the current node
private void detach(Node current, Node replacement){
if(current != root) {
if (current.parent.left == current) {
current.parent.left = replacement;
} else {
current.parent.right = replacement;
root = replacement;
root.parent = null;
* returns the successor of a node
* @param node the node we want to produce a successor of
* @return the successor
private Node getSuccessor(Node node){
Node successor = node;
if(successor.right != null){
successor = successor.right;
while(successor.left != null){
successor = successor.left;
successor = null;
return successor;
* returns a predecessor of a node
* @param node the node we want to produce a predecessor of
* @return the predecessor
private Node getPredecessor(Node node){
Node predecessor = node;
if(predecessor.left != null){
predecessor = predecessor.left;
while(predecessor.right != null){
predecessor = predecessor.right;
else {
predecessor = null;
return predecessor;