

About SNMP

SNMP stands for simple network management protocol. It is a way that servers can share information about their current state, and also a channel through which an administer can modify pre-defined values. SNMP is a protocol that is implemented on the application layer of the networking stack (click here to learn about networking layers). The protocol was created as a way of gathering information from very different systems in a consistent manner.

You can read more about SNMP, OIDs and SNMP methods in the above link. As a summary, this script uses:

  • snmp version 2c
  • snmpwalk as the main snmp method to get the data
  • the data fetched from a device is fetched from a specific OID (more LLDP OIDs can be found here)

About LLDP

The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is a vendor neutral layer 2 protocol that can be used by a station attached to a specific LAN segment to advertise its identity and capabilities and to also receive same from a physically adjacent layer 2 peer.

Combining SNMP and LLDP using python

The purpose of my program is, by using Python3.6 and provided a file of switches data (community string, snmp port and switch ip), to return the neighbours data (local and remote port + name of the neighbours) for all the switches in the file.

Example config file:

community_string1, snmp_port1, ip1
community_string2, snmp_port2, ip2
community_string3, snmp_port3, ip3

Example output:

        "name1": {
            "ip": "ip1",
            "neighbours": [
                    "neighbour_name1": "neighbour_name1",
                    "local_port1": "local_port1",
                    "remote_port1": "remote_port1"
                    "neighbour_name2": "neighbour_name2",
                    "local_port2": "local_port2",
                    "remote_port2": "remote_port2"
                    "neighbour_name3": "neighbour_name3",
                    "local_port3": "local_port3",
                    "remote_port3": "remote_port3"
        "name2":  {data here},
        "name3":  {data here},

Explaining the output

  • name1 represents the name of the switch from the first line of the config file (which is retrieved by doing a snmp walk for PARENT_NAME_OID)
  • ip1 represents the ip of the switch from the first line of the config file (this is taken as is from the config file)
  • the neighbours are all retrieved via snmp using specific OIDs (see code below).

I thought this JSON output format is the most relevant but if you have better ideas, I'd like to hear.

The code

Now, the code is a bit messy but it does its job using the pysnmp library which can be easily installed via pip. It receives the config file as a CLI argument, parses it and the processes the info in it.

Parse a file which contains switches information (community, snmp_port, ip)
and query those devices (neighbours information) via LLDP. Return the data
as a JSON object.

import argparse
import itertools
import pprint
import os
import re

from pysnmp.hlapi import *

NEIGHBOUR_PORT_OID = '1.0.8802.'
NEIGHBOUR_NAME_OID = '1.0.8802.'
PARENT_NAME_OID = '1.0.8802.'

class MissingOidParameter(Exception):
    Custom exception used when the OID is missing.

def is_file_valid(filepath):
    Check if a file exists or not.

        filepath (str): Path to the switches file
        filepath or raise exception if invalid

    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        raise ValueError('Invalid filepath')
    return filepath

def get_cli_arguments():
    Simple command line parser function.

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="")
        help='Path to the switches file'
    return parser

def get_switches_from_file():
    """Return data as a list from a file.

    The file format is the following:

    community_string1, snmp_port1, ip1
    community_string2, snmp_port2, ip2
    community_string3, snmp_port3, ip3

    The output:

        {"community": "community_string1", "snmp_port": "snmp_port1", "ip": "ip1"},
        {"community": "community_string2", "snmp_port": "snmp_port2", "ip": "ip2"},
        {"community": "community_string3", "snmp_port": "snmp_port3", "ip": "ip3"},

    args = get_cli_arguments().parse_args()
    switches_info = []
    with open(args.file) as switches_info_fp:
        for line in switches_info_fp:
            line = line.rstrip().split(',')
                'community': line[0].strip(),
                'snmp_port': line[1].strip(),
                'ip': line[2].strip(),
    return switches_info

def parse_neighbours_ports_result(result):
    One line of result looks like this:

    result = iso.0.8802. = 2

    Where the last "2" from the OID is the local port and the value
    after '=' is the remote port (2)
    if not result:
        raise MissingOidParameter('No OID provided.')

    value = result.split(' = ')
    if not value:
        return 'Missing entire value for OID={}'.format(result)
        oid, port = value
        local_port = re.search(r'{}\.(\d+)'.format(NEIGHBOUR_PORT_OID[2:]), oid).group(1)

        if port:
            remote_port = re.search(r'(\d+)', port).group(1)
            remote_port = 'Unknown'

    return 'local_port', local_port, 'remote_port', remote_port

def parse_parent_name(result):
    One line of result looks like this:

    result = iso.0.8802. = Switch01

    The name of the parent is "Switch01"

    if not result:
        raise MissingOidParameter('No OID provided.')

    value = result.split(' = ')
    if not value:
        return 'Missing entire value for OID={}'.format(result)
        return 'Unknown' if not value[-1] else value[-1]

def parse_neighbour_names_results(result):
    One line of result looks like this:

    result = iso.0.8802. = HP-2920-24G

    The name of the parent is "Switch01"

    if not result:
        raise MissingOidParameter('No OID provided.')

    value = result.split(' = ')
    if not value:
        return 'Missing entire value for OID={}'.format(result)
        return ('name', 'Unknown') if not value[-1] else ('name', value[-1])

def main():
    data = {}
    switches_filedata = get_switches_from_file()

    for switch in switches_filedata:
        community = switch.get('community')
        snmp_port = switch.get('snmp_port')
        ip = switch.get('ip')

        name = ''
        for (error_indication, error_status, error_index, var_binds) in nextCmd(
                UdpTransportTarget((ip, snmp_port)),
            # this should always return one result
            name = parse_parent_name(str(var_binds[0]))

        if not name:
            print('Could not retrieve name of switch. Moving to the next one...')

        neighbour_names = []
        neighbour_local_remote_ports = []

        for (error_indication, error_status, error_index, var_binds) in nextCmd(
                UdpTransportTarget((ip, snmp_port)),
            for var_bind in var_binds:

        for (error_indication, error_status, error_index, var_binds) in nextCmd(
                UdpTransportTarget((ip, snmp_port)),
            for var_bind in var_binds:

        neighbours = []
        for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(
                a[0]: a[1],
                b[0]: b[1],
                b[2]: b[3]

        data[name] = {
            'ip': ip,
            'neighbors': neighbours

    return data

if __name__ == '__main__':
    all_data = main()
    pprint.pprint(all_data, indent=4)

What I'm especially looking after:

  • better / more performant ways of using pysnmp's functionality (perhaps I can do only one SNMP walk to store all the data and then from there get the needed data for all the OIDs) - kinda like we're doing when parsing lxmls html tree.
  • better ways of structuring my code
  • improvements regarding the names of the functions/names
  • I tried to stick to PEP8 but I didn't really focused on it. I'm familiar with almost everything related to it and so I would like you guys not to focus on this too much.
  • \$\begingroup\$ NOTE: Unless you have access to some switches within a network this can hardly be tested and I'm sorry that I can't provide a test environment where you can play with it. I hope you guys will still have the pleasure to review this ^^ \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 12, 2020 at 16:45

1 Answer 1


Type hints

PEP484 type hints will help; an example:

def is_file_valid(filepath: str) -> bool:

Function contracts

is_file_valid isn't actually what's happening. You're using this function to do two things:

  • Cast an input string to whatever the program needs through the argparse system
  • Verify that the input string is correct

The documentation shows how this should actually be done:

parser.add_argument('bar', type=open)

This will call open and give you back a file object, or fail if the file doesn't exist.


The get_switches_from_file can use tuple unpacking:

community, port, ip = (t.strip() for t in line.split(','))

This has the added advantage that irregular lines with more than three parts will cause an error rather than being silently ignored.

Better yet, delegate this to a class:

class Switch:
    def __init__(self, line: str):
        self.community, self.port, self.ip = (
            field.strip() for field in line.split(',')

Avoid iterative concatenation

Rather than maintaining switches_info, simply yield each dictionary from the inner loop. This will cause your method to go from O(n) memory to O(1) memory, at a probable slight cost to runtime.

If you use the Switch class above, this could look like

    args = get_cli_arguments().parse_args()
    with args.file as switches_info_fp:
        for line in switches_info_fp:
            yield Switch(line)

Separation of concerns

parse_neighbours_ports_result has an odd return format. It's not clear that the first and third string are useful. Either return a 2-tuple with the actual port values, or return a named tuple or class instance.

Implicit tuple unpacking

for (error_indication, error_status, error_index, var_binds)

can lose the parens.


To abbreviate your code, do some from x import y:

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from itertools import zip_longest
  • \$\begingroup\$ Those are some nice suggestions but the is_file_valid has to return something since it's used in one of parser.add_arguments params. I'd also love to hear some other suggestions regarding the structure of the whole project :) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 15, 2020 at 17:11
  • \$\begingroup\$ is_file_valid has to return something - Sure; I've edited my answer \$\endgroup\$
    – Reinderien
    Commented Mar 15, 2020 at 19:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ I'd also love to hear some other suggestions regarding the structure of the whole project - use a helper class for named parse elements; edited \$\endgroup\$
    – Reinderien
    Commented Mar 15, 2020 at 20:13

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