I am writing a script that takes one CSV file searches for a value in another CSV file then writes an output depending on the result it finds.
I have been using Python's CSV Distreader and writer. I have it working, but it is very inefficient because it is looping through the 2 sets of data until it finds a result.
There are a few bits in the code which are specific to my setup (file locations etc), but I'm sure people can see around this.
# Set all csv attributes
cache = {}
in_file = open(sript_path + '/cp_updates/' + update_file, 'r')
reader = csv.DictReader(in_file, delimiter= ',')
out_file = open(sript_path + '/cp_updates/' + update_file + '.new', 'w')
writer = csv.DictWriter(out_file, fieldnames=('StockNumber', 'SKU', 'ChannelProfileID'), delimiter=',')
check_file = open(sript_path + '/feeds/' + feed_file, 'r')
ch_file_reader = csv.DictReader(check_file, delimiter=',')
#loop through the csv's, find stock levels and update file
for row in reader:
#print row
found = False
for ch_row in ch_file_reader:
#if row['SKU'] not in cache:
if ch_row['ProductCode'] == row[' Stock']:
Stk_Lvl = int(ch_row[stk_lvl_header])
if Stk_Lvl > 0:
res = 3746
elif Stk_Lvl == 0:
res = 3745
res = " "
found = True
print ch_row
print res
cache[row['SKU']] = res
if not found:
res = " "
#print ch_row
#print res
cache[row['SKU']] = res
row['ChannelProfileID'] = cache[row['SKU']]
This is a few lines from my in_file
and also the outfile is the same structure. It just updates the ChannelProfileID
depending on the results found.
"StockNumber","SKU","ChannelProfileID" "10m_s-vid#APTIIAMZ","2VV-10",3746 "10m_s-vid#CSE","2VV-10",3746 "1RR-01#CSE","1RR-01",3746 "1RR-01#PCAWS","1RR-01",3746 "1m_s-vid_ext#APTIIAMZ","2VV-101",3746
This is a few line from the check_file
ProductCode, Description, Supplier, CostPrice, RRPPrice, Stock, Manufacturer, SupplierProductCode, ManuCode, LeadTime 2VV-03,3MTR BLACK SVHS M - M GOLD CABLE - B/Q 100,Cables Direct Ltd,0.43,,930,CDL,2VV-03,2VV-03,1 2VV-05,5MTR BLACK SVHS M - M GOLD CABLE - B/Q 100,Cables Direct Ltd,0.54,,1935,CDL,2VV-05,2VV-05,1 2VV-10,10MTR BLACK SVHS M - M GOLD CABLE - B/Q 50,Cables Direct Ltd,0.86,,1991,CDL,2VV-10,2VV-10,1
You can see it selects the first line from the in_file
, looks up the SKU in the check_file then writes the out_file
in the same format as the in_file changing the ChannelProfileID
depending what it finds in the Stock field of the check_file
, it then goes back to the first line in the check_file
and performs the same on the next line on the in_file
As I say this script is working and outputs exactly what I want, but I believe it is slow and inefficient due to having to keep loop through the check_file
until it finds a result.
What I'm after is suggestions on how to improve the efficiency. I'm guessing there's a better way to find the data than to keep looping through the check_file