I wrote this program for a Sudoku solver in Python. It utilizes tkinter
GUI. I've uploaded the project to my GitHub.
Please can you have a look and let me know of any ideas or improvements you think I should make?
from tkinter import Frame,Entry,Button,messagebox
class app(Frame):
def __init__(self): #Initialising
self.create_grid() #Creating the sudoku grid
self.create_buttons() #Creating the reset and solve buttons
def create_grid(self):
self.cells = {} #Creating a dict for the cells in the grid
self.tableheight = 9
self.tablewidth = 9
counter = 0
for row in range(self.tableheight): #Iterating through the rows and columns creating entries
for col in range(self.tablewidth):
self.cells[counter] = Entry(self,width=5,justify='center') #Creating the Entry
if (counter % 3==2): #Creating extra vertical breaks to split into 3x3 boxes
pad_x = (3,10)
pad_x = 3
if ((counter // 9) == 2) or ((counter // 9) == 5): #Creating extra horizontal breaks to split into 3x3 boxes
pad_y = (3,10)
pad_y = 3
if (counter % 9) == 0: #Extra space to the sides of the board
pad_x = (25,3)
elif (counter % 9) == 8:
pad_x = (3,25)
if (counter // 9) == 0:
pad_y = (25,3)
elif (counter // 9) == 8:
pad_y = (3,25)
self.cells[counter].grid(row=row,column=col,padx=pad_x,pady=pad_y) #Setting in a grid and adding padding
self.master.bind('<Up>',self.up) #Key bindings to move between cells
def up(self,event):
current_cell = str(self.focus_get())[12:] #Splitting the string of default entry names to get the number
if len(current_cell) == 0: #Naming started with no number at the end so setting to 1
current_cell = '1'
current_cell = int(current_cell) - 1 #Getting the current cell index
row = current_cell//9 #Finding the row the cell is on
if row == 0: #Getting new row
new_row = 8
new_row = row -1
next_cell = new_row*9 + (current_cell % 9) #Getting index of target cell
self.cells[next_cell].focus_set() #Setting focus to new entry
def left(self,event):
current_cell = str(self.focus_get())[12:] #Splitting the string of default entry names to get the number
if len(current_cell) == 0: #Naming started with no number at the end so setting to 1
current_cell = '1'
current_cell = int(current_cell) - 1 #Getting the current cell index
if (current_cell == 0): #Index of new entry
next_cell = 80
next_cell = current_cell - 1
self.cells[next_cell].focus_set() #Setting focus to new entry
def right(self,event):
current_cell = str(self.focus_get())[12:] #Splitting the string of default entry names to get the number
if len(current_cell) == 0: #Naming started with no number at the end so setting to 1
current_cell = '1'
current_cell = int(current_cell) - 1 #Getting the current cell index
if (current_cell == 80): #Index of new entry
next_cell = 0
next_cell = current_cell + 1
self.cells[next_cell].focus_set() #Setting focus to new entry
def down(self,event):
current_cell = str(self.focus_get())[12:] #Splitting the string of default entry names to get the number
if len(current_cell) == 0: #Naming started with no number at the end so setting to 1
current_cell = '1'
current_cell = int(current_cell) - 1 #Getting the current cell index
row = current_cell//9 #Finding the row the cell is on
if row == 8: #Getting new row
new_row = 0
new_row = row + 1
next_cell = new_row*9 + (current_cell % 9) #Getting index of target cell
self.cells[next_cell].focus_set() #Setting focus to new entry
def create_buttons(self): #Creating buttons
self.reset = Button(self,text='Reset',command=self.reset_values) #Reset
self.solve = Button(self,text='Solve',command=self.solve_sudoku) #Solve
self.solve.grid(row = 11, column=7)
def reset_values(self): #Reset entries
for counter in range(81):
def check_values(self): #Checks cell values are allowed
self.fetch_values () #Fetching values
self.cells_given = 0
for x in self.cells_list: #Checking the number of cells intially filled is greater than 17 to allow for unique solution
if x != 0:
self.cells_given += 1
if (self.cells_given < 17): #Less than 17 enteries results in non unique solution
messagebox.showwarning('Non Unique Solution','Entering less that 17 initial cells means the solution can not be unique')
self.different_values_given = len(list(set(self.cells_list))) #Getting length of the list of unique cell values given
if self.different_values_given < 9: #Checking the number of different values given is greater than 9 (8 for unique sudoku but this also counts 0)
messagebox.showwarning('Non Unique Solution','Entering less than 8 different intial values means the solution can not be unique.')
self.convert_to_board() #Getting the list of cell values in a board format
for row in range(9): #iterating through each cell
for col in range(9):
value = self.board[row][col]
if value!=0:
if (self.check_valid(row,col,value)): #Check for violations of sudoku rules at start
messagebox.showerror('Entry Error','Initial board contains violation of Sudoku rules')
def fetch_values(self): #Gets cell values from board
self.cells_list = list(self.cells.values()) #Getting the cell values as a list
for x in range(81):
self.cells_list[x] = self.cells_list[x].get()
if (self.cells_list[x] not in ['','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']): #Checking the cell values are allowed
messagebox.showerror('Value Error','Please ensure all enteries are between 1-9.\nLeave empty cells blank.')
raise Sudoku_Error()
if (self.cells_list[x] == ''): #Converting empty cells to 0s
self.cells_list[x] = '0'
self.cells_list[x] = int(self.cells_list[x]) #Converting cell values from strings to integers
def convert_to_board(self): #Converting from a list length 81 to list of 9 lists length 9
self.board = []
for iteration in range(9): #Iterating through different rows
row = []
for pos in range(iteration*9,(iteration+1)*9): #Iterating through different columns in the set row
row.append(self.cells_list[pos]) #Appending to the current rows list
self.board.append(row) #Appending row list to the board
def check_valid(self,row,col,value): #Checking if a test value is valid
row_valid = all([value != x for x in self.board[row]])#grid[row][x] for x in range(9)]) #Check if value violates row condition
col_valid = all([value != self.board[y][col] for y in range(9)]) #Check if value violates column condition
if not(row_valid and col_valid): #Returning false unless value is valid for both row and column constraints
return False
box_start_row,box_start_col = 3*(row//3),3*(col//3) #Finding the position values for top left of the 3x3 box which the current test cell resides in
for y in range(box_start_row,box_start_row + 3): #Checking if test value violates box condition
for x in range(box_start_col,box_start_col + 3):
if self.board[y][x] == value:
return False
return True
def solve_sudoku(self): #Solving
self.check_values() #Checking intitial
self.solve_initial() #Initial solving algorithm
self.publish_answer() #Publishing results
def solve_initial(self):
repeat = False #Setting a variable to repeat if grid was changed this iteration
for row in range(9):
for col in range(9):
if self.board[row][col] == 0:
possible_values = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] #Setting possible values before other cell's value contraints
row_values = [self.board[row][x] for x in range(9)] #Getting values from the cells row
col_values = [self.board[y][col] for y in range(9)] #Getting values from the cells column
box_values = []
box_start_row,box_start_col = 3*(row//3),3*(col//3)
for y in range(box_start_row,box_start_row + 3): #Getting values from the cells box
for x in range(box_start_col,box_start_col + 3):
restricted_values = row_values + col_values + box_values #Combining to get the total list of values not allowed
restricted_values = list(set(restricted_values)) #Removing duplicates
restricted_values.remove(0) #Have to remove 0 as that isnt a possible value for completed suduko
for value in restricted_values: #Removing the restricted values from the possible value list
if len(possible_values) == 1: #If only one possible value, set that value and set repeat to true
self.board[row][col] = possible_values[0]
repeat = True
if repeat: #Repeating if repeat is true
if (self.solve_brute()): #If not repeating attempt brute force to check if solved and if not then finish
def solve_brute(self,row = 0,col = 0): #Solve function with inital params for row and col set
row, col = self.next_cell(row,col)
if (row == -1) and (col == -1): #If no more cells to solve, return completed grid
return True
for value in range(1,10):
if self.check_valid(row,col,value):
self.board[row][col] = value #Updating the cell to the new value if it is valid
if self.solve_brute(row,col):
return True
self.board[row][col] = 0 #Reset the current cell to unfilled for backtracking
return False
def next_cell(self,row,col): #Finding the next cell to fill
for y in range(row,9): #Check grid from min row col values for unfilled cells (treating 0 as unfilled)
for x in range(col,9):
if self.board[y][x] == 0:
return y,x
for y in range(9): #Check entire grid for unfilled cells
for x in range(9):
if self.board[y][x] == 0:
return y,x
return -1,-1 #Returns -1,-1 if all cells filled
def publish_answer(self):
self.answer_cells = []
for y in range(9):
for x in range(9):
for pos in range(81):
if (self.cells_list[pos] == 0):
class Sudoku_Error(Exception):
prog = app()
prog.master.title('Sudoku Solver')