I have an app that takes in "commands" in the form of strings
that are parsed, and then passed off to a specific class based on the first word in the string.
Every string
command is comprised of two or three words separated by spaces, and can also have an '=' followed by more words/numbers separated by commas.
Some examples:
add layer layerName=path,style
- commands with an =
will follow this format. Three "parts" before the =
, and any number of "parts" after, separated by commas.
assign database C:\temp folder\temp.mdb
- commands without an =
will follow this format. At most three "parts".
Right now, I have a List
comprised of all the possible "first" words, which are action verbs.
I parse the string
command into a string[]
, and switch on the first element to determine the correct function to call.
Here's the List
containing the possible action verbs (shortened for better readability):
//list of all types of commands. Add to this list if more commands are created.
private static readonly List<string> Commands = new List<string>
{"add", "assign", "cancel", "reload"}; //the actual list has ~50 strings
private static readonly string[] EmptyString = { string.Empty };
Here's my parse function:
/// <summary>
/// Given a command string, will parse it
/// </summary>
public static void StartParse(string command)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command)) //make sure the command isn't empty
Log("Command is empty.");
string textToParse = command;
if (textToParse.Contains('='))
string[] parts = textToParse.Split(new[] { '=' }, 2); //split the command into two parts
string[] secondPart;
//special case, only one command will have this format:
//ex: add layer layerName=filepath| ( OBJECTID = 10 ) OR ( OBJECTID = 20),styleName
if (parts[1].Contains('|') && parts[1].Contains('('))
string secondParts = "";
for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
secondParts += parts[i];
secondPart = secondParts.Replace(@"""", "").Split(',');
secondPart = parts.Last().Replace(@"""", "").Split(',');
string[] firstPart = parts.First().Replace(@"""", "").Split(' '); //get rid of any quotes and split by spaces
//if a filepath is in the first part of a command and contains spaces, it could be split into more than three parts
//Note: if the above is true, the filepath will always start at the THIRD parameter
//ex: use database c:\users\test folder\temppath.mdb=...
if (firstPart.Length > 3)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 2; i < firstPart.Length; i++) //file path will always start at the third parameter
sb.Append(firstPart[i] + " "); //make the different parts of the filepath one string
firstPart = new[] { firstPart[0], firstPart[1], sb.ToString() };
string[] allParts = MergeArrays(firstPart, secondPart); //make one array out of the two parts of the command
allParts[0] = allParts[0].ToLower(); //make everything lower
//If first element is not in the command list
if (!Commands.Contains(allParts.First()))
Log(allParts.First() + " is not a proper command.");
else //if there is no '=' in the command
//creates a string array out of the command string, split by spaces
string[] parts = TextParser.ParseText(textToParse, ' ', '"').ToArray();
parts[0] = parts[0].ToLower();
//If first element is not in the command list
if (!Commands.Contains(parts.First()))
Log(parts.First() + " is not a proper command.");
Here's the function that determines which function to call using a switch statement:
/// <summary>
/// Calls the correct command function or sends off a message based on the command verb.
/// The command verb is always the first argument.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="command">An array of strings representing all the arguments of a commmand.</param>
public static void CallCommand(string[] command)
string commandVerb = command.First().ToLower();
//shortened for better readability, actual switch has ~50 cases
switch (commandVerb)
case "add":
case "assign":
case "cancel":
case "reload":
Log("This command doesn't exist.");
/// <summary>
/// Merges two arrays into one
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="first"></param>
/// <param name="second"></param>
/// <returns>Returns the merged array</returns>
public static T[] MergeArrays<T>(T[] first, T[] second)
T[] result = new T[first.Length + second.Length];
Array.Copy(first, result, first.Length);
Array.Copy(second, 0, result, first.Length, second.Length);
return result;
Here's a helper parser class I'm using:
public static class TextParser
/// <summary>
/// Parses text given a delimiter and a text qualifier
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<string> ParseText(string line, char delimiter, char textQualifier)
if (line == null)
yield break;
bool inString = false;
StringBuilder token = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
var currentChar = line[i];
var prevChar = '\0';
prevChar = i > 0 ? line[i - 1] : '\0';
var nextChar = '\0';
nextChar = i + 1 < line.Length ? line[i + 1] : '\0';
if (currentChar == textQualifier && (prevChar == '\0' || prevChar == delimiter) && !inString)
inString = true;
if (currentChar == textQualifier && (nextChar == '\0' || nextChar == delimiter) && inString)
inString = false;
if (currentChar == delimiter && !inString)
yield return token.ToString();
token = token.Remove(0, token.Length);
token = token.Append(currentChar);
yield return token.ToString();
Here's an example of one of the command classes (they are all set up like this):
public static class AssignCommand
/// <summary>
/// Starts parsing the command and assigns a tag to a feature object if one is found with the given name
/// </summary>
public static void ParseCommand(string[] command)
if (command.Length < 4)
Log("Assign command failed: must have at least four arguments total", null)
var objectName = command[2];
var tag = command[3];
var feature = GlobalObjects.Map.FindFeatureByName(objectName); //Map is a third party object. GlobalObjects is a global class in the app containing the Map object. I didn't make it, it's been there forever.
if (feature != null)
feature.Tag = tag;
The priority is improving speed as much as possible, because there will be hundreds of thousands of these commands coming in.
One thing to note is that for each action verb, there is a class that matches it to handle the command, which is what you see in the switch statements. I'm not including these because they are long, but each of these have a ParseCommand
function that just parses the string array into an object. I was thinking of making a base class for them, and using some kind of generics to reduce the switch statement to a single line maybe. Not sure if this would actually increase performance though.
Another thought was using a Dictionary
instead of a switch statement, with the Key
being the action verb and the Value
being a delegate.
ParseCommand(string[] command)
function that takes the parsed string command and turns them into specific objects. \$\endgroup\$