This is my first code in C++. Since I'm new to the language, I'm just looking for pointers on what can be made better. I tried to cut out unnecessary stuff, but there are some comments in there. I know Java, so if you're trying to explain anything in Java, I can understand it.
Feel free to mention anything, whether it be code style (which I'm completely unsure what the conventions are in C++), performance, etc.
The goal of the program is to take an equation, such as 5x^2+48204x=7
, and parse the 5
and 48204
into strings.
using namespace std;
void printHelp();
class Equation {
string equation1;
string equation2;
int matrix [3][2];
Equation(string one, string two) {
one.erase(remove_if(one.begin(), one.end(), isspace), one.end());
two.erase(remove_if(two.begin(), two.end(), isspace), two.end());
equation1 = one;
equation2 = two;
cout << equation1 << endl;
void init() {
size_t firstx = equation1.find_first_of("x");
size_t secondx = equation1.find_first_of("x", firstx + 1);
if (secondx == string::npos) {
cout << "Secondx == 0" << endl;
//cout << firstx << endl;
//cout << secondx << endl;
int startloc = firstx - 1;
while (true) {
//cout << "starting with startloc = " << startloc << endl;
if (startloc == -1) {
char c =;
if (c == ' ' || c == '=' || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '/') {
//cout << "Found something" << endl;
string s;
unsigned int i = startloc + 1;
//cout << i << endl;
//cout << firstx << endl;
while (i < firstx) {
//cout << "Character at " << i << endl;
//cout << equation1[i] << endl;
stringstream ss;
string temp;
ss << equation1[i];
ss >> temp;
cout << s << endl;
startloc = secondx - 1;
while (true) {
//cout << "starting with startloc = " << startloc << endl;
if (startloc == 0) {
cout << "Problem" << endl;
char c =;
if (c == ' ' || c == '=' || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '/') {
//cout << "Found something" << endl;
s = "";
i = startloc + 1;
while (i < secondx) {
stringstream ss;
string temp;
ss << equation1[i];
ss >> s;
cout << s << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Equation equation(argv[1], "blank");
string s;
cin >> s;
return 0;
void printHelp()
cout << "Welcome!" << endl;
cout << "Stuff about commands" << endl;