Thank you to everyone for the feedback provided to the initial version of this program posted here.
Please find below the newest version, revised based on the comments provided, for review and comment on how I can further improve my coding.
I have removed the portion of the program that checked if the provided value was a legitimate temperature, as this was useless code only showing that I had recently learned what the opposite of absolute zero was....who cares, and who cares what value the user wants to convert!
I look forward to your feedback.
Program: Temperature Conversion (C to F, or F to C)
Date: 05 May 2019
Version: 1.2
Author: Jason P. Karle
Remark: This program was inspired by a Python exercise that
asks you to create a program that will convert one Celsius value to Fahrenheit;
so a program that can be executed with three lines of code.
However, I wanted to make something that would allow the user to
convert to and from either C of F, and do so multiple times, until the user
decides to end the program. This was also an exercise for me to
advance not only my code skills, but how I structure a program.
version history:
1.0 Initial draft
1.1 Correction of runtime; posted to StackExchange for feedback
1.2 Re-coded based on feedback; trying to improve flow control
def read_selection():
selection = input('''Welcome to the temperature conversion program!
Please make a selection:
c to convert from Celcius to Fahrenheit;
f to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius; or
q to quit the program.
Enter your selection: ''').lower()
return selection
def value_input(selection):
value = input('''\nPlease enter the temperature you
want to convert: ''')
value = float(value)
except ValueError:
print('That is not a number!\n')
if selection == 'c':
# return value
def convert_c2f(value):
print(f'The answer is: {(value * (9/5)) + 32}°F\n')
def convert_f2c(value):
print(f'The answer is: {(value-32) * (5/9)}°C\n')
def main():
while True:
selection = read_selection()
if selection == 'q':
elif selection == 'c' or selection == 'f':
elif selection == 'f':
print('Invalid selction. Try again.\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':