Could someone please review my code for performance(any other suggestions are welcome) which converts flat data list coming from database to a tree?
Interface for db entity class
public interface IDbEntityNode
int Id { get; set; }
int ParentId { get; set; }
string Data { get; set; }
Example of db Entity class
public class ExceptionCategory :IDbEntityNode
public int Id { get; set; }
public int ParentId { get; set; }
public string Data { get; set; }
public ExceptionCategory(string data, int id, int parentId)
Id = id;
ParentId = parentId;
Data = data;
Generic class which holds the structure of tree node
public class GenericNode<T>
public T NodeInformation { get; set; }
public GenericNode<T> Parent { get; set; }
public List<GenericNode<T>> Children { get; set; } = new List<GenericNode<T>>();
Method which coverts flat list to tree
public static List<GenericNode<T>> CreateGenericTree<T>(List<T> flatDataObject,Func<T,bool> IsRootNode) where T : IDbEntityNode
var lookup = new Dictionary<int, GenericNode<T>>();
var rootNodes = new List<GenericNode<T>>();
var noOfElements = flatDataObject.Count;
for (int element = 0; element < noOfElements; element++)
GenericNode<T> currentNode;
if (lookup.TryGetValue(flatDataObject[element].Id, out currentNode))
currentNode.NodeInformation = flatDataObject[element];
currentNode = new GenericNode<T>() { NodeInformation = flatDataObject[element] };
lookup.Add(flatDataObject[element].Id, currentNode);
if (IsRootNode(flatDataObject[element]))
GenericNode<T> parentNode;
if (!lookup.TryGetValue(flatDataObject[element].ParentId, out parentNode))
parentNode = new GenericNode<T>();
lookup.Add(flatDataObject[element].ParentId, parentNode);
currentNode.Parent = parentNode;
return rootNodes;
private static void Main(string[] args)
List<IDbEntityNode> flatDataStructure = new List<IDbEntityNode>
new ExceptionCategory("System Exception",1,0),
new ExceptionCategory("Index out of range",2,1),
new ExceptionCategory("Null Reference",3,1),
new ExceptionCategory("Invalid Cast",4,1),
new ExceptionCategory("OOM",5,1),
new ExceptionCategory("Argument Exception",6,1),
new ExceptionCategory("Argument Out Of Range",7,6),
new ExceptionCategory("Argument Null",8,6),
new ExceptionCategory("External Exception",9,1),
new ExceptionCategory("Com",10,9),
new ExceptionCategory("SEH",11,9),
new ExceptionCategory("Arithmatic Exception",12,1),
new ExceptionCategory("DivideBy0",13,12),
new ExceptionCategory("Overflow",14,12),
var tree = CreateGenericTree(flatDataStructure, IsRootNode);
Root node has ParentId set to 0
private static bool IsRootNode(IDbEntityNode dbEntity)
bool isRootNode = false;
if (dbEntity.ParentId == 0 )
isRootNode = true;
return isRootNode;
is missing. I'd be great if you could add the missing parts. \$\endgroup\$ExceptionCategory
withId == 0
in your example data or is yourIsRootNode()
wrong? \$\endgroup\$