I have written the following implementation of the Caesar cipher for an old Linux computer with a Pentium MMX chip. The code has been written with the following design goals in mind:
- the code should perform well
- to avoid timing side-channel attacks, the runtime should be independent of the data used
- the code should run on a Pentium MMX
Please let me know of possible improvements and performance pitfalls I fell in.
# MMX caeasar cipher implementation
# for i586 with MMX
# signature:
# caesar(out, in, len, key)
# key is between 0 and 25
.section .text
.globl caesar
.type caesar,@function
.align 16
push %ebp
mov %esp,%ebp
push %ebx
push %edi
push %esi
mov 8(%ebp),%edi # edi: destination
mov 12(%ebp),%esi # esi: source
mov 16(%ebp),%edx # edx: length
and $~7,%edx # only process full qwords
test %edx,%edx
jz 1f
xor %ecx,%ecx # ecx: index
movd 20(%ebp),%mm5
punpcklbw %mm5,%mm5
punpcklwd %mm5,%mm5
punpckldq %mm5,%mm5 # mm5: key bytes
movq %mm5,%mm4
psubb twentysix,%mm4 # mm4: key - 26
movq Amask,%mm6
psubb %mm4,%mm6 # mm6: 'A' - 1 - (key - 26)
.align 16
0: movq (%esi,%ecx),%mm0
movq %mm0,%mm1
pand ucmask,%mm1 # mm1: xmm0 in upper case
movq %mm1,%mm3
movq %mm1,%mm2
pcmpgtb Amask,%mm2 # mm2: 0xff where 'A' <= buf[i]
pcmpgtb Zmask,%mm3 # mm3: 0xff where 'Z' < buf[i]
pcmpgtb %mm6,%mm1 # mm1: 0xff where 'A' + key <= buf[i]
pandn %mm1,%mm3
pand %mm4,%mm3 # mm3: key-26 where 'A' + (26 - key) <= buf[i] <= 'Z'
pandn %mm2,%mm1
pand %mm5,%mm1 # mm1: key where 'A' <= buf[i] < 'A' + (26 - key)
por %mm3,%mm1 # mm1: 0/key/key-26
paddb %mm1,%mm0
movq %mm0,(%edi,%ecx)
add $8,%ecx
cmp %edx,%ecx
jb 0b
add %ecx,%edi
add %ecx,%esi
1: mov 16(%ebp),%edx # length
mov 20(%ebp),%ecx # key
and $7,%edx # loop tail
# process remaining bytes
add %edx,%edi # end of output buffer
add %edx,%esi # end of input buffer
neg %edx # index counts up to 0
lea -26(%ecx),%eax # al: key - 26
mov $'A'+26-1,%ah
sub %cl,%ah # ah: threshold ('A' - 1 - (key - 26))
.align 16
0: mov (%esi,%edx),%bl
and $~0x20,%bl # bl: uppercase c
cmp $'Z'+1,%bl # cf: uc <= 'Z'
sbb %ch,%ch # ch: 0xff if uc <= 'Z'
cmp %bl,%ah # cf: thresh < uc
sbb %bh,%bh # bh: 0xff if thresh < uc
and %bh,%ch
and %al,%ch # ch: key - 26 & isleZ & isgttthres
not %bh # bh: ~isgtthresh
cmp $'A',%bl
cmc # cf: 'A' <= uc
sbb %bl,%bl # bl: 0xff if 'A' <= uc
and %bh,%bl
and %cl,%bl # bl: key & isgeA & ~isgtthresh
or %ch,%bl
add (%esi,%edx),%bl
mov %bl,(%edi,%edx)
inc %edx
jnz 0b
1: pop %esi
pop %edi
pop %ebx
.size caesar,.-caesar
.section .rodata.cst8,"aM",@progbits,8
.align 8
.type ucmask,@object
ucmask: .fill 8, 1, ~0x20
.size ucmask, 8
.type Amask,@object
Amask: .fill 8, 1, 'A' - 1
.size Amask, 8
.type Zmask,@object
Zmask: .fill 8, 1, 'Z'
.size Zmask, 8
.type twentysix,@object
.fill 8, 1, 26
.size twentysix, 8
You can use this harness to test the code:
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
extern void caesar(const char *out, char *in, size_t len, int key);
extern int
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *buf = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
ssize_t count;
int key = 13;
if (argc > 1)
key = atoi(argv[1]) % 26;
while (count = getline(&buf, &len, stdin), count != EOF) {
caesar(buf, buf, strlen(buf), key);
fputs(buf, stdout);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);