
I have written the following implementation of the Caesar cipher for an old Linux computer with a Pentium MMX chip. The code has been written with the following design goals in mind:

  • the code should perform well
  • to avoid timing side-channel attacks, the runtime should be independent of the data used
  • the code should run on a Pentium MMX

Please let me know of possible improvements and performance pitfalls I fell in.

    # MMX caeasar cipher implementation
    # for i586 with MMX
    # signature:
    # caesar(out, in, len, key)
    # key is between 0 and 25

    .section .text
    .globl caesar
    .type caesar,@function
    .align 16
    push %ebp
    mov %esp,%ebp
    push %ebx
    push %edi
    push %esi

    mov 8(%ebp),%edi        # edi: destination
    mov 12(%ebp),%esi       # esi: source
    mov 16(%ebp),%edx       # edx: length
    and $~7,%edx            # only process full qwords
    test %edx,%edx
    jz 1f

    xor %ecx,%ecx           # ecx: index
    movd 20(%ebp),%mm5
    punpcklbw %mm5,%mm5
    punpcklwd %mm5,%mm5
    punpckldq %mm5,%mm5     # mm5: key bytes

    movq %mm5,%mm4
    psubb twentysix,%mm4        # mm4: key - 26

    movq Amask,%mm6
    psubb %mm4,%mm6         # mm6: 'A' - 1 - (key - 26)

    .align 16
0:  movq (%esi,%ecx),%mm0
    movq %mm0,%mm1
    pand ucmask,%mm1        # mm1: xmm0 in upper case

    movq %mm1,%mm3
    movq %mm1,%mm2

    pcmpgtb Amask,%mm2      # mm2: 0xff where 'A' <= buf[i]
    pcmpgtb Zmask,%mm3      # mm3: 0xff where 'Z' < buf[i]
    pcmpgtb %mm6,%mm1       # mm1: 0xff where 'A' + key <= buf[i]

    pandn %mm1,%mm3
    pand %mm4,%mm3          # mm3: key-26 where 'A' + (26 - key) <= buf[i] <= 'Z'

    pandn %mm2,%mm1
    pand %mm5,%mm1          # mm1: key where 'A' <= buf[i] < 'A' + (26 - key)

    por %mm3,%mm1           # mm1: 0/key/key-26
    paddb %mm1,%mm0
    movq %mm0,(%edi,%ecx)

    add $8,%ecx
    cmp %edx,%ecx
    jb 0b
    add %ecx,%edi
    add %ecx,%esi

1:  mov 16(%ebp),%edx       # length
    mov 20(%ebp),%ecx       # key
    and $7,%edx         # loop tail

    # process remaining bytes
    add %edx,%edi       # end of output buffer
    add %edx,%esi       # end of input buffer
    neg %edx        # index counts up to 0

    lea -26(%ecx),%eax  # al: key - 26
    mov $'A'+26-1,%ah
    sub %cl,%ah     # ah: threshold ('A' - 1 - (key - 26))

    .align 16
0:  mov (%esi,%edx),%bl
    and $~0x20,%bl      # bl: uppercase c
    cmp $'Z'+1,%bl      # cf: uc <= 'Z'
    sbb %ch,%ch     # ch: 0xff if uc <= 'Z'
    cmp %bl,%ah     # cf: thresh < uc
    sbb %bh,%bh     # bh: 0xff if thresh < uc
    and %bh,%ch
    and %al,%ch     # ch: key - 26 & isleZ & isgttthres
    not %bh         # bh: ~isgtthresh
    cmp $'A',%bl
    cmc         # cf: 'A' <= uc
    sbb %bl,%bl     # bl: 0xff if 'A' <= uc
    and %bh,%bl
    and %cl,%bl     # bl: key & isgeA & ~isgtthresh
    or %ch,%bl
    add (%esi,%edx),%bl
    mov %bl,(%edi,%edx)
    inc %edx
    jnz 0b

1:  pop %esi
    pop %edi
    pop %ebx
    .size caesar,.-caesar

    .section .rodata.cst8,"aM",@progbits,8
    .align 8
    .type ucmask,@object
ucmask: .fill 8, 1, ~0x20
    .size ucmask, 8
    .type Amask,@object
Amask:  .fill 8, 1, 'A' - 1
    .size Amask, 8
    .type Zmask,@object
Zmask:  .fill 8, 1, 'Z'
    .size Zmask, 8
    .type twentysix,@object
    .fill 8, 1, 26
    .size twentysix, 8

You can use this harness to test the code:

#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

extern void caesar(const char *out, char *in, size_t len, int key);

extern int
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char *buf = NULL;
    size_t len = 0;
    ssize_t count;
    int key = 13;

    if (argc > 1)
        key = atoi(argv[1]) % 26;

    while (count = getline(&buf, &len, stdin), count != EOF) {
        caesar(buf, buf, strlen(buf), key);
        fputs(buf, stdout);

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Aren't there 8 mm registers? Since register<->register operations tend to be faster than register<->memory, could you use mm7 for Amask? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 2, 2018 at 6:41
  • \$\begingroup\$ @DavidWohlferd Indeed, that seems useful. \$\endgroup\$
    – FUZxxl
    Commented Apr 2, 2018 at 8:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ So you want to tune for P5 (Pentium MMX)? You mention i686: the first P6 chip with MMX was Pentium II. (PPro didn't have MMX). Tuning for out-of-order P6 is significantly different from the in-order dual-issue pipeline in P5. On P5, most MMX instructions can pair in either the U or V pipes, so instruction scheduling is very important. On P6, decode bottlenecks and register-read stalls are going to be the major worries, not scheduling. (And early P6 doesn't have micro-fusion of memory operands; you get 2 uops.) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 18, 2018 at 23:08
  • \$\begingroup\$ Can you require your in/out buffers are padded to a multiple of 8 bytes, so you can use SIMD without a scalar fallback? (You can already do that by using a possibly-overlapping unaligned last vector, unless the total length is less than 8, though. If operating in-place with src=dst needs to be supported, make sure you load that last maybe-overlapping source vector before the final main loop vector store.) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 18, 2018 at 23:16
  • \$\begingroup\$ @PeterCordes I am not sure; I think I wrote i686 because I thought this was the first CPU to support MMX. This whole thing is more of an educational exercise / joke, but optimisation advice for either CPU would still be useful. Padding cannot be mandated though. \$\endgroup\$
    – FUZxxl
    Commented Dec 18, 2018 at 23:21

2 Answers 2


A big danger.

When the len parameter happens to be a muliple of 8 and all of the full qwords have been processed, there will be no remaining bytes to process.
Your code calculates the number of remaining bytes using

mov 16(%ebp),%edx     # length
and $7,%edx           # loop tail

but forgets to exit if this produces zero. The loop that follows is started anyway and at the bottom where it reads

inc %edx
jnz 0b

the increment of %edx will keep producing NZ for a very long time!

Resolve this by exiting if the and instruction sets ZF=1.

mov 16(%ebp), %edx    # length
and $7, %edx          # loop tail
jz  1f

A small optimization

and $~7,%edx        # only process full qwords
test %edx,%edx
jz 1f

Because the and instruction defines the zero flag (ZF), there's no need to write test %edx, %edx.

Allow me

mov $'A'+26-1,%ah

This struck me as being a bit too much of a complication. Why not simply write

mov $'Z', %ah

Now if it was your intent to come close to the comment that follows in the next line
# ah: threshold ('A' - 1 - (key - 26))
then writing

lea -26(%ecx), %eax   # al: key - 26
mov $'A'-1, %ah
sub %al, %ah          # ah: threshold ('A' - 1 - (key - 26))

would have nailed it.


After applying the advice I received, this is the final version of the code:

    # MMX caeasar chiffre implementation
    # for i686 with MMX
    # signature:
    # caesar(out, in, len, key)
    # key is between 0 and 25

    .section .text
    .globl caesar
    .type caesar,@function
    .align 16
    push %ebp
    mov %esp,%ebp
    push %ebx
    push %edi
    push %esi

    mov 8(%ebp),%edi        # edi: destination
    mov 12(%ebp),%esi       # esi: source
    mov 16(%ebp),%edx       # edx: length
    and $~7,%edx            # only process full qwords
    test %edx,%edx
    jz 1f

    xor %ecx,%ecx           # ecx: index
    movd 20(%ebp),%mm5
    punpcklbw %mm5,%mm5
    punpcklwd %mm5,%mm5
    punpckldq %mm5,%mm5     # mm5: key bytes

    movq Amask,%mm7         # for later use

    movq %mm5,%mm4
    psubb twentysix,%mm4        # mm4: key - 26

    movq %mm7,%mm6
    psubb %mm4,%mm6         # mm6: 'A' - 1 - (key - 26)

    .align 16
0:  movq (%esi,%ecx),%mm0
    movq %mm0,%mm1
    pand ucmask,%mm1        # mm1: xmm0 in upper case

    movq %mm1,%mm3
    movq %mm1,%mm2

    pcmpgtb %mm7,%mm2       # mm2: 0xff where 'A' <= buf[i]
    pcmpgtb Zmask,%mm3      # mm3: 0xff where 'Z' < buf[i]
    pcmpgtb %mm6,%mm1       # mm1: 0xff where 'A' + key <= buf[i]

    pandn %mm1,%mm3
    pand %mm4,%mm3          # mm3: key-26 where 'A' + (26 - key) <= buf[i] <= 'Z'

    pandn %mm2,%mm1
    pand %mm5,%mm1          # mm1: key where 'A' <= buf[i] < 'A' + (26 - key)

    por %mm3,%mm1           # mm1: 0/key/key-26
    paddb %mm1,%mm0
    movq %mm0,(%edi,%ecx)

    add $8,%ecx
    cmp %edx,%ecx
    jb 0b
    add %ecx,%edi
    add %ecx,%esi

1:  mov 16(%ebp),%edx       # length
    mov 20(%ebp),%ecx       # key
    and $7,%edx         # loop tail
    jz 1f               # all bytes processed alread?

    # process remaining bytes
    add %edx,%edi           # end of output buffer
    add %edx,%esi           # end of input buffer
    neg %edx            # index counts up to 0

    lea -26(%ecx),%ebx      # bl: key - 26
    mov $'A'-1,%ah
    sub %bl,%ah         # ah: threshold ('A' - 1 - (key - 26))

    .align 16
0:  mov (%esi,%edx),%al
    and $~0x20,%al          # al: uppercase c
    cmp $'Z'+1,%al          # cf: uc <= 'Z'
    sbb %ch,%ch         # ch: 0xff if uc <= 'Z'
    cmp %al,%ah         # cf: thresh < uc
    sbb %bh,%bh         # bh: 0xff if thresh < uc
    and %bh,%ch
    and %al,%ch         # ch: key - 26 & isleZ & isgttthres
    not %bh             # bh: ~isgtthresh
    cmp $'A',%al
    cmc             # cf: 'A' <= uc
    sbb %al,%al         # al: 0xff if 'A' <= uc
    and %bh,%al
    and %cl,%al         # al: key & isgeA & ~isgtthresh
    or %ch,%al
    add (%esi,%edx),%al
    mov %al,(%edi,%edx)
    inc %edx
    jnz 0b

1:  pop %esi
    pop %edi
    pop %ebx
    .size caesar,.-caesar

    .section .rodata.cst8,"aM",@progbits,8
    .align 8
    .type ucmask,@object
ucmask: .fill 8, 1, ~0x20
    .size ucmask, 8
    .type Amask,@object
Amask:  .fill 8, 1, 'A' - 1
    .size Amask, 8
    .type Zmask,@object
Zmask:  .fill 8, 1, 'Z'
    .size Zmask, 8
    .type twentysix,@object
    .fill 8, 1, 26
    .size twentysix, 8

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