
Currently, I have this and it's working for all cases:

import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys

def caesarCipher(s, k):
    st = []
    for i in range(0,len(s)):
        if 65<=ord(s[i])<=90: 
            temp = ord(s[i])+k%26
            if (temp>90):
        elif 97<=ord(s[i])<=122:
            temp = ord(s[i])+k%26
            if (temp>122):
        else: st.append(s[i])
    return ''.join(st)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    s = input()

    k = int(input())

    result = caesarCipher(s, k)

I'm not sure if the multiple if loops reduce readability. Is there a cleaner way to do this?

Sample I/O:

Input: s = middle-Outz , k=2
Output: s = okffng-Qwvb

Input: s = Always-Look-on-the-Bright-Side-of-Life ; k=5
Output: s = Fqbfdx-Qttp-ts-ymj-Gwnlmy-Xnij-tk-Qnkj

1 Answer 1



  • Remove unused imports

    You don't use any of these imports, just remove them to reduce clutter

  • Read PEP8 the python style guide

    1. Functions and variables should be snake_case
    2. There should be a <space> in between operators
  • Instead of appending to a list, you could create the string for the start

    So instead of making st = [], do st = '' and st += char, no need to join then

    However you could make the shifting a separate function, and then ''.join() becomes needed again

  • When looping, loop over the item not the index

    Instead of for i in range(len(s)) you could directly loop over the char --> for i in s

  • There is a function to determine if we encounter an uppercase or lowercase

    You could use char.isupper() or char.islower()

  • Simplify the shifting

    You could use the fact that if you subtract the start ord('a') or ord('A') and then modulo, the extra check of if temp > x becomes not needed

  • Notice how the operations for each case (upper, lower) are mostly similar

Putting it all together

import string
APLHA_LEN = len(string.ascii_lowercase)

def shift_letter(letter, shift):
    start = ''
    if letter.isupper():
        start = ord('A')
    elif letter.islower():
        start = ord('a')
    return chr((ord(letter) - start + k) % APLHA_LEN + start) if start else letter

def ceasar_cipher(st, shift):
    return ''.join(shift_letter(letter, shift) for letter in st)

BUT, there is a better way...

As mentioned by someone already you could use the maketrans function very nicely for ceasar ciphers.

Giving you something like this

from string import ascii_lowercase as lc, ascii_uppercase as uc

def ceasar_cipher_translate(st, k):
    trans = str.maketrans(lc + uc, lc[k:] + lc[:k] + uc[k:] + uc[:k])
    return str.translate(st, trans)

NOTE That this code assumes Python3.x

  • \$\begingroup\$ A magic number 26 is still lingering. Consider something along the lines of len(string.ascii_lowercase). \$\endgroup\$
    – vnp
    Commented Sep 18, 2018 at 20:11
  • \$\begingroup\$ @vnp Done, that slipped my mind :) \$\endgroup\$
    – Ludisposed
    Commented Sep 19, 2018 at 13:00

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