I have a Date Table like this one:
Exit_Date Date_ID
2017-05-31 1
2017-04-26 2
2017-01-02 3
2016-12-24 4
2016-11-27 5
I use a loop to insert each of those Dates into a CTE to generates the last 15 years of these dates like this:
declare @DI int = 1
declare @d date
while @DI <=5
select @d = Exit_Date from Date_Table where Date_ID = @DI
declare @EDTable table (Exit_Date Date);
a as(
select dateadd(yy,-1,@d) d,0 i
union all
select dateadd(yy,-1,d),i+1 from a where i<14
b as(select d,datediff(dd,0,d)%7 dd from a)
insert into @EDTable select d from b;
set @DI = @DI + 1
The results is correct, I get 75 rows with my dates. I would like to know if there is a way to get rid of the WHILE loop by replacing variable @d
by each date record from Date_Table?