I'm working on writing a routing system for a PHP project. I'm trying to write it in a way that it can easily be expanded later on via plugins.
I have 2 ideas for how to go about doing it. I've already created working versions of both, now it's just down to which one people find easier to use.
class GeneralRouter extends Router {
public function RootRoute (Request $request, Response $response){
public function PageRoute (Request $request, Response $response){
$response->html('Hi, looking at \"' . $request->parameters["page"]. '\"');
public function routes (){
return array(
'/' => 'RootRoute',
'/:page/' => 'PageRoute'
class GeneralRouter extends Router {
public function init (){
$this->get('/', function(Request $req, Response $res){
$this->get('/:page/', function(Request $req, Response $res){
$response->html('<pre>Hi, looking at \"' . $req->parameters["page"]. '\"</pre>');
#1 is similar to the way I've seen other PHP projects do their routing classes (CraftCMS for example), however I really like the ExpressJS-like format of #2. Which would be easier for expansion and/or is the "correct" way of doing it?
? you still can pass string as callable in second version and anonymous function in the first \$\endgroup\$