
This code made a few breaks back in my spare time. There are, however, a few alterations to the original machine that this simulation shows, one being the alphabet, another being the amount of rotors.

from random import *
import msvcrt
import os
from os import walk
english = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',',','.','?','-','+','=','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0',' ','\'','"','!']
def diskgen(alphabet):
    disk_avail = []
    disk_direc = []
    disk_map = []
    for num in range (0,len(alphabet)):
    #Begin mapping
    while len(disk_direc) > 0:
        choose_ep = randint(0,len(disk_avail)-1)
        exit_position = disk_avail[choose_ep]
        del disk_avail[choose_ep]
        del disk_direc[0]
    for pos in range (0,len(alphabet)):
        disk_map[pos] = disk_map[pos] - pos
    return disk_map
def reflector(alphabet):
    reflect_avail = []
    reflect_map = []
    for num in range (0,len(alphabet)):
    if len(reflect_avail)%2 == 0:
        while len(reflect_avail) > 0:
            from_num = reflect_avail[0]
            to_pos = randint(1,len(reflect_avail)-1)
            fin_num = reflect_avail[to_pos]
            reflect_map[from_num] = fin_num
            reflect_map[fin_num] = from_num
            del reflect_avail[0]
            del reflect_avail[to_pos-1]
        for pos in range (0,len(alphabet)):
            reflect_map[pos] = reflect_map[pos] - pos
        return reflect_map
def rotate(selected_disk):
    new_disk = []
    for pos in range (0,len(selected_disk)-1):
    return new_disk

def code(reflector,letter,language,disk1,disk2,disk3,disk4):
    language_map = {}
    for x in range (0,len(language)):
    ltnumb = language_map[letter]
    disk1_scramble = (disk1[ltnumb] + ltnumb + len(disk1))%len(disk1)
    disk2_scramble = (disk2[disk1_scramble] + disk1_scramble + len(disk2))%len(disk2)
    disk3_scramble = (disk3[disk2_scramble] + disk2_scramble + len(disk3))%len(disk3)
    disk4_scramble = (disk4[disk3_scramble] + disk3_scramble + len(disk4))%len(disk4)
    rfb = (reflector[disk4_scramble] + disk4_scramble + len(reflector))%len(reflector)
    for x in range (0,len(disk4)):
        if (disk4[x]+x+len(disk4))%len(disk4) == rfb:
            disk4_reverse = x
    for x in range (0,len(disk3)):
        if (disk3[x]+x+len(disk3))%len(disk3) == disk4_reverse:
            disk3_reverse = x
    for x in range (0,len(disk2)):
        if (disk2[x]+x+len(disk2))%len(disk2) == disk3_reverse:
            disk2_reverse = x
    for x in range (0,len(disk1)):
        if (disk1[x]+x+len(disk1))%len(disk1) == disk2_reverse:
            eletter = language[x]
    return eletter

cwd = os.getcwd()
if not os.path.exists(cwd+'\\rotor'):
f = []
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(cwd+'\\rotor'):
files = []
for fname in f:
    if fname.endswith('.rotor'):
start_selection = input('[1]\tNew Setting\n[2]\tReload Setting from file\n')
if start_selection == '2':
    for num in range (len(files)):
    f_choose = int(input())
    with open (cwd+'\\rotor\\'+files[f_choose]+'.rotor','r') as f:
        information = eval(f.read())
elif start_selection == '1':
    d1 = diskgen(english)
    d2 = diskgen(english)
    d3 = diskgen(english)
    d4 = diskgen(english)
    rf = reflector(english)
    d1rc = 0
    d2rc = 0
    d3rc = 0
    d4rc = 0
    rfrc = 0
    raw_type = ''
    enc_type = ''
    information = [d1,d2,d3,d4,rf,d1rc,d2rc,d3rc,d4rc,rfrc,raw_type,enc_type]
    wtf = input('Write to file? [y/n]: ')
    if (wtf == 'y') or (wtf == 'Y'):
        while True:
            name = input('NAME: ')
            if not os.path.isfile(cwd+'\\rotor\\'+name+'.rotor'):
                newf = open(cwd+'\\rotor\\'+name+'.rotor','w')
            if os.path.isfile(cwd+'\\rotor\\'+name+'.rotor'):
                proceed = input('File already exists, overwrite?\n[1]\tYes\n[2]\tNo\n')
                if proceed == '1':
                    newf = open(cwd+'\\rotor\\'+name+'.rotor','w')
d1 = information[0]
d2 = information[1]
d3 = information[2]
d4 = information[3]
rf = information[4]
d1rc = information[5]
d2rc = information[6]
d3rc = information[7]
d4rc = information[8]
rfrc = information[9]
raw_type = input('Plaintext: ')
enc_type = information[11]
word_address = 0
while word_address < len(raw_type):
    letter = raw_type[word_address]
        encoded_letter = code(rf,letter,english,d1,d2,d3,d4)
        enc_type += encoded_letter
    decoded_letter = code(rf,encoded_letter,english,d1,d2,d3,d4)
    d1 = rotate(d1)
    d1rc += 1
    if d1rc == len(d1):
        d1rc = 0
        d2 = rotate(d2)
        d2rc += 1
        if d2rc == len(d2):
            d2rc = 0
            d3 = rotate(d3)
            d3rc += 1
            if d3rc == len(d3):
                d4 = rotate(d4)
                d3rc = 0
                d4rc += 1
                if d4rc == len(d4):
                    d4rc = 0
                    rf = rotate(rf)
                    rfrc += 1
    word_address += 1

If you happen to run this you'd find this to be slow (please run in console, not shell). It has the ability to generate valid disks and rotors if you need it, or save a rotor setting to a file.

There is just one hunch (apart from lazy coding at parts), which is that the displaying of the code text is slow. As you can see, it uses repeated prints and cls.

To make the code cross platform, I can use something like:

import os
def cls():
    os.system('cls' if os.name=='nt' else 'clear')

I would like tips to give me better direction in how to better do this. Are there any obvious flaws that I have missed in all my testing?

I realise that this is not a good cryptographic tool in today's day and age. This is supposed to be more educational.

In which ways can this be better optimised and in which ways can I stamp out not obvious errors in the code?


1 Answer 1


Here are some things related to performance and the code quality in general:

  • what the diskgen() and reflector() functions do, does not really depend on the user's input and can be pre-computed to avoid wasting time during the runtime. Create the disk and reflector maps beforehand.
  • to multiply the disk mappings, use copy.deepcopy() instead of regenerating the mapping
  • the rotation code can be improved by using slicing - might also be faster:

    def rotate(disk):
        return [disk[-1]] + disk[:-1]
  • note the use of negative indexing and list slicing (you can apply these things in other parts of the code - it would not only make the code more concise and readable, but may provide performance boosts)

  • you can make use of *args and **kwargs to pass around multiple arguments

  • make use of unpacking, e.g. you can improve the way you parse the information list (splited to multiple slices for readability):

    d1, d2, d3, d4 = information[:4]
    rf = information[4]
    d1rc, d2rc, d3rc, d4rc = information[5:9]
    rfrc = information[9]
  • use list and dictionary comprehensions

  • put the main program logic to under the if __name__ == '__main__':
  • extract the user input part into a separate function
  • the english list can be defined as a concatenation of sets of characters available in the string module:

    In [1]: import string
    In [2]: string.ascii_letters
    Out[2]: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'

Code organization-wise, the code really asks for a class (of course, you don't have to write classes), say, Machine in which, the constructor method will be responsible for initializing disks and reflectors, the disks would be instance variables - you would simply access them via self.diskN instead of passing around from method to method. The rotation logic at the end of the program should also be extracted and be a part of this class.


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