
I worked on implementing a simple moving average function in Rust, that works on a collection of year/revenue tuples:

fn compute_moving_average(window: &Box<&[(u32, u32)]>) -> (u32, f32) {
    let window_size = window.len();

    let current_year = window
        .nth((window_size as f32/ 2.0).floor() as usize)

    let sum = window
        .fold(0, |a, x| a + x.1) as f32 / window_size as f32;

    (current_year, sum)

fn extract_moving_average_for_year(year: u32, moving_average: &Vec<(u32, f32)>) -> Option<f32> {
    let x = moving_average
        .find(|a| a.0 == year);

    match x {
        Some(a) => Some(a.1),
        None => None,

fn merge_moving_average(a: (u32, u32), avg: Option<f32>) -> (u32, u32, Option<f32>) {
    (a.0, a.1, avg)

fn main() {
    let vec = vec![
        (2003, 4),
        (2004, 6),
        (2005, 5),
        (2006, 8),
        (2007, 9),
        (2008, 5),
        (2009, 4),
        (2010, 3),
        (2011, 7),
        (2012, 8),

    let moving_average = vec
        .map(|a| compute_moving_average(&Box::new(a)))

        .map(|a| merge_moving_average(*a, extract_moving_average_for_year(a.0, &moving_average)))
        .inspect(|a| println!("{:?}", a))


(2003, 4, None)
(2004, 6, None)
(2005, 5, Some(6.4))
(2006, 8, Some(6.6))
(2007, 9, Some(6.2))
(2008, 5, Some(5.8))
(2009, 4, Some(5.6))
(2010, 3, Some(5.4))
(2011, 7, None)
(2012, 8, None)

1 Answer 1

  1. I don't know why compute_moving_average takes a Box, much less why it would take a reference to one.
  2. Prefer &[T] over &Vec<T>.
  3. Why use floating point division with truncation when integer math does same, should be faster, and is shorter to write?
  4. Don't use an iterator on a slice if you are just going to pull out the nth value; just index. Also bakes-in the unwrap.
  5. I'd use Iterator::map and Iterator::sum.
  6. Preserve the sum as an integer until the last moment, then convert it to floating point. This may or may not be a good idea depending on the input data.
  7. Learn and love all the methods on Option and Result. For example, Option::map replaces the 4 lines of an explicit match.
  8. merge_moving_average seems more trouble than it's worth; just inline it and provide better variable names.

  9. There's no need to create a Vec; just pass in a slice of an array.

  10. Can directly pass compute_moving_average with map, no closure or arguments needed.

  11. It's more idiomatic to use |&a| in the closure argument instead of *a in the body when they are equivalent.

  12. Iterator::inspect is more of a debugging tool than anything; use a for loop to drive an iterator for side effects.
fn compute_moving_average(window: &[(u32, u32)]) -> (u32, f32) {
    let window_size = window.len();

    let current_year = window[window_size / 2].0;

    let sum: u32 = window.iter().map(|&(_, val)| val).sum();
    let sum = sum as f32 / window_size as f32;

    (current_year, sum)

fn extract_moving_average_for_year(year: u32, moving_average: &[(u32, f32)]) -> Option<f32> {
        .find(|(yr, _)| yr == year)
        .map(|&(_, val)| val)

fn main() {
    let vec = [
        (2003, 4),
        (2004, 6),
        (2005, 5),
        (2006, 8),
        (2007, 9),
        (2008, 5),
        (2009, 4),
        (2010, 3),
        (2011, 7),
        (2012, 8),

    let moving_average = vec

    let moving_average = vec
        .map(|&(year, val)| (year, val, extract_moving_average_for_year(year, &moving_average)));

    for a in moving_average {
        println!("{:?}", a);


It would be interesting to see an implementation that doesn't use windows, but instead is based on an iterator.

If you know your slice is sorted, a binary search might be more efficient.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Good points, I'm also still thinking about a solution without relying on windows() and instead work with iterators, do you have a general idea how it can be done? Would it make sense to add a custom function to Iterator like, instead of .windows() I could add .windows_iter() or something like that? \$\endgroup\$
    – BMBM
    Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 1:13
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Max if you were going to go that way, you may want to look at itertools. You may also want to try rolling your own, maybe writing an iterator that keeps a Vec of the last N numbers, and a sum, then you only have to add and remove one value per iteration... \$\endgroup\$
    – Shepmaster
    Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 1:15

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