I've solved this problem: https://leetcode.com/problems/word-break
Given a non-empty string s and a dictionary wordDict containing a list of non-empty words, determine if s can be segmented into a space-separated sequence of one or more dictionary words.
The same word in the dictionary may be reused multiple times in the segmentation. You may assume the dictionary does not contain duplicate words. Example 1:
impl Solution {
fn dfs(i: usize, words: &HashSet<String>, cur_word: &str, cache: &mut HashMap<usize, bool>, n: usize, orig:&str) -> bool {
if i == n {
return true;
if cache.contains_key(&i) {
return *cache.get(&i).unwrap();
if words.contains(cur_word) {
cache.insert(i, true);
return true;
let mut res = String::from("");
for k in i..n {
let s = orig.chars().nth(k).unwrap();
if words.contains(&res) && Self::dfs(k + 1, &words, orig.get(k+ 1..).unwrap_or_default(), cache, n, orig) {
cache.insert(i, true);
return true;
cache.insert(i, false);
return false;
pub fn word_break(s: String, word_dict: Vec<String>) -> bool {
let set = word_dict.into_iter().collect::<HashSet<String>>();
let mut cache = HashMap::new();
Self::dfs(0, &set, "", &mut cache, s.len(), &s)
Please ignore the useless Solution
struct -- that's part of the website's interface for solution.
I'm quite upset with how my dfs
function is structured -- I am passing far too many arguments into it.
In python, I would've simply created a recursive nested function, which would have captured outer variables; rust doesn't allow for recursive closures, as a closure is an unnamed struct. So I've had to resort to creating a argument-heavy function.
How do I make my code more idiomatic?