
I'm working on writing a scripting language with ANTLR and C++. This is my first actual move from ANTLR grammars into the C++ API, so I'd like to know if this would be a good way to structure the grammar (later I will be adding a tree parser or tree rewriting rules though).

grammar dyst;

  language = C;
  output = AST;

program : statement*;

statement : stopUsingNamespaceStm|usingNamespaceStm|namespaceDefineStm|functionStm|defineStm|assignStm|funcDefineStm|ifStm|whileStm|returnStm|breakStm|eventDefStm|eventCallStm|linkStm|classDefStm|exitStm|importStm|importOnceStm|directive;

namespaceDefineStm : 'namespace' ident '{' statement* '}';

usingNamespaceStm : 'using' 'namespace' ident (',' ident)* ';';

stopUsingNamespaceStm : 'stop' 'using' 'namespace' ident (',' ident)* ';';

directive : '@' directiveId argList? ';';

directiveId : ID (':' ID)*;

importOnceStm : 'import_once' expression ';';

importStm : 'import' expression ';';

exitStm : 'exit' expression? ';';

classDefStm : 'class' ident ('extends' ident (',' ident)*)? '{' (classSection|funcDefineStm|defineStm|eventDefStm)* '}';

classSection : ('public'|'private'|'protected') ':';

linkStm : 'link' ident 'to' ident (',' ident)* ';';

eventCallStm : 'call' ident (',' argList)? ';';

eventDefStm : 'event' ident '(' paramList? ')' ';';

returnStm : 'return' expression ';';

breakStm : 'break' int ';';

ifStm : 'if' '(' expression ')' '{' statement* '}';

whileStm : 'while' '(' expression ')' '{' statement* '}';

defineStm : 'global'? 'def' ident ('=' expression)? ';';

assignStm : ident '=' expression ';';

funcDefineStm : 'function' ident '(' paramList? ')' ('handles' ident (',' ident)*)? '{' statement* '}';

paramList : param (',' param)?;

param : ident ('=' expression)?;

functionStm : functionCall ';';

functionCall : ident '(' argList? ')';

argList : expression (',' expression)*;

term : functionCall|value|'(' expression ')';

logic_not : ('!')* term;

bit_not : ('~')* logic_not;

urnary : '-'* bit_not;

mult : urnary (('*'|'/'|'%') urnary)*;

add : mult ('+' mult)*;

relation : add (('<='|'>='|'<'|'>') add)*;

equality : relation (('=='|'!=') relation)*;

bit_and : equality ('&' equality)*;

bit_xor : bit_and ('^' bit_and)*;

bit_or : bit_xor ('|' bit_xor)*;

logic_and : bit_or ('&&' bit_or)*;

logic_or : logic_and ('||' logic_and)*;

expression : logic_or;

value : ident|float|int|string|boolean|newObject|anonFunc|null_val;

anonFunc : 'function' '(' paramList? ')' '{' statement* '}';

newObject : 'new' ident ('(' argList ')')?;

ident : ID (('.'|'::') ID)*;

float : FLOAT;

int : INTEGER;


boolean : BOOL;

null_val : NULL_VAL;


BOOL : 'true'|'false';

NULL_VAL : 'null'|'NULL';

STRING_DOUBLE : '"' .* '"';
STRING_SINGLE : '\'' .* '\'';

ID : (LETTER|'_') (LETTER|DIGIT|'_')*;

fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9';
fragment LETTER : 'a'..'z'|'A'..'Z';

NEWLINE : ('\n'|'\r'|'\t'|' ')+ {$channel = HIDDEN;};
COMMENT : '#' .* '\r'? '\n' {$channel = HIDDEN;};
MULTI_COMMENT : '/-' .* '-/' {$channel = HIDDEN;};

If you are wondering about exactly what it is I'm using this for, you can take a look here.


1 Answer 1

  1. The grammar itself is pretty unreadable "as is". A rule like:

    statement : stopUsingNamespaceStm|usingNamespaceStm|namespaceDefineStm|functionStm|defineStm|assignStm|funcDefineStm|ifStm|whileStm|returnStm|breakStm|eventDefStm|eventCallStm|linkStm|classDefStm|exitStm|importStm|importOnceStm|directive;

    would be far more readable when declared like this:

      :  stopUsingNamespaceStm
      |  usingNamespaceStm
      |  namespaceDefineStm
      |  functionStm
      |  defineStm
      |  assignStm
      |  funcDefineStm
      |  ifStm
      |  whileStm
      |  returnStm
      |  breakStm
      |  eventDefStm
      |  eventCallStm
      |  linkStm
      |  classDefStm
      |  exitStm
      |  importStm
      |  importOnceStm
      |  directive
  2. You'll want to explicitly end the entry point of your parser, the rule program, with the end-of-file token, otherwise your parser might stop parsing prematurely. With EOF, you force the parser to read the entire tokens stream.

      :  statement* EOF
  3. Make explicit tokens for keywords, don't mix them inside your parser rules.

    Instead of:

      :  'import' expression ';'

    it's better to do:

      :   Import expression ';'
      :  'import'

    This will make your life easier at a later (tree walking) stage. Without explicit lexer tokens, it is unclear for you when debugging what tokens there actually are in your tree.

  4. Your lexer rules:

    STRING_DOUBLE : '"' .* '"';
    STRING_SINGLE : '\'' .* '\'';

    can never contain either double- or single quotes. So, it's impossible to have a string literal with a double- and single quote in it.

    Better to do something like this:

      :  '"' ('\\' ('\\' | '"') | ~('\\' | '"'))* '"'

    which will allow a double quoted string to contain double quotes as well.

That's all I saw at a first glance. I didn't look real close, so there might be more that can be improved.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks a lot, especially with the quote thing. I was having trouble with that. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 31, 2011 at 18:04
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Sam, you're welcome. Note that the string literals now also accepts line breaks. If you don't want that, do something like this: STRING_DOUBLE : '"' ('\\' ('\\' | '"') | ~('\\' | '"' | '\r' | '\n'))* '"' ; \$\endgroup\$
    – user3008
    Commented Mar 31, 2011 at 18:08

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