I've been working on my own dynamically-typed, dynamically-scoped, imperative programming language called Honey Badger and feel that it's reached a stable enough state that I want someone else's eyes on my implementation of the interpreter.
For context, I'm going to walk you through a sample program in the language that does a 2-player game of tic-tac-toe.
{ print_board = fun b : { print(b[0] + "|" + b[1] + "|" + b[2]); print("-----"); print(b[3] + "|" + b[4] + "|" + b[5]); print("-----"); print(b[6] + "|" + b[7] + "|" + b[8]) }; This defines a function that takes an argument b (representing a board) and prints it out prettily and assigns it to a
variable print_board.
//Check if the board is completely full. isfull = fun b : { ind = 0; full = true; while (ind < len(b)) { if b[ind] == " " then full = false; ind = ind + 1 }; full }; This defines another function that takes a board (representing as an array of size 9) walks through it and returns a
variable full saying whether or not. Function bodies consist of a single expression (here it's a sequence of exprs chained together and wrapped in {}s) and "return" whatever that evaluates to.
//This is lazy. haswon = fun b, t : { b[0] == b[1] & b[1] == b[2] & b[2] == t | b[3] == b[4] & b[4] == b[5] & b[5] == t | b[6] == b[7] & b[7] == b[8] & b[8] == t | b[0] == b[3] & b[3] == b[6] & b[6] == t | b[1] == b[4] & b[4] == b[7] & b[7] == t | b[2] == b[5] & b[5] == b[8] & b[8] == t | b[2] == b[4] & b[4] == b[6] & b[6] == t | b[0] == b[4] & b[4] == b[8] & b[8] == t }; gameover = fun b : { isfull(b) | haswon(b, "X") | haswon(b, "O")}; These are two more functions used below, that check if the game is over yet. board = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"]; print("These are the indices for the positions"); print_board(board); xTurn = true; board = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]; while !gameover(board) { print("Where should " + (if xTurn then "X" else "O") + " go?"); print_board(board); spot = Int(readline()); if spot >= 0 & spot < 9 then { if board[spot] == " " then { board[spot] = if xTurn then "X" else "O"; xTurn = !xTurn } else print("That spot is already taken") } else print("That's not a valid spot") }; Here we loop until the game is over, asking the user where to move print_board(board); if haswon(board, "X") then print("X has won.") else if haswon(board, "O") then print("O has won.") else print("It's a draw.") }
Here at the end, we just print out a result.
Now here's the actual interpreter, with interspersed comments. When compiled it is run as "HB /path/to/honey/badger/file". The actual parsing and lexing is done by other files called parser.mly and lexer.mll in the linked GitHub, with the actual evaluation done by interpreter.ml.
(** Reference implementation for the Honey Badger
programming language. *)
open Core.Std
open Defs
open Printf
let rec string_of_kind arg = match arg with
TInt -> "Int"
|TReal -> "Real"
|TBool -> "Bool"
|TStr -> "String"
|TFunc -> "Func"
|TArr -> "Arr "
|TRecord a -> "Record"
|TUnit -> "()"
|TTop -> "T"
|TBottom -> "Bottom"
string_of_expr is almost entirely used for debugging.
(** Return the abstract syntax tree rooted at arg represented
as a string. *)
let rec string_of_expr arg = match arg with
N a -> "N " ^ string_of_int a
|F f -> "F " ^ Float.to_string f
|B b -> "B " ^ string_of_bool b
|Str s -> "String " ^ s
|Readline -> "readline()"
|Len e -> "len(" ^ string_of_expr e ^ ")"
|Print e -> "print(" ^ string_of_expr e ^ ")"
|Add (a, b) -> "Add(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ", " ^ string_of_expr b ^ ")"
|Mul (a, b) -> "Mul(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ", " ^ string_of_expr b ^ ")"
|Div (a, b) -> "Div(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ", " ^ string_of_expr b ^ ")"
|Sub (a, b) -> "Sub(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ", " ^ string_of_expr b ^ ")"
|Less (a, b) -> "Less(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ", " ^ string_of_expr b ^ ")"
|And (a, b) -> "And(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ", " ^ string_of_expr b ^ ")"
|Or (a, b) -> "Or(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ", " ^ string_of_expr b ^ ")"
|Not a -> "Not(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ")"
|If (a, b, c)-> "(If " ^ string_of_expr a ^ " then " ^ string_of_expr b ^
" else " ^ string_of_expr c ^ ")"
|Equal (a, b) -> "Equal(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ", " ^ string_of_expr b ^ ")"
|Lam (b, c) -> "Lam(" ^ String.concat ~sep:", " b ^ ", " ^
string_of_expr c ^ ")"
|App (a, b) -> "App(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ", " ^
String.concat ~sep:", " (List.map b string_of_expr) ^ ")"
|Arr a -> "List[" ^ String.concat ~sep:", " (List.map (Array.to_list a) string_of_expr )
^ "]"
|Unit -> "()"
|Top -> "T"
|Bottom -> "Bottom"
|Get (a, b) -> "Get(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ", " ^ string_of_expr b ^ ")"
|GetRec (a, b) -> "GetRec(" ^ a ^ "," ^ string_of_expr b ^ ")"
|SetRec (a, b, c) -> a ^ "[" ^ b ^ "] <- " ^ string_of_expr c
|SetInd (a, b, c) -> a ^ "[" ^ string_of_expr b ^ "] <- " ^ string_of_expr c
|Cast (a, b) -> "Cast(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ", kind)"
|Lookup a -> "Lookup " ^ a
|While (a, b) -> "While(" ^ string_of_expr a ^ ", " ^ string_of_expr b ^ ")"
|Record fields -> "Record[" ^ String.concat ~sep:", "
(List.map fields (fun field -> fst field ^ " = " ^
string_of_expr (snd field))) ^ "]"
|Seq a -> "Sequence[" ^ String.concat ~sep:"; " (List.map a (string_of_expr))
^ "]"
|Set (s, x) -> "Set (" ^ s ^ ", " ^ string_of_expr x ^ ")"
string_of_val however is used whenever we want to cast something to a string for the user.
Represent a value as a human-readable string.
and string_of_val arg = match arg with
VN a -> string_of_int a
|VF f -> Float.to_string f
|VB b -> string_of_bool b
|VStr s -> s
|VLam (b, c) -> "VLam(" ^ String.concat ~sep:", " b ^ ", " ^
string_of_expr c ^ ")"
|VArr a -> "[" ^ String.concat ~sep:", " (List.map (Array.to_list a) string_of_val )
^ "]"
|VUnit -> "()"
|VTop -> "T"
|VBottom -> "VBottom"
|VRecord fields -> "{" ^ String.concat ~sep:", "
(List.map !fields (fun field -> fst field ^ " = " ^
string_of_val (snd field))) ^ "}"
Here's a couple functions that do math, which for add is also used for concatenating strings and arrays.
Return a * b.
Throws an exception in either a or b is a non-number.
let mul a b = match (a, b) with
(VN x, VN y) -> VN(x * y)
|(VN x, VF y) -> VF (Float.of_int x *. y)
|(VF x, VN y) -> VF(x *. Float.of_int y)
|(VF x, VF y) -> VF(x *. y)
|_ -> invalid_arg "Invalid args for multiplication."
Return a / b.
Throws an exception if either a or b is a non-number.
let div a b = match (a, b) with
(VN x, VN y) -> VF(Float.of_int x /. Float.of_int y)
|(VN x, VF y) -> VF (Float.of_int x /. y)
|(VF x, VN y) -> VF(x /. Float.of_int y)
|(VF x, VF y) -> VF(x /. y)
|_ -> invalid_arg "Invalid args for multiplication."
Return a + b.
If a and b are numbers, performs addition.
If a and b are strings, concatenates them.
If a and b are lists, concatenates them.
Throws an exception otherwise.
let add a b = match (a, b) with
(VN x, VN y) -> VN(x + y)
|(VN x, VF y) -> VF (Float.of_int x +. y)
|(VF x, VN y) -> VF(x +. Float.of_int y)
|(VF x, VF y) -> VF(x +. y)
|(VArr f, VArr s) -> VArr (Array.append f s)
|(VUnit, VArr s) -> VArr s
|(VArr f, VUnit) -> VArr f
|(VStr f, VStr s) -> VStr (f ^ s)
|_ -> invalid_arg "Invalid args for addition."
Return a - b.
Throws an exception if either a or b is a non-number.
let sub a b = match (a, b) with
(VN x, VN y) -> VN(x - y)
|(VN x, VF y) -> VF (Float.of_int x -. y)
|(VF x, VN y) -> VF(x -. Float.of_int y)
|(VF x, VF y) -> VF(x -. y)
|_ -> invalid_arg "Invalid args for subtraction."
Return a < b.
Throws an exception if either a or b is a non-number.
let less a b = match (a, b) with
(VN x, VN y) -> VB(x < y)
|(VN x, VF y) -> VB (Float.of_int x < y)
|(VF x, VN y) -> VB(x < Float.of_int y)
|(VF x, VF y) -> VB(x < y)
|_ -> invalid_arg "Invalid args for comparison."
These are a bunch of functions for casting between types.
casts v to an int.
For ints, this returns v.
For floats, this returns v rounded towards zero.
For bools, true is 1 and false is 0.
For strings, this tries to parse v as an int.
Throws exceptions for other inputs or if v is a string that
doesn't represent an int.
let cast_int v = match v with
VN num -> VN num
|VF num -> VN (Float.to_int num)
|VB b -> VN (if b then 1 else 0)
|VStr s -> VN (Int.of_string s)
|_ -> invalid_arg ("Can't cast " ^ string_of_val v ^ " to int.")
casts v to a float.
For ints, this returns v.
For floats, this returns v.
For bools, true is 1.0 and false is 0.0.
For strings, this tries to parse v as a float.
Throws exceptions for other inputs or if v is a string that
doesn't represent a float.
let cast_real v = match v with
VN num -> VF (Float.of_int num)
|VF num -> VF num
|VB b -> VF (if b then 1.0 else 0.0)
|VStr s -> VF (Float.of_string s)
|_ -> invalid_arg ("Can't cast " ^ string_of_val v ^ " to real.")
casts v to a bool.
For numbers, 0 is false and all others are true.
For strings, "true" is true and "false" is false.
For arrays and maps, empty is false, otherwise true.
Throws exceptions for other inputs or if v is a string that
is not "true" or "false".
let cast_bool v = match v with
VB b -> VB b
|VN num -> VB (num <> 0)
|VF num -> VB (num <> 0.0)
|VStr s -> VB (Bool.of_string s)
|VArr a -> VB (Array.length a > 0)
|VRecord r -> VB (List.length !r > 0)
|_ -> invalid_arg ("Can't cast " ^ string_of_val v ^ " to bool.")
casts v to type t.
For casting to int, see cast_int.
For casting to float, see cast_float
For casting to string, see string_of_val.
Throws an exception for all others.
let cast v t = match (t, v) with
(TInt, _) -> cast_int v
|(TReal, _) -> cast_real v
|(TBool, _) -> cast_bool v
|(TStr, _) -> VStr (string_of_val v)
|(TFunc, VLam _) -> v
|(TRecord _, VRecord _) -> v
|(TUnit, VUnit) -> v
|(TArr, VArr _) -> v
|(TTop, _) -> v
|(TBottom, _) -> v
|_ -> invalid_arg ("Can't cast to " ^ string_of_kind t)
And then here we start eval, which is the main workhorse of the program.
Evaluates expr with the given state and returns
a value.
let rec eval expr state = match expr with
N a -> VN a
|F a -> VF a
|B b -> VB b
|Str s -> VStr s
|Lam a -> VLam a
|Arr a -> VArr (Array.map a ~f:(fun e -> eval e state))
|Unit -> VUnit
|Equal (a, b) -> VB(eval a state = eval b state)
|Record fields -> VRecord (ref (List.Assoc.map fields
(fun a -> eval a state)))
(* Numerical Functions *)
|Mul (a, b) -> mul (eval a state) (eval b state)
|Div (a, b) -> div (eval a state) (eval b state)
|Add (a, b) -> add (eval a state) (eval b state)
|Sub (a, b) -> sub (eval a state) (eval b state)
|Less (a, b) -> less (eval a state) (eval b state)
This is a function call. We check that we have the right number of args, evaluate them, put them into the new scope, and evaluate the function.
|App (lam, vars) -> begin
match eval lam state with
VLam(strs, body) ->
if (List.length strs = List.length vars) then
let args = List.zip_exn strs
(List.map vars (fun arg -> eval arg state)) in
let newscope = Hashtbl.copy state in
List.iter args (fun (s,v) -> Hashtbl.replace newscope s v);
eval body newscope
invalid_arg ("Function call with wrong number of args.")
|_ -> invalid_arg "Can't apply on non-lambda."
(* Boolean Functions *)
|If (condition, thenCase, elseCase) -> begin
match eval condition state with
VB true -> eval thenCase state
|VB false -> eval elseCase state
|_ -> invalid_arg "Invalid condition for if."
|And (a, b) -> begin
match (eval a state, eval b state) with
(VB x, VB y) -> VB(x && y)
|(a, b) -> invalid_arg ("Invalid args for and " ^ string_of_val a ^ " "
^ string_of_val b ^ ".")
|Or(a, b) -> begin
match (eval a state, eval b state) with
(VB x, VB y) -> VB(x || y)
|_ -> invalid_arg "Invalid args for or."
|Not a ->begin
match eval a state with
VB x -> VB(not x)
|_ -> invalid_arg "Invalid arg for not."
Get is for indexing into an array. We automatically cast floats into ints when doing this.
(* Array functions. *)
|Get (index, arr) -> begin
let zero_index = 0 in
match eval index state with (* Get the indexth member of arr. *)
(VN num) -> if num < zero_index
then invalid_arg "Negative index."
match eval arr state with
VArr ls -> if num < (Array.length ls)
then ls.(num)
else invalid_arg "Index out of bounds."
|_ -> invalid_arg "Attempt to index into non-array"
|(VF num) -> eval (Get (N (Float.to_int num), arr)) state
|_ -> invalid_arg "Not a number index"
GetRec is for looking up fields in dictionaries.
|GetRec (str, a) ->
let VRecord fields = eval a state in
match List.Assoc.find !fields str with
Some x -> x
|None -> invalid_arg("Non-existent field " ^ str)
SetRec and SetInd are dictionary and array assignment, respectively.
|SetRec (var, field, expr) ->
match eval (Lookup var) state with
VRecord fields ->
fields := List.Assoc.add !fields field (eval expr state);
VRecord fields
|v -> invalid_arg ("Can't set field in non-dict " ^ string_of_val v)
|SetInd (var, ind, expr) ->
match (eval (Lookup var) state, eval ind state) with
(VArr ls, VN a) -> Array.set ls a (eval expr state); VArr ls
|(VArr ls, VF a) -> Array.set ls (Float.to_int a) (eval expr state); VArr ls
|(VArr ls, k) -> invalid_arg ("Invalid array index " ^ string_of_val k)
|(k, v) -> invalid_arg ("Index assignment to non array " ^ string_of_val k)
|Cast (expr, t) -> cast (eval expr state) t
|Seq a -> List.fold ~init:(VB true) ~f:(fun _ b -> eval b state) a
|Set (name, a) -> let v = eval a state in
Hashtbl.replace state name v; v
|Lookup name ->
match Hashtbl.find state name with
Some x -> x
|None -> invalid_arg ("Undefined var " ^ name)
|While (guard, body) ->
let rec eval_loop () =
match eval guard state with
VB true -> eval body state;
eval_loop ()
|VB false -> VUnit
|_-> invalid_arg "Loop guard non-bool."
eval_loop ()
|Top -> VTop
Bottom is language-theory jargon for "throw an exception"
|Bottom -> invalid_arg "Attempt to eval Bottom"
|Print e -> print_endline (string_of_val (eval e state)); VUnit
|Readline -> VStr (input_line stdin)
|Len e -> begin
match eval e state with
VArr l -> VN (Array.length l)
|VStr s -> VN (String.length s)
|a -> invalid_arg (string_of_val a ^ " doesn't have a length.")
Convenience function to wrap eval.
let exec a =
eval a (Hashtbl.create ~hashable:String.hashable ())
Read source file from src, parse it as an expr,
and print what it evaluates to.
let main src =
let inpt = open_in src in
let linebuf = Lexing.from_channel inpt in
let ast = (Parser.main Lexer.token linebuf) in
if false then
printf "%s\n" (string_of_expr ast);
printf "%s\n" (string_of_val (exec ast));
In_channel.close inpt;
| Lexer.Error msg ->
fprintf stderr "%s%!" msg
| Parser.Error -> let pos = Lexing.lexeme_start_p linebuf in
fprintf stderr "Syntax error line %d column %d.\n%!"
pos.pos_lnum pos.pos_bol;;
main Sys.argv.(1)
Obviously, if you have any questions just ask. This is my first "big" project in OCaml, but I'd rather you didn't sugarcoat criticism.