I have a workbook that some very non-technical people will be entering data into. In the past, I've had them type over formulas and otherwise screw up the data, so I've locked everything except where they're supposed to enter data, then I've password protected the workbook and worksheet. Unfortunately, Microsoft, in their infinite wisdom, decided that paste was a function that should be disabled in a protected worksheet/workbook (at least in Excel 2010).
Now, I've discovered that someone's been keeping data in their own workbook and needs to transfer it to mine, since mine is the official one. I borrowed this code from the internet, and have tweaked it a bit to more accurately apply to my particular situation. The code works just fine, however, it's quite rather slow, and I believe that it's the two loops that are killing performance.
I know there are a lot of other things that can be tweaked (Hungarian notation FTL), but I'm not concerned about those at the moment, I need to make this work faster and get it to the end user so she can copy/paste about 200 rows of data (in 3 groups of columns, due to the structure of the data) ASAP. I'll clean up the other little things with the help of RubberDuck once I've got it out the door. (Yes, I understand that's the wrong way about it, but time is of the essence.)
Here's the code:
Private Sub UnProtectPasteToSheet()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim bProtected As Boolean
Dim oSheet As Worksheet
Dim oTempSheet As Worksheet
Dim sPasteLocation As String
Dim oCell As Range
Dim oCollAddress As New Collection
Dim oCollValue As New Collection
Dim iCount As Integer
' check protection status
If Not ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.ProtectContents Then
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll
Set oSheet = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
'first unprotect the workbook so we can add the worksheet
Dim ProtectStructure As Boolean
Dim ProtectWindows As Boolean
ToggleWorkbookProtection TheBook:=ThisWorkbook, Structure:=ProtectStructure, Window:=ProtectWindows, ProtectTheBook:=False
' save paste location
sPasteLocation = Selection.Address
' unprotecting clears Clipboard in Excel!! strange but true..
' So paste it to a new sheet before unprotecting
Set oTempSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
' oSheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
'then unprotect the sheet after storing off the pasted data
oSheet.Unprotect Password:=MY_PWD
bProtected = True
' make a note of all locked cells
For Each oCell In oSheet.UsedRange
If oCell.Locked Then
oCollAddress.Add oCell.Address
oCollValue.Add oCell.Value
End If
' paste
' you need to paste only values since pasting format will lock all those cells
' since in Excel default status is "Locked"
Selection.PasteSpecial xlValues
' remove temp sheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
' restore locked cells
For iCount = 1 To oCollAddress.Count
Range(oCollAddress.Item(iCount)) = oCollValue.Item(iCount)
' restore protection
oSheet.Protect Password:=MY_PWD
If ProtectStructure Or ProtectWindows Then
ToggleWorkbookProtection TheBook:=ThisWorkbook, Structure:=ProtectStructure, Window:=ProtectWindows, ProtectTheBook:=True
End If
End If
Exit Sub
Debug.Print Err.Description
If bProtected Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ToggleWorkbookProtection(ByRef TheBook As Workbook, ByRef Structure As Boolean, ByRef Window As Boolean, ByVal ProtectTheBook As Boolean)
If ProtectTheBook Then
TheBook.Protect Structure:=Structure, Windows:=Window, Password:=MY_PWD
Structure = TheBook.ProtectStructure
Window = TheBook.ProtectWindows
If Structure Or Window Then 'only attempt to unprotect if it's protected.
TheBook.Protect Structure:=False, Windows:=False, Password:=MY_PWD
End If
End If
End Sub
event? If you can catch the data pasted by the user, you could use the pasted value and insert it into whatever formula or format that exists in the sheet -- keeping it completely intact as you intend. See Excel VBA How to detect if something was pasted in a Worksheet \$\endgroup\$