I am working on a sorted data file, so there does not need to be any sorting logic. I find unique values, feed them into an array, then use the worksheetfunction.sum
to get totals for a field.
Is this as efficient as I could be, or are there some things I'm not seeing and should?
The "Items" sheet is where a number of accounts are stored (in the thousands). The user cuts and pastes the data from another spreadsheet It is sorted by account, and each line all the columns are identical except for the totals, and the first coloumn which contains the account number.
I collect an array of account numbers, then cycle through the array to find the first instance, and continue down until I find the last instance. Populate a second array with the contents of all cells in that row (up to the last column with a header, then get a sum of the totals, and overwrite that element of the array.
When completed, I drop the entire array made from the items sheet into the summary sheet.
Option Explicit
Sub makeSummary()
Dim inws As Worksheet
Dim outws As Worksheet
Dim fndRange As Range
Dim zell As Range
Dim firstRow As Integer
Dim lastRow As Integer
Dim colctr As Integer
Dim totalCol As Integer
Dim LastCol As Integer
Dim ctr As Long
Dim arrBound As Long
Dim distVals() As String
Dim newRows() As String
' Initialize variables
Set inws = Sheets("Items")
Set outws = Sheets("Summary_Sheet")
Set fndRange = Range(GetLast(3, inws.Cells))
LastCol = fndRange.Column
lastRow = fndRange.Row
Set fndRange = Nothing
'populate the header columns in the output worksheet.
For ctr = 1 To LastCol
outws.Cells(1, ctr) = inws.Cells(1, ctr).Value
Next ctr
' redim array, and populate with unique SFC values
ReDim distVals(1)
distVals(1) = inws.Cells(2, 1)
For ctr = 2 To lastRow
If inws.Cells(ctr, 1).Value <> distVals(UBound(distVals)) Then
ReDim Preserve distVals(UBound(distVals) + 1)
distVals(UBound(distVals)) = inws.Cells(ctr, 1).Value
End If
Next ctr
'Get upper bound of search array and use it to set max row value of newrows array
arrBound = UBound(distVals)
ReDim newRows(1 To arrBound, 1 To LastCol)
'build array,
For ctr = 1 To arrBound
Set fndRange = inws.Cells.Find(distVals(ctr), lookat:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas)
firstRow = fndRange.Row
lastRow = fndRange.Row
Do Until inws.Cells(lastRow + 1, 1) <> distVals(ctr)
lastRow = lastRow + 1
'fill row
For colctr = 1 To LastCol
newRows(ctr, colctr) = inws.Cells(firstRow, colctr)
Next colctr
'Get total of totals in SFC
newRows(ctr, 5) = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(inws.Cells(firstRow, 5), inws.Cells(lastRow, 5)))
Next ctr
'clean up of destination sheet
With outws
.Columns("E").NumberFormat = "_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
.Range(.Cells(2, 1).Address, .Cells(arrBound + 1, LastCol).Address) = newRows
'excel doesn't recognize the numbers as numbers unless you multiply by 1 and drop the value back down.
For Each zell In .Range(.Cells(2, 5).Address, .Cells(arrBound + 1, 5).Address)
zell.Value = zell.Value * 1
Next zell
End With
End Sub
Function GetLast(choice As Long, rng As Range)
' 1 = GetLast row
' 2 = GetLast column
' 3 = GetLast cell
Dim ReturnRng As Range
Set ReturnRng = rng.Find(What:="*", After:=rng.Cells(1), lookat:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False)
If Not ReturnRng Is Nothing Then
With ReturnRng
Select Case choice
Case 1
GetLast = .Row
Case 2
GetLast = .Column
Case 3
GetLast = .Address
Case Else
End Select
End With
End If
End Function