
I was curious on what, if anything, I could be doing better. I have been spending the last few days working with Java and learning some basics and wanted to try this challenge and making it two classes. I found the scanner is sometimes strange and doesn't take input the first time.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;

public class rps {
    public static void main (String args[]){
        int input;
        int b = 1;
        Scanner sage = new Scanner(System.in);
        Random rnd = new Random();
    System.out.println("Rock Paper Scissors, by Sage!");
    System.out.println("Select 1, 2, 3, for Rock, Paper, Scissors");
    //Menu Present, pretty bad still

        while (b != 0){
        int rock = 1, paper = 2, scissors = 3;
        input = sage.nextInt();
        int randomNumber = rnd.nextInt(3-1+1)+1;

            if(randomNumber == rock){
                if(input == rock){
                    System.out.println("Rock vs. Rock, ITS A TIE!");
            }    else if(input == paper){
                    System.out.println("Rock vs. Paper! You win!" );
            }    else if(input == scissors){
                    System.out.println("Rock vs. Scissors! You lose!");
            }  //These blocks establish options if the computer got Rock

            else if(randomNumber == paper){
                if(input == rock){
                    System.out.println("Paper vs. Rock! You lose!");
            }   else if(input == scissors){
                    System.out.println("Paper vs. Scissors! You win!");
            }   else if(input == paper){
                    System.out.println("Paper vs. Paper! Its a tie!");
            } //These blocks establish the options if comp. got paper

            else if(randomNumber == scissors){
                if(input == rock){
                    System.out.println("Scissors vs. Rock! You win!");
            }   else if(input == scissors){
                    System.out.println("Scissors vs. Scissors, ITS A TIE!");
            }   else if(input == paper){
                    System.out.println("Scissors vs Paper! You lose!");
            } //These blocks establish if the computer got scissors.

            rps2 rps2Object = new rps2();



Then this is the other class

import java.util.Scanner;

public class rps2 {
    public void rps2(){
        Scanner sage = new Scanner(System.in);
        int b;
        b = 1;
        System.out.println("Play again? Y(8), N(9)?");
        int yes= 8, no = 9;
        int input;
        input = sage.nextInt();

            if(input == yes){

                System.out.println("Thanks for playing!");


4 Answers 4


There are plenty of implementations in on this site. I'll try to keep my suggestions at a level, though.

First, I should point out that your "play again?" mechanism doesn't actually work: you ask the question, but never do anything with the result. Putting the "play again?" prompt in its own class doesn't make much sense; it can just be a function. That function should return a boolean result — true to play again, false to quit. In main(), the while (b != 0) loop would best be written as a do-while loop, since you want to run the game at least once without asking. b is a poor variable name; playAgain would be much more helpful.

The main lesson that I think you should learn from this exercise is object-oriented thinking. Instead of input and randomNumber, how about thinking about a HumanPlayer and a RandomComputerPlayer, both of which can return a choice of "Rock", "Paper", or "Scissors" when asked to play()? The code would better model the game.

To analyze the outcome, you have enumerated all 9 combinations. Of those, three outcomes are ties, which can easily be detected. It would also be better to group all of the winning outcomes and all of the losing outcomes together.


import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class RockPaperScissors {
    private static boolean playAgain(Scanner scanner) {
        System.out.println("Play again? Y(8), N(9)?");
        switch (scanner.nextInt()) {
        case 8:
            System.out.println("Rock, Paper, Scissors!");
            return true;
            System.out.println("Thanks for playing!");
            return false;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        RPSPlayer computer = new RandomComputerPlayer(new Random());
        RPSPlayer human = new HumanPlayer(scanner);

        System.out.println("Rock Paper Scissors, by 200_success!");
        do {
            String comp = computer.play();
            String you = human.play();

            System.out.printf("%s vs. %s", comp, you);
            if (you.equals(comp)) {
                System.out.println(", IT'S A TIE!");
            } else if ( ("Rock".equals(you) && "Scissors".equals(comp)) ||
                        ("Scissors".equals(you) && "Paper".equals(comp)) ||
                        ("Paper".equals(you) && "Rock".equals(comp)) ) {
                System.out.println("! You win!");
            } else {
                assert (("Rock".equals(comp) && "Scissors".equals(you)) ||
                        ("Scissors".equals(comp) && "Paper".equals(you)) ||
                        ("Paper".equals(comp) && "Rock".equals(you)));
                System.out.println("! You lose!");
        } while (playAgain(scanner));


public interface RPSPlayer {
    String[] CHOICES = new String[] { "Rock", "Paper", "Scissors" };

     * Returns one of "Rock", "Paper", or "Scissors".
    String play();


import java.util.Scanner;

public class HumanPlayer implements RPSPlayer {
    private final Scanner scanner;

    public HumanPlayer(Scanner scanner) {
        this.scanner = scanner;

    public String play() {
        System.out.println("Select 1, 2, or 3 for Rock, Paper, Scissors");
        int choice = this.scanner.nextInt();
        // Keeping things simple, not doing any validation here
        return CHOICES[choice - 1];


import java.util.Random;

public class RandomComputerPlayer implements RPSPlayer {
    private final Random random;

    public RandomComputerPlayer(Random random) {
        this.random = random;

    public String play() {
        return CHOICES[this.random.nextInt(CHOICES.length)];

Code organization

You created two classes, but didn't explain why. Don't create a class unless you have a good reason to do so. Example valid reasons to create a class:

  • model real world objects
  • model abstract objects
  • reduce complexity
  • hide implementation details

I strongly recommend to read the book Code Complete (2nd edition). If you're impatient, you can jump directly to chapter 6, working classes.

I suggest to combine the two classes. In addition, try to split the functionality to smaller functions, each with a single responsibility, and a descriptive name. The main method should do almost nothing, just call other functions that do the real work, which will be explained by their names. Chapter 7 in Code Complete can help you with this point.

Variable declarations

It's best to declare variables right before you use them. Don't declare variables at the top of a function of they are not used until the middle. Especially, don't declare a variable at a broader scope, when it can be declared in a more limited scope. In particular, the input variable should be declared inside the while loop.


It's impossible to guess what's going on here without reading the implementation of the rps2 class:

       rps2 rps2Object = new rps2();

Also note that the convention in Java is to use PascalCase for class names.

These are also very poor names:

   int b = 1;
   Scanner sage = new Scanner(System.in);

It's never a good idea to name program elements after your own name. scanner would be more appropriate, for example.

It seems the value of b never changes, your using it to write an infinite loop. The idiomatic writing style of an infinite loop is this:

while (true) {
    // ...


"Play again? Y(8), N(9)?"

That is, enter 8 to mean yes, and enter 9 to mean no? It would be more natural to use y to mean yes and n to mean no.


I decided to write my own little Rock Paper Scissors game just so you could see the same project from another fellow programmer's perspective.

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;

 * Created on 7/4/2016.

public class RockPaperScissors {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        List<Integer> computerMoves = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3); // Used to generate random number.
        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

        // Infinite loop until broken by exit case.
        loop : while(true){
            System.out.print("Rock, Paper, Scissors, Exit >>> ");
            String move = input.nextLine().toLowerCase();
            Collections.shuffle(computerMoves); // Shuffles list to achieve random numbers.

                case "rock" : determineWinner(computerMoves.get(0), "Tie", "You Lose", "You Win"); break; // if move is rock
                case "paper" : determineWinner(computerMoves.get(0), "You Win", "Tie", "You Lose"); break; // if move is paper
                case "scissors" : determineWinner(computerMoves.get(0), "You Lose", "You Win", "Tie"); break; // if move is scissors
                case "exit" : break loop; // if move is exit
                case "" : continue loop; // if move is blank
                default : System.out.println("Invalid Input"); // if move is none of the above

    // Used in the interest of code re-usability
    private static void determineWinner(int computerMove, String m1, String m2, String m3){
        if(computerMove == 1){ // computer move is rock
            System.out.printf("Computer Chose Rock, %s%n", m1);
        } else if(computerMove == 2){ // computer move is paper
            System.out.printf("Computer Chose Paper, %s%n", m2);
        } else { // computer move is scissors
            System.out.printf("Computer Chose Scissors, %s%n", m3);

Now, whether my coding decisions were the absolute best for this situation or not, there are still a lot of things you can take from my code. I tried to reuse some of the same tools that you used so you wouldn't be too lost but I also tried to implement some new things you might have never used or seen before.


Take note of the curly braces in my code, they emphasize the actual "blocks" of code. Your code is very hard to read because of poorly placed braces. Here is a link to another review, the top answer goes a lot more in depth on curly braces placement and has some decent visuals as well. Also while on the topic of indentation you have a few silly indentations through out.

    Random rnd = new Random();
System.out.println("Rock Paper Scissors, by Sage!");
System.out.println("Select 1, 2, 3, for Rock, Paper, Scissors");
//Menu Present, pretty bad still


input = sage.nextInt();

        if(input == yes){

            System.out.println("Thanks for playing!");

Indentations are generally only followed by open curly braces. Not sure if these were just copy paste issues but worth mentioning.


This line stands out the most I believe,

input = sage.nextInt();

It accepts the next Integer, if given anything other than an integer your application will crash. Most of the time its a good idea to have some sort of check in there and correct a user or at least stop them from crashing the program. I deal with this by accepting a string and checking all expected input with a switch case statement. If a user gives this application something other than the 5 expected inputs, it will correct them by saying "Invalid Input".

Another notable problem with your game is that it will never stop. int b in your rps class never changes. When asking the player if they want to continue, you will have to change int b so that it equals 0 for the game to stop. Because int b is in another class from rps2, you would reference it like so:

rps.b = 0;


These are just a few important things to keep in mind. I'm sure someone will touch on some of the others.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Appreciate it a ton! Format is definitely something I need to work on as it is horribly messy but the indentation rule of open curly braces will help more than you could imagine for me. I haven't even began to touch on strings yet. A lot of stuff in your program has been stuff I have not touched on but do understand to some degree, I love seeing it from another perspective. Once again, thank you for the input =). \$\endgroup\$
    – PtSage
    Commented Jul 5, 2016 at 4:34
  • \$\begingroup\$ I edited a few more comments in there to try and clear some things up. Happy coding ! \$\endgroup\$
    – JSextonn
    Commented Jul 5, 2016 at 4:41


  1. Represent expressive game elements in extra classes (Players, Rock/Scissor/Paper, Result, Situation, ...) for OOP
  2. Try to reduce case handling, use proper let structures work for you
  3. Follow JAVA conventions in Naming


I looked after a solution with less if statements and more expressive artifacts. I came up with this:

Introduce a class "Situation"

This represents a game situation with the choice of each player:

public class Situation {

    private final String choice1;
    private final String choice2;

    public Situation(String choice1, String choice2) {
        this.choice1 = choice1;
        this.choice2 = choice2;

    public int hashCode() {
        return choice1.hashCode() * choice2.hashCode();

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {

        boolean equals = false;

        if (obj instanceof Situation) {

            Situation that = (Situation) obj;

            equals =    this.choice1.equals(that.choice1) 
                     && this.choice2.equals(that.choice2);


        return equals;

    public Situation invert() {
        return new Situation(choice2, choice1);


It's a value object so recognize the immutability and hashcode/equals overriden.

One other thing is the invert method which is a convenience method to express the other side around.

You may consider to use "real" objects to represent "Rock", Scissor" and "Paper" instead of String-Objects.

Introduce class "Result"

It represents the outcome of one round.

public enum Result {



Evaluate all possible situations

You can now easily provide a Set of possible winning situations to evaluate the winner.

public class RockScissorPaper {

    private Set<Situation> winSituations;

    public RockScissorPaper() {

        this.winSituations = new HashSet<>();

        this.winSituations.add(new Situation("Rock", "Scissor"));
        this.winSituations.add(new Situation("Scissor", "Paper"));
        this.winSituations.add(new Situation("Paper", "Rock"));


    public Result evaluateWinner(Situation situation) {

        if (this.winSituations.contains(situation)) {
            return Result.PLAYER1_WINS;
        } else if (this.winSituations.contains(situation.invert())) {
            return Result.PLAYER2_WINS;
        } else {
            return Result.TIE;


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        RockScissorPaper rockScissorPaper = new RockScissorPaper();

        System.out.println(rockScissorPaper.evaluateWinner(new Situation("Rock", "Rock"))); // --> TIE
        System.out.println(rockScissorPaper.evaluateWinner(new Situation("Scissor", "Paper"))); // --> PLAYER1_WINS
        System.out.println(rockScissorPaper.evaluateWinner(new Situation("Rock", "Paper"))); // --> PLAYER2_WINS



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