import random
#1 = Rock, 2 = Paper, 3 = Scissors
random_number = random.randint(1,3)
input = int(input("1 for rock, 2 for paper, 3 for scissors: "))
except ValueError:
print("You didn't enter a number. You lose.")
if input == random_number:
if input == 1:
input = "Rock"
elif input == 2:
input = "Paper"
input = "Scissors"
if random_number == 1:
random_number = "Rock"
elif random_number == 2:
random_number = "Paper"
random_number = "Scissors"
print(f"You chose {input} and the computer chose {random_number}. You Tie.")
elif (input==1 and random_number==2) or (input==2 and random_number==3) or (input==3 and random_number==1):
if input == 1:
input = "Rock"
elif input == 2:
input = "Paper"
input = "Scissors"
if random_number == 1:
random_number = "Rock"
elif random_number == 2:
random_number = "Paper"
random_number = "Scissors"
print(f"You chose {input} and the computer chose {random_number}. You Lose.")
elif (input==1 and random_number==3) or (input==2 and random_number==1) or (input==3 and random_number==2):
if input == 1:
input = "Rock"
elif input == 2:
input = "Paper"
input = "Scissors"
if random_number == 1:
random_number = "Rock"
elif random_number == 2:
random_number = "Paper"
random_number = "Scissors"
print(f"You chose {input} and the computer chose {random_number}. You Win.")
if type(input) is int:
print("You chose an invalid number. You Lose.")
This code plays the "Rock, Paper, Scissors" game against the user. I was wondering how exactly should I handle my repeated nesting. I am looking for more organized code.
has a special meaning in programming, it refers to variables that cannot be changed, and we refer to it as deeply nested. And it is not nested too deep in your example, you may want to look into python dictionary for converting numbers to text for starter \$\endgroup\$