I have a pseudosite, where I actually post small functions, so that I can re-use them*, but some posts have visitors. The top is Quicksort (C++). I feel that beginners visit it, so I do not care in improving (its poor) performance, but only the readability, so that the beginner can catch things more easily.
#include <iostream>
void quickSort(int a[], int first, int last);
int pivot(int a[], int first, int last);
void swap(int& a, int& b);
void swapNoTemp(int& a, int& b);
void print(int array[], const int& N);
using namespace std;
int main()
int test[] = { 7, -13, 1, 3, 10, 5, 2, 4 };
int N = sizeof(test)/sizeof(int);
cout << "Size of test array :" << N << endl;
cout << "Before sorting : " << endl;
print(test, N);
quickSort(test, 0, N-1);
cout << endl << endl << "After sorting : " << endl;
print(test, N);
return 0;
* Quicksort.
* @param a - The array to be sorted.
* @param first - The start of the sequence to be sorted.
* @param last - The end of the sequence to be sorted.
void quickSort( int a[], int first, int last )
int pivotElement;
if(first < last)
pivotElement = pivot(a, first, last);
quickSort(a, first, pivotElement-1);
quickSort(a, pivotElement+1, last);
* Find and return the index of pivot element.
* @param a - The array.
* @param first - The start of the sequence.
* @param last - The end of the sequence.
* @return - the pivot element
int pivot(int a[], int first, int last)
int p = first;
int pivotElement = a[first];
for(int i = first+1 ; i <= last ; i++)
/* If you want to sort the list in the other order, change "<=" to ">" */
if(a[i] <= pivotElement)
swap(a[i], a[p]);
swap(a[p], a[first]);
return p;
* Swap the parameters.
* @param a - The first parameter.
* @param b - The second parameter.
void swap(int& a, int& b)
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
* Swap the parameters without a temp variable.
* Warning! Prone to overflow/underflow.
* @param a - The first parameter.
* @param b - The second parameter.
void swapNoTemp(int& a, int& b)
a -= b;
b += a;// b gets the original value of a
a = (b - a);// a gets the original value of b
* Print an array.
* @param a - The array.
* @param N - The size of the array.
void print(int a[], const int& N)
for(int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++)
cout << "array[" << i << "] = " << a[i] << endl;
As you see, I use many things from C, since I wanted the code to be able to work in a C program with minor modifications, thus I am adding c tag too.
*since I find it easier to find them there than in my FS and it helps in restoring harmony after a nuke.