This question is connected to the previous one: Request handler based solely on reflections
I have edited the code, taking tim's answer in regard, editing the Kernel class cohesion.
namespace Qobox;
class Kernel
private $request;
private $module;
* Kernel constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->request = $this->getRequest();
$requestedModuleName = $this->getModule();
$moduleInstance = $this->getModuleInstance($requestedModuleName);
$moduleMethod = $this->getModuleMethod();
$argumentArray = $this->setMethodArguments($moduleMethod);
$moduleMethod->invokeArgs($moduleInstance, $argumentArray);
* Grab the Fully Qualified Module Name, including namespace
* @return string $FullyQualifiedModuleName
private function getModule()
$moduleList = require_once "Config/Modules.php";
/*$moduleList = array(
"Main" => array(),
"Nord" => array("Main"),
$namespaceArray = $this->getModuleNamespace($moduleList, array("\\Output"));
return implode("\\", $namespaceArray);
* Get the requested module instance
* @param $requestedModuleName
* @return object
private function getModuleInstance($requestedModuleName)
try {
$this->module = new \ReflectionClass($requestedModuleName);
} catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
if ($this->module->isInstantiable() === TRUE) {
return $this->module->newInstance();
} else
// todo: proper user-friendly error handler
echo 'Module is not instantiable';
* Get the requested method of the requested module
* @return mixed
private function getModuleMethod()
$moduleMethods = $this->module->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
foreach ($moduleMethods as $methodKey => $method) {
if ($method->name == "__construct") {
$moduleMethods = array_values($moduleMethods);
if (!empty($this->request) && $this->module->hasMethod(array_keys($this->request)[0])) {
// the method exists, load it
$moduleMethod = $this->module->getMethod(array_shift($this->request));
} else {
$moduleMethod = $moduleMethods[0];
return $moduleMethod;
* Combines the full qualified namespace for requested module
* Recursive function
* @param array $moduleList
* @param array $namespaceArray
* @return array
private function getModuleNamespace(Array $moduleList, Array $namespaceArray = array())
{ //print_r(is_array($moduleList[array_keys($moduleList)[0]]));exit;
if (!empty($this->request) && (array_key_exists(array_keys($this->request)[0], $moduleList) || in_array(array_keys($this->request)[0], $moduleList))) {
$loader = array_shift($this->request);
} else if (is_array($moduleList[array_keys($moduleList)[0]])) {
$loader = array_keys($moduleList)[0];
} else {
$loader = array_values($moduleList)[0];
$namespaceArray[] = $loader;
if (array_key_exists($loader, $moduleList) && is_array($moduleList[$loader]) && !empty($moduleList[$loader])) {
return $this->getModuleNamespace($moduleList[$loader], $namespaceArray);
} else {
return $namespaceArray;
* Get the module properties' instances
* Recursive function
* @param array $propertyValue
* @param String $moduleName
* @return \stdClass
private function getModulePropertyInstance(Array $propertyValue, String $moduleName)
$propertyClass = new \stdClass();
foreach ($propertyValue as $moduleCaller => $moduleSubname) {
if (is_array($moduleSubname) === TRUE) {
$propertyClass->$moduleCaller = $this->getModulePropertyInstance($moduleSubname, $moduleName . "\\" . $moduleCaller);
} else {
$propertyClass->$moduleSubname = $this->getSubmodule($moduleName . "\\" . $moduleSubname);
return $propertyClass;
* Get the parsed _$REQUEST array
* @return array
private function getRequest()
$request = array();
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
$key = htmlspecialchars($key, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_DISALLOWED | ENT_HTML5, "UTF-8");
$value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_DISALLOWED | ENT_HTML5, "UTF-8");
if (empty($value)) {
$request[$key] = $key;
} else {
$request[$key] = $value;
return $request;
* Get submodule instance
* @param String $submoduleName
* @return object
private function getSubmodule(String $submoduleName)
$namespacePrefixList = array("\\Qobox\\", "\\Modules\\", "\\Output\\");
foreach ($namespacePrefixList as $namespacePrefix) {
$submoduleNamespace = $namespacePrefix . $submoduleName;
try {
$submodule = new \ReflectionClass($submoduleNamespace);
} catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
$submoduleInstance = $submodule->newInstance();
$submoduleProperties = $submodule->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED);
foreach ($submoduleProperties as $submoduleProperty) {
if (empty($submoduleProperty->getValue($submoduleInstance))) {
$submoduleName = $submoduleProperty->name;
$submoduleProperty->setValue($submoduleInstance, $this->getSubmodule($submoduleName));
return $submoduleInstance;
* Set requested module arguments
* @param $moduleMethod
* @return array
private function setMethodArguments($moduleMethod)
$argumentArray = array();
$moduleMethodArguments = $moduleMethod->getParameters();
foreach ($moduleMethodArguments as $Parameter) {
if (isset($request[$Parameter->name]) && !empty($request[$Parameter->name]) && $request[$Parameter->name] != $Parameter->name) {
$argumentArray[$Parameter->name] = $request[$Parameter->name];
} else {
if ($Parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable() === TRUE) {
$argumentArray[$Parameter->name] = $Parameter->getDefaultValue();
} else {
$argumentArray[$Parameter->name] = "";
return $argumentArray;
* Set requested module properties
* @param $moduleInstance
private function setModuleProperties($moduleInstance)
$moduleProperties = $this->module->getProperties();
foreach ($moduleProperties as $property)
$moduleName = $property->name;
$propertyValue = $property->getValue($moduleInstance);
if (is_array($propertyValue) === TRUE)
$propertyClass = $this->getModulePropertyInstance($propertyValue, $moduleName);
$property->setValue($moduleInstance, $propertyClass);
} else
$property->setValue($moduleInstance, $this->getSubmodule($moduleName . "\\" . $moduleName));
I intend to leave input sanitation as it is, putting GET and POST variables indistinguishably in one variable, only sanitizing each with htmlspecialchars($key, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_DISALLOWED | ENT_HTML5, "UTF-8")
. FILES and SERVER variables are left as it is and are dealt with in another (kernel module) class.
The routing whitelist is put as mock data in the comment in the code. So,
- Quering for
will load class/Output/Main/Main.php
- Quering for
will load class/Output/Main/Main.php
is loaded by default)
Sure, you could just say that all public methods are, well, public.
Well, yes, only public functions are available, the required logic is in private
and protected
functions. I don't think users might mess something here up.
An extended example
namespace Output\Main;
class Main
private $Test;
private $Database;
public function runExample($hello)
echo $hello. ', ';
echo $this->Test->printWorld();
echo '<br><pre>';
namespace Modules\Test;
class Test
public function printWorld()
return 'World!';
namespace Qobox\Database;
class Database {
private $Connection;
private $Statement;
public function __construct() {
include "Config/Database.php";
try {
$this->Connection = new \PDO($DatabaseConnect["DBEngine"].":host=".$DatabaseConnect["DBHost"].";dbname=".$DatabaseConnect["DBName"].";charset=utf8", $DatabaseConnect["DBUser"], $DatabaseConnect["DBPass"]);
$this->Connection->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
$this->Connection->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
} catch(\PDOException $e) {
echo "Connection to the database failed: ".$e->getMessage();
The output of calling index.php?Example&hello=Hello
would be similar to this:
Hello, World
Output\Main Object
[Database:Output\Main:private] => Qobox\Database\Database Object
[Connection:Qobox\Database\Database:private] => PDO Object
[Statement:Qobox\Database\Database:private] =>
[Test:Output\Main:private] => Modules\Test\Test Object