This was one of the tougher challenges on because the solution had to run under 4s time limit. I had to do a lot of optimization for this one. I had to switch from using Java 8 to Java 7 which for some reason ran much faster and didn't time out on some of the cases.
Any comments on the solution and coding style would be greatly appreciated.
Problem Statement
Gretchen is directing a new play with \$M\$ scenes performed by \$N\$ actors, where each actor only appears in exactly one scene. To ensure that the distribution is perfect, she performs the following actions:
Assign actor \$Ni\$ to scene \$Mi\$. Count the number of scenes having less than \$P\$ actors assigned to them. Given a list of actions, determine the distribution of actors in Gretchen's play.
Input Format
The first line contains three space-separated integers, \$M\$, \$N\$, and \$Q\$, respectively; \$M\$ is the number of scenes, \$N\$ is the number of actors, and \$Q\$ is the number of actions Gretchen plans to perform. \$N\$ and \$M\$ use zero-based indexing.
The second line contains \$N\$ space-separated integers; the \$ith\$ integer represents the scene, \$Mi\$, that actor \$Ni\$ is initially assigned to.
The \$Q\$ subsequent lines describe Gretchen's actions; each of these lines starts with an integer, \$A\$, which corresponds to Action 1 or Action 2 (as detailed in the Problem Statement).
When \$A=1\$ (Action 1), it will be followed by two space-separated integers, \$Ni\$ and \$Mi\$, respectively; this action says to assign actor \$Ni\$ to scene \$Mi\$.
When \$A=2\$ (Action 2), it will be followed by a single integer, \$P\$; this action says to count the number of segments having \$<P\$ actors assigned to them.
Note: All Action 1 actions are permanent, so each Action 1 affects all future actions.
\$1≤P≤N\$Output Format
For each Action 2, print the number of scenes having
actors on a new line.Sample Input
5 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 2 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 2
Sample Output
5 4 1 3
I don't think i can post the link to the contest because you will have to join the contest to see the challenges.
Here is the code:
import java.util.*;
public class GretchenAndPlay {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Integer one = new Integer(1);
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int numOfScenes = sc.nextInt();
int numOfActors = sc.nextInt();
int numOfActions = sc.nextInt();
String[] actorsAssigmentsArray = sc.nextLine().split(" ");
HashMap<Integer,Integer> scencesMap = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>(); //stores number of actors for a specific scene
//cachedSearchMap stores the amount of scenecs have certain amount of actors
//For example there are 2 scences with 3 actors, 5 scences with 1 actor
//They keys are in sorted ordered so they can be itterated to find out count the number of scenes having <P actors
TreeMap<Integer,Integer> cachedSearchMap = new TreeMap<Integer,Integer>();
Integer numActorsInScene = 0;
for(int i = 0;i<actorsAssigmentsArray.length;i++){
//load the scenes map and cachedsearch map
int scenePos = Integer.parseInt(actorsAssigmentsArray[i]);
numActorsInScene = scencesMap.remove(scenePos);
if(numActorsInScene != null){
Integer prvSmValue = cachedSearchMap.get(numActorsInScene+1);
if(prvSmValue != null){
cachedSearchMap.put(new Integer(numActorsInScene+1),prvSmValue+1);
cachedSearchMap.put(new Integer(numActorsInScene+1),one);
Integer smValue = cachedSearchMap.remove(numActorsInScene);
if(smValue != null && smValue > 1){
cachedSearchMap.put(new Integer(numActorsInScene),smValue-1);
Integer smValue = cachedSearchMap.get(one);
if(smValue != null){
cachedSearchMap.put(one, smValue+1);
for(int i = 0; i < numOfActions;i++)
int actionType = sc.nextInt();
if(actionType == 2 ){
int actorsCount = sc.nextInt();
int total = 0;
//itterates through search tree to sum up the scences that have <P actors
for(Integer num : cachedSearchMap.keySet()){
if(num < actorsCount){
}else {
int scenesWithOutActors = numOfScenes - scencesMap.size();
}else if(actionType == 1){
int actNum = sc.nextInt();
int prevPos = Integer.parseInt(actorsAssigmentsArray[actNum]);
int pos = sc.nextInt();
actorsAssigmentsArray[actNum] = ""+pos;
int prevNumActors = scencesMap.remove(prevPos);
if(prevNumActors > 1){
//moving actors from one scene to another will require to update cachedSearchMap and add count to
//actors new position and subctract one from previous
Integer prvNumValue = cachedSearchMap.remove(prevNumActors);
if(prvNumValue != null && prvNumValue > 1){
cachedSearchMap.put(new Integer(prevNumActors),prvNumValue-1);
if((prevNumActors-1) > 0 ) {
Integer prvNumActorsOneVal = cachedSearchMap.get(prevNumActors-1);
if(prvNumActorsOneVal != null){
cachedSearchMap.put(new Integer(prevNumActors-1), prvNumActorsOneVal+1);
cachedSearchMap.put(new Integer(prevNumActors-1), one);
Integer posNumValue = scencesMap.get(pos);
int posNumActors = 1;
if(posNumValue != null){
scencesMap.put(pos, posNumValue+1);
posNumActors = posNumValue+1;
scencesMap.put(pos, one);
Integer smValue = cachedSearchMap.remove(posNumActors-1);
if(smValue != null && smValue > 1){
cachedSearchMap.put(new Integer(posNumActors-1),smValue-1);
smValue = cachedSearchMap.get(posNumActors);
if(smValue != null){
cachedSearchMap.put(new Integer(posNumActors), smValue+1);
cachedSearchMap.put(new Integer(posNumActors), one);