I drive a white 2CV from home to work, and intend to keep that way until retirement. Once retired, I will sell the 2CV to buy a yacht and sail away. My home is far, far away from my work, so I put a lot of kms on the 2CV everyday. The 2CV is beautiful and nice but also an old car, so a lot of maintenance is required. Every month I’m facing this dilemma. Should I repair the 2CV engine or should I exchange it by a re-conditioned one? You see: as the engine gets old its maintenance cost increases, and at the same time its return value in the exchanging process decreases (the older the engine the more I have to spend to exchange it for a re-conditioned one). On the other hand, the older the engine the lowest the final sell price of the car. Obviously, at the end (i.e., at my retirement) I would like to have the maximum money possible for the yacht. This forces me to make the right decision each month, i.e., either maintain or exchange the engine.
Write a program for computing the total minimum cost I’ll have to spend at the end of N months (the period from now till retirement) knowing the initial age of the engine I (in months), the series of maintenance costs for 2CV engines over the months, the price of motor exchange as function of its age (in months), and the selling prices of the 2CV as function of the age of its engine. I don’t want to count every cent so all the above values are integers. Notice that the mooshak timeout for this task is 1 second. That is, your code should output an answer in 1 second max. A Time Limit Exceeded or Run Time Error will be issued otherwise.
The input consists of 5 lines. The first line has an integer N representing the number of months till retirement, 1 ≤ N ≤ 240. The second line has the integer I, the initial age of the motor in months, 0 ≤ I ≤ 100. The third line has a space separated sequence of integer maintenance costs C(i), for a one month period, of an engine with i months at the beginning of the current month, 0 ≤ i ≤ N + I - 1. The fourth line has a space separated sequence of integer exchange prices T(i) for an engine with i months, 1 ≤ i ≤ N + I - 1. The fifth line has a space separated sequence of integer selling prices S(i) of the 2CV equipped with an engine that just turned i months old at the end of the N months, 1 ≤ i ≤ N + I+1.
The output line has an integer representing the maximum possible money for the given input.
Input example 1
1 3 10 50 100 350 18 75 170 5000 4980 4750 4000
Output example 1
Input example 2
5 2 100 150 200 250 330 450 499 180 290 390 450 500 500 5000 4980 4750 4000 3950 3730 3000
Output example 2
My solution
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
static int[] maintenance;
static int[] exchange;
static int[] sell;
static int truemax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
int months = sc.nextInt();
int engine = sc.nextInt();
maintenance = new int[months+engine];
exchange = new int[months+engine - 1];
sell = new int[months+engine];
for(int i = 0; i < months+engine; i++)
maintenance[i] = sc.nextInt();
for(int i = 0; i < months+engine- 1; i++)
exchange[i] = sc.nextInt();
for(int i = 0; i < months+engine; i++)
sell[i] = sc.nextInt();
int routes = (int) Math.pow(2, months);
int f = routes/2;
route(0,f, engine,engine, 0, 0);
static int type;
public static int route(int curr, int per, int eng, int inv_eng, int z, int
type = Math.floorDiv(curr,per);
if(type%2 == 0)
z += exchange[eng - 1] + maintenance[0];
eng = 1;
inv_z += maintenance[inv_eng];
z += maintenance[eng];
inv_z += exchange[inv_eng - 1] + maintenance[0];
inv_eng = 1;
if(per != 1)
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
curr = route(curr,per/2, eng,inv_eng, z, inv_z);
z = sell[eng - 1] - z;
inv_z = sell[inv_eng - 1] - inv_z;
if(z > truemax || inv_z > truemax)
if(z > inv_z)
truemax = z;
truemax = inv_z;
return curr;
My program is taking too long for bigger inputs. What can I change to decrease the time taking to execute for some inputs in less than 1 second?