Carrying on from:
All the code is available from git hub: ThorsSerializer but only reviewing a small section here.
The idea is that using this library it should be easy to define how a class is serialized without writing any code. See example in README
/* Content:
* Used to define how a class is imported/exported via the Json Serialized
* Conventions:
* T: The type of the base class
* I: The type of the member
* MP: The type of the member pointer
* S: Source type (std::ostream output) (ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax input)
* Every type that is serializeable has a class JsonSerializeTraits.
* For basic types (int/float etc) no definition is required and the default template version works
* For compound types you need to define the type SerializeInfo.
* SerializeInfo: It is a mpl vector of types.
* Each type (in the vector) defines how to serialize
* a member of the compound type.
* Boilerplate code to create the appropriate types for SerializeInfo.
* #define THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonAttribute(className, member)
* Example:
* class MyClass
* {
* // STUFF
* // If any members are private and need to be serialized then
* // JsonSerializeTraits<MyClass> must be a friend of the class so it can generate the appropriate code
* friend class JsonSerializeTraits<MyClass>;
* };
* namespace ThorsAnvil { namespace Serialize { namespace Json {
* template<>
* class JsonSerializeTraits<MyClass>
* {
* static ThorsAnvil::Serialize::Json::JsonSerializeType const type = Map;
* THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonAttribute(MyClass, member1);
* THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonAttribute(MyClass, member2);
* THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonAttribute(MyClass, member3);
* typedef boost::mps::vector<member1, member2, member3> SerializeInfo;
* };
* }}}
* Now we can serialize/deserialize with:
* std::cout << jsonExport(myClassObj) << "\n";
* std::cin >> jsonInport(myClassObj);
* Same for std::vector
* std::vector<MyClass> vec; // Will serialize any fundamental type or type with JsonSerializeTraits<> specialized for it
* // If JsonSerializeTraits<> is not specialized for a compound type you get a compile time
* // error
* std::cout << jsonExport(vec) << "\n";
* std::cin >> jsonImport(vec);
#include "json/ScannerSax.h"
#include "json/"
#include <boost/mpl/at.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/pop_front.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_fundamental.hpp>
#include <boost/typeof/typeof.hpp>
#include <iostream>
* Helper Macros:
* These are macros that will build some boilerplate types needed by the serialization code.
* THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonAttribute: This is the main macro used.
* It identifies a class member that will be serialized
* THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonAttribute_1: Used internally (should probably not be used by others).
* THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonAttributeAccess: If you want to run some code to as part of the serialization processes
* this macro allows you to specify a type that will be used during serialization.
* Examples will be provided in the documentaion.
* THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonGenericMapAttributeAccess: A generic accessor can be used to generate multiple items.
* When de-serializing the Json can be applied to multiple elements.
* Used manly for container classes like std::map
*THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonGenericArrAttributeAccess: A generic accessor used by for arrays rather than maps (std::vector)
* But otherwise identical to THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonGenericMapAttributeAccess
#define THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonAttribute(className, member) \
typedef BOOST_TYPEOF(((className*)01)->member) JsonAttribute ## member ## Type; \
THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonAttribute_1(className, member, JsonSerializeTraits<JsonAttribute ## member ## Type>)
#define THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonAttribute_1(className, member, SerTraits) \
typedef BOOST_TYPEOF(&className::member) JsonAttribute ## member ## TypePtr; \
typedef JsonSerialElementAccessor<className, JsonAttribute ## member ## TypePtr, SerTraits> JsonAttribute ## member ## Accessor; \
struct member: JsonSerializeItem<className, JsonAttribute ## member ## Accessor, std::string> \
{ \
member() \
: JsonSerializeItem<className, JsonAttribute ## member ## Accessor, std::string>(#member, &className::member) \
{} \
#define THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonAttributeAccess(className, member, accessor) \
struct member: JsonSerializeItem<className, accessor, std::string> \
{ \
member() \
: JsonSerializeItem<className, accessor, std::string>(#member, accessor()) \
{} \
#define THORSANVIL_SERIALIZE_JsonGenericMapAttributeAccess(className, accessor) \
struct genericAccessor: JsonSerializeItem<className, accessor, std::string> \
{ \
genericAccessor() \
: JsonSerializeItem<className, accessor, int>(-1 , accessor()) \
{} \
namespace ThorsAnvil
namespace Serialize
/* External dependencies from the generic Serialization code */
template<typename T, typename Parser>
struct Importer;
template<typename T, typename Printer>
struct Exporter;
namespace Json
/* Three basic element types: Invalid (this obejct is not a top level JSON object)
* Map A JSON object { [<string> : <value> [, <string> : <value>]*]? }
* Array A JSON array [ [<value> [, <value>]*]? ]
enum JsonSerializeType {Invalid, Map, Array};
* All objects that want to be serialized by this code must define their own specialization of this class.
* The default version will cause compilation errors. Which hopefully will bring the reader here.
template<typename T>
struct JsonSerializeTraits
static JsonSerializeType const type = Invalid;
typedef T SerializeInfo;
// Forward declarations
template<typename T, typename A, typename RegisterKey>
struct JsonSerializeItem;
/* Class used by boost::mpl::for_each. Nothing special simple lamba's will replace them in the future */
* T The object Type
* S The source type (parser or std::ostream)
* This is basically trying to templatize and remove the need for multiple action objects that
* are called from mpl::for_each
template<typename T, typename S>
struct MPLForEachActivateTrait;
template<typename T>
struct MPLForEachActivateTrait<T, std::ostream>
typedef const T ObjectType;
static int const SerializeActionIndex = 0;
template<typename T>
struct MPLForEachActivateTrait<T, ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax>
typedef T ObjectType;
static int const SerializeActionIndex = 1;
template<typename T, typename S>
class MPLForEachActivateItem
typedef MPLForEachActivateTrait<T, S> Traits;
typedef typename Traits::ObjectType ObjectType;
S& pump;
ObjectType& object;
MPLForEachActivateItem(S& p, ObjectType& obj)
: pump(p)
, object(obj)
// Depending on if the pump is a stream or a scanner
// Calls JsonSerialize::activate()
// or JsonDeSerialize::activate()
template<typename SerializeItem>
void operator()(SerializeItem const& item) const
typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c<typename SerializeItem::SerializeType, Traits::SerializeActionIndex>::type SerializeAction;
SerializeAction::activate(item, pump, object);
* Objects of this type get stored in the
* JsonSerializeTraits::SerializeInfo
* This is what the user create with the macros above. The default A is JsonSerialElementAccessor
* But user can define their own action for complex objects This wrapper is merely a vehicle for
* calling the A methods in a controlled manner.
* Note: These classes are not designed to be used directly but via the macros:
* See the notes by these macros for details
template<typename T, typename A, typename RegisterKey, JsonSerializeType type = JsonSerializeTraits<T>::type>
struct JsonSerialize;
template<typename T, typename A, typename RegisterKey>
struct JsonSerialize<T, A, RegisterKey, Map>
// Generic serialization of a JSON object
static void activate(JsonSerializeItem<T, A, RegisterKey> const& item, std::ostream& stream, T const& src)
if (!item.first)
{ stream << ',';
stream << '"' << item.memberName << '"' << ":";
item.accessor.serialize(src, stream);
template<typename C, typename A, typename RegisterKey>
struct JsonSerialize<C, A, RegisterKey, Array>
// Generic serialization of a JSON array
static void activate(JsonSerializeItem<C, A, RegisterKey> const& item, std::ostream& stream, C const& src)
if (!item.first)
{ stream << ',';
item.accessor.serialize(src, stream);
template<typename T, typename A,typename RegisterKey, JsonSerializeType type = JsonSerializeTraits<T>::type>
struct JsonDeSerialize;
template<typename T, typename A,typename RegisterKey>
struct JsonDeSerialize<T, A, RegisterKey, Map>
static void activate(JsonSerializeItem<T, A, RegisterKey> const& item, ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax& parser, T& dst)
std::auto_ptr<ThorsAnvil::Json::SaxAction> action(item.accessor.action(dst));
parser.registerAction(item.memberName, action);
template<typename T, typename A>
struct JsonDeSerialize<T, A, int, Array>
static void activate(JsonSerializeItem<T, A, int> const& item, ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax& parser, T& dst)
std::auto_ptr<ThorsAnvil::Json::SaxAction> action(item.accessor.action(dst));
template<typename T, typename A>
struct JsonDeSerialize<T, A, std::string, Array>
static void activate(JsonSerializeItem<T, A, std::string> const& item, ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax& parser, T& dst)
std::auto_ptr<ThorsAnvil::Json::SaxAction> action(item.accessor.action(dst));
* A type holder object that picks up the correct versions of JsonSerialize and JsonDeSerialize
* Used by MPLForEachActivateItem to get the correct type
template<typename T, typename A, typename RegisterKey>
struct JsonSerializeItem
RegisterKey memberName;
A accessor;
bool first;
JsonSerializeItem(RegisterKey const& name, A const& ac): memberName(name), accessor(ac), first(false) {}
JsonSerializeItem& makeFirst() {first = true;return *this;}
typedef JsonSerialize<T,A,RegisterKey> Serialize;
typedef JsonDeSerialize<T,A,RegisterKey> DeSerialize;
typedef boost::mpl::vector<Serialize, DeSerialize> SerializeType;
* Importing
* ============
* The JsonImportAction defines a class that is registered with a Json SAX parser
* so that we can register callback actions for particular attributes.
* For fundamental types json is read directly into the value.
* For compound types when the attribute is reached additional callbacks are registered
* for each of the compound members that needs to be de-serialized (this is done recursively)
* So we can de-serialize arbitrary json structures.
template<typename SerializeInfo, typename I, bool EnablePod = boost::is_fundamental<I>::value>
class JsonImportAction: public ThorsAnvil::Json::SaxAction
I& memberRef;
JsonImportAction(I& mr)
: memberRef(mr)
virtual void doPreAction(ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax&, ThorsAnvil::Json::Key const&){}
virtual void doAction(ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax&, ThorsAnvil::Json::Key const&, JsonValue const& value)
// Read fundamental type directly into the member
memberRef = value.getValue<I>();
template<typename SerializeInfo, typename I>
class JsonImportAction<SerializeInfo, I, false>: public ThorsAnvil::Json::SaxAction
I& memberRef;
JsonImportAction(I& mr)
: memberRef(mr)
virtual void doAction(ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax&, ThorsAnvil::Json::Key const&, JsonValue const&){}
virtual void doPreAction(ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax& parser, ThorsAnvil::Json::Key const&)
// Compound type. Register callback for each member.
// This is done when the attribute is reached in json not before
boost::mpl::for_each<SerializeInfo>(MPLForEachActivateItem<I, ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax>(parser, memberRef));
* Need a function template to create the correct JsonImportAction()
template<typename SerializeInfo, typename T, typename I>
ThorsAnvil::Json::SaxAction* new_JsonImportAction(T& dst, I T::* memberPtr)
return new JsonImportAction<SerializeInfo, I>(dst.*memberPtr);
/* Default Serialization Traits:
* Used by all types without their own specific serialization traits.
struct JsonSerializeBrace
static char braces[];
* The MemberScanner is used to register callbacks that will read sub-members from the json object
template<typename T, typename MemberToSerialize = typename JsonSerializeTraits<T>::SerializeInfo>
struct MemberScanner
void operator()(ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax& scanner, T& destination)
boost::mpl::for_each<typename JsonSerializeTraits<T>::SerializeInfo>(MPLForEachActivateItem<T, ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax>(scanner, destination));
template<typename T>
struct MemberScanner<T, T>
// A normal type with no SerializeInfo has no members thus no need to register callbacks.
void operator()(ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax& scanner, T& destination)
template<typename T>
struct MemberScanner<T, void>
// A normal type with no SerializeInfo has no members thus no need to register callbacks.
void operator()(ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax& scanner, T& destination)
* The MemberPrinter prints each member of an object.
template<typename T, typename MemberToSerialize = typename JsonSerializeTraits<T>::SerializeInfo>
struct MemberPrinter
void operator()(std::ostream& stream, T const& source)
typedef typename boost::mpl::at<typename JsonSerializeTraits<T>::SerializeInfo, boost::integral_constant<int,0> >::type FirstType;
typedef typename boost::mpl::pop_front<typename JsonSerializeTraits<T>::SerializeInfo>::type AllButFirstType;
MPLForEachActivateItem<T, std::ostream> itemPrinter(stream, source);
// Print the first member (Call makeFirst() means no comma is printed)
// For each of the other members use a loop a proceed each object with a comma
template<typename T>
struct MemberPrinter<T, T>
// A normal object just prints itself.
void operator()(std::ostream& stream, T const& source)
stream << source;
template<typename T>
struct MemberPrinter<T, void>
void operator()(std::ostream& stream, T const& source)
struct JsonSerializer
template<typename T, JsonSerializeType base = JsonSerializeTraits<T>::type>
struct Parser: ThorsAnvil::Json::ScannerSax
typedef boost::mpl::bool_<base != Invalid> Parsable;
Parser(T& dst)
: destination(dst)
MemberScanner<T> memberScanner;
memberScanner(*this, destination);
void parse(std::istream& stream)
T& destination;
template<typename T ,JsonSerializeType base = JsonSerializeTraits<T>::type>
struct Printer
typedef boost::mpl::bool_<base != Invalid> Printable;
Printer(T const& src)
: source(src)
void print(std::ostream& stream)
stream << JsonSerializeBrace<base>::braces[0];
MemberPrinter<T> memberPrinter;
memberPrinter(stream, source);
stream << JsonSerializeBrace<base>::braces[1];
T const& source;
* Default accessors for fundamental types std::string
* The serialize() Recursively calls jsonInternalExport() on the member to serialize the member.
* The action() Creates a JsonImportAction() that is registered with the SAX parser that just reads the
* Item directly into the object. If the object is a compound type it uses the SerializeInfo
* to register subsequent actions recursively so we always read directly into an object
* not a copy.
template<typename T, typename MP, typename SerTraits>
class JsonSerialElementAccessor
MP memberPtr;
JsonSerialElementAccessor(MP mp): memberPtr(mp) {}
void serialize(T const& src, std::ostream& stream) const
stream << jsonInternalExport(src.*memberPtr);
std::auto_ptr<ThorsAnvil::Json::SaxAction> action(T& dst) const
std::auto_ptr<ThorsAnvil::Json::SaxAction> action(new_JsonImportAction<typename SerTraits::SerializeInfo>(dst, memberPtr));
return action;
/* Helper functions */
template<typename T>
Importer<T, typename JsonSerializer::template Parser<T> > jsonInternalImport(T& object)
return Importer<T, typename JsonSerializer::template Parser<T> >(object);
template<typename T>
Exporter<T, typename JsonSerializer::template Printer<T> > jsonInternalExport(T const& object)
return Exporter<T, typename JsonSerializer::template Printer<T> >(object);